The Pedagogy of the Oppressed


The Pedagogy of the Oppressed
by Peacock_Feather

Violence is initiated by those who oppress, who exploit, who fail to recognize others as persons—not by those who are oppressed, exploited, and unrecognized. It is not the unloved who initiate disaffection, but those who cannot love because they love only themselves. It is not the helpless, subject to terror, who initiate terror, but the violent, who with their power create the concrete situation which begets the "rejects of life." It is not the tyrannized who initiate despotism, but the tyrants. It is not the despised who initiate hatred, but those who despise. It is not those whose humanity is denied them who negate humankind, but those who denied that humanity (thus negating their own as well). Force is used not by those who have become weak under the preponderance of the strong, but by the strong who have emasculated them.

For the oppressors, however, it is always the oppressed (whom they obviously never call "the oppressed" but—depending on whether they are fellow countrymen or not—"those people" or "the blind and envious masses" or "savages" or "natives" or "subversives" [or “Muslims” – PF]) who are disaffected, who are "violent," "barbaric," "wicked," or "ferocious" when they react to the violence of the oppressors.

Yet it is—paradoxical though it may seem—precisely in the response of the oppressed to the violence of their oppressors that a gesture of love may be found. Consciously or unconsciously, the act of rebellion by the oppressed (an act which is always, or nearly always, as violent as the initial violence of the oppressors) can initiate love. Whereas the violence of the oppressors prevents the oppressed from being fully human, the response of the latter to this violence is grounded in the desire to pursue the right to be human. As the oppressors dehumanize others and violate their rights, they themselves also become dehumanized. As the oppressed, fighting to be human, take away the oppressors power to dominate and suppress, they restore to the oppressors the humanity they had lost in the exercise of oppression

~ Paulo Freire, The Pedagogy of the Oppressed



Recently by Peacock_FeatherCommentsDate
"Democracy" by the Sword
Oct 05, 2012
The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan speaks against war with Iran
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Regarding "regime change" in Syria
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more from Peacock_Feather
Soosan Khanoom

Good point dear PF ..

by Soosan Khanoom on

Good to have alternative voices such as yours on this site.. by the way, I did not get a chance to leave any comment but I really liked your Malcolm X blog ... so thank you  ... 

I think , We all are living in a new age slavery and this time it is not just the color of our skin ! 

Also thanks for this current blog...  

 : )  


Soosan Khanoom

by Peacock_Feather on

Those who sit high and mighty here criticizing the Qur'an, have no problem in justifying the idea of war on the pretext of "collective security" because that is what their own scripture unequivocally enunciates. Of course "collective security" in these times equates Western countries waging wag-the-dog type wars upon developing countries around the world for the sake of profit and exploitation.

Soosan Khanoom

Mullah Apple Pie,

by Soosan Khanoom on

basically it is about warmongers who are corrupt ..   ringed a bell !  so they have to wage war first and then you get to defend ... 

It is not " OR"  .. it is only " AND"  .. so as i said  means those who wage war  and happen to be corrupt .. 

just imagine all these questionable funds going to feed and justify wars of aggression ...pumping into war economy... that is corruption too ...

Anyway,   if you wish you can keep searching for that MOCK verse to see what should be done once God,prophet, and Quran are mocked .  here is a hint that may help you to find the verse easily ... " Quran orders to just walk away ... Also read Sureh Kafaroon for more sever cases than mocking and see what that one suggests .. 

Now if you are looking for something really juicy in terms of order to kill aka the " TAL-MU-DIAN " syndrome that has equally infected the mullas then check out one of my old posts on this ..

"You Shall Not Kill" Has No Meaning In the Real World of Religion 


I can't give more attention to you and I can't make someone who closes his eyes to see .. me and you can always talk about the .. but never again on Quran ..  so 
adios to this particular subject. 

: )  


That's not advocating anything - DUH!

by Peacock_Feather on

That's a projection of possible future events. You should sit for a few ESL classes like nosratmahallati. You got nothing!

But speaking of liars...

WISDOM AND DISSIMULATION IN THE BAHA’I WRITINGS: The Use and meaning of Hikmat in the Baha’i Writings


"In many cases hikmat calls for the apparent suspension of a Bahá'í principle in order to ensure the protection of the Faith."

Comment: In other words Baha'is may lie under any circumstance to ensure the protection of their organizational cohesiveness.


Wahid advocating the murder of Baha'is

by Onlyiran on


by Frashogar on 

When the enhanced Hezbollah rockets begin ramming into the Baha'i Gardens on Mt Carmel and laying it to waste, without a single Patriot missle being able to intercept them, get back to me with your offer. That day may not be too far ahead of us, methinks.


and of course, he now denies it, just like the pathological liar that he is. 


Pray tell?

by Peacock_Feather on

Where have I advocated killing Salman Rushdie?!? I said he wrote a crap novel. How does that translate in the warped minds at work here into advocating for his death, genius? You folks need your heads examined!

The Haifan Baha'is are an intrinsic part of the Anglo-American war-machine. Historically they also have rivers of blood on their hands, whether that be the blood of the Bayanis whom their founder had murdered, or as collaborationists with the ruthless imperial British empire and since 1948 with the state of Israel. Furthemore people who can afford to build the Hanging Gardens of Babylon in Haifa, occupied Palestine are hardly persecuted, let alone innocent. But I don't advocate for their deaths. I advocate for the trial and prosecution of their entire leadership worldwide and their wholesale banning as an organization like Germany (a modern secular, democratic state) banned Scientology and Neo-Nazi activities. War-criminals and war-profiteers, however, should meet the same fate as those who were hanged following the Nuremberg trials.


Exactly what kind of an "oppressed" is it that advocates killing

by Zendanian on

of Salman Rushdie, all Bahai's in Iran, and basically anyone whome  he doesn't like?

PF, Vahid, Maryam jon,....

If this is oppressed, just imagine what theoppressor would be!!!




by Peacock_Feather on

You take Pablo Amaringo's Ayahuasca art as evidence of paranoia? No wonder you are clueless. I can cite you much better evidence of paranoia from this very website among your peers.

Rea: was that a Freudian slip or are you a victim of domestic violence? My sympathies if you are. Just leave him! Who needs that?

Lots of messed up, broken and confused people on Go figure...

For everyone else lurking wishing to learn, here is Heidegger's question concerning technology:  //





by Rea on

".....—paradoxical though it may seem—precisely in the response of the oppressed to the violence of their oppressors that a gesture of love may be found."

Brought down to the individual level, if I'm fighting opression by my husband there is a gesture of love in my response. I think not. In fact, not at all.

May sound great in theory but it's utterly disconnected from reality, I'd say.


RG jaan

by Truthseeker9 on


Pea Cock: To understand, let alone believe in modern science....

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

One needs to have a brain bigger than the size of a Pea!

 Now only an islamist who had never been to Iran would have a "you know what" the size of a Pea and constantly scream about it on internet! 

Now, How are things on the Barbari bread Line down the road from the indian reservation?



First demo, now PF

by Fesenjoon2 on

Like I said, at least youre honest. You dont hide behind a veneer of nationalism and progressive reformation to recruit followers.

Thanks for letting us know that you "dont believe in Modern Science". That statement says it all :-) Demo also shares that sentiment to some degree as well. It's a common thing among many religious folk. 



Thank you Fessenjoon

by vildemose on

Thank you Fessenjoon jon...I brought back the avater specially for you. ;)



All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir


No, I don't believe in modern science

by Peacock_Feather on

Do you have an actual argument beyond sarcastic snipes which don't speak very well of your representation of so-called modern science?

And no the USA isn't a free country at all.

Good luck with your own meds. Since I don't believe in your modern medical science or the mega-profit criminal industries behind them, I don't touch anything that comes out of them either. QED



by Fesenjoon2 on

You also have the prettiest avatar. I'll vote for it.

(But you already knew that I guess) 



by Fesenjoon2 on

I think youre right.

He doesnt even believe in Modern Medicine :-D

He probably goes and sits in a pool of cowdung, when he gets an infection or something.

Oh well, some people still think the Earth is flat. It's a free country. Even for crazies :-) 


I think I am the only

by vildemose on

I think I am the only person on this site with only one user ID. I will give the site admin permission to vouch for me..

The rest of your innuenndos not worth responding. Good luck with your meds.


All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir



by Peacock_Feather on

I am not the first nor will I be the last who believes that the only crazy people in this conversation and on this site are your good self and the assorted multiple user IDs of this forum who dominate the signal to noise ratio of day in, day out with the same multiple user IDs day in, day out with the same arguments day in, day out and the same psychological warfare and reversal tactics day in, day out.


The world does not revolve around the USA

by Peacock_Feather on

Or its assorted FDAs with its medical politics and small-minded medical bureaucrats. Humans have lived and thrived using assorted means from mother earth to heal themselves for millions of years. There is nothing under the sun which will not heal a person if they know how to use it properly and which hasn't already been used for millenia before there was any modern medical science to arrogantly claim it has all the answers and arrogate to itself everything to that end.

So, in answer to your retort, I do not care what you researched if you are part of an industry I consider to be criminals and whose science I consider to be politicized, quack and flawed. Big pharma is a corrupt industry which is making people increasingly sick, and GMO corporations are the industry responsible for the sickness which is poisoning our bodies with food that is actually poison. These two industries are making mega-profits from all this misery and I bow to whoever is willing to take these corrupt bastards head-on and send them straight to their master in hell!

You also have much to learn yourself which your modern medical science and training doesn't even have a clue about. 


 It's rather ironic that

by vildemose on

 It's rather ironic that he is disparaging medicines for psychiatric illnesses, when he can be the biggest beneficiary of that treatment.

Or it could be that he was/is/has to be taking psychiatric medications by law not to be in an insane asylum if he wants his freedom..

Inciting or demanding for violence on the Internt should be illegal. 


All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir



by Onlyiran on

There is no sense debating with this guy.  He's a fanatic in every aspect of the word.  He has advocated and justified violence and persecution against the Baha'i minority, and just on this thread, he has approved and advocated violence against Salman Rushdie, his execuse being that Satanic Verses is a "bad novel."

How can you possibly have a rational conversation with a person like this?  Just watch, he's now going to come back with something about Israel.  

He also has obvious obsessive disorders.  It's rather ironic that he is disparaging medicines for psychiatric illnesses, when he can be the biggest beneficiary of that treatment. 



by Fesenjoon2 on

Youre young, PF. 

I actually did research to get a certain drug approved by the FDA. And I published the results. Without drugs, millions of people will die PER DAY. Ive seen this first hand, because my work revolves around emergency rooms. Ive seen people with just 2-3 minutes left to live, saved, because of a simple injection of a certain drug.

That videoclip you mentioned is about psychotropic drugs and the companies behind it. You however, declared "merciless violence" on the entire pharmaceutical and psychiatric industry. And that's just childish, if not flat stupid, to say the least. You should be old enough to know that not every pharma company is Monsanto. And even Monsanto gets its way not because of being a drug company, but because of certain lobby driven legislators that operate in courts and in Congress.

You have much to learn. 


more evidence for SK 3/3

by Fesenjoon2 on

Why is it that Ali Amir al-Mumeneen calls women "stupid" in his Sermon #79?



More evidence for SK 2/3

by Fesenjoon2 on

hey SK, care to explain to us in English what the Arab God means when he says 

زنانتان کشتزار شما هستند هر جا که خواهيد به کشتزار خود در آييد


as a woman, does the word keshtzar harbor pleasant connotations? 


More evidence for SK 1/3

by Fesenjoon2 on

Did you know that the arab God advocates the killing of non-believers, also in verse 9.5?



If Henry Kissinger is right

by Peacock_Feather on

Then maybe in the next ten years I will make a home in liberated Palestine.


I'll surely be there for the trials against the current inhabitants of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Wouldn't miss those for the world :)

Henry Kissinger has stated — and I quote the statement word for word: “In 10 years, there will be no more Israel.”

Dr. Mohandes

Oh so that what is bothering Frashogar

by Dr. Mohandes on

I have been wondering what has been up his thing and now i know.

He wants share of their profit. That is all he is asking for, HEY You big wigs , sitting on the boards of big companies who have been exploiting the weak and poor ones, let me in on this game you are playing and let me have a shot at a piece of that pie you all are sharing and i will shut my mouth, otherwise it is gonna be non-stop bashing andinsulting and exposing and name-calling while i use quotes here and there from the likes of Malcolm x to cover it all up and make it all look good.

in otherwords he has been trying to tell you that he wants his 'hago l sookoot" or the bashing and belly-aching and "i am for the rights of the oppressed" and let there be a "oppressor cleansing" on the internet and I AM THE KING OF THEOPPRESSED and the wretched...and the unfortunate... will go on and he will even come to your sleeps and into your dreams...

please also make sure he will get all the info on all your off-shore activities, for he has been dreaming aboyut those since he was a kid. and also let him have a nice home on the most expensive piece of real estate on this planet.

There. Problem solved. you can turn this man into an angel and a normal person overnight.


khaahar soosan

by Fesenjoon2 on

The chador must be blurring your vision. Read the verse more carefully. It says:

1. "The penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger".Why did you leave out the boldtype part? Was it taqiyeh (lying for God)?


2. The word "corruption" is a translation of "fesaad". Tell me SK, does teaching/practicing fesaad warrant the chopping off of hands and feet?! What twisted retarded God advocates such violence?




Why not?

by Peacock_Feather on

Maybe they'll lighten up a little.

But speaking of con artists, taking Ayahuasca and reading the Qur'an still costs much, much less than constructing the Hanging Gardens of Babylon on the most expensive real estate on earth in occupied land; nor does it involve any kind of extortion, plunder, offshore tax havens or million dollar professional lobbyist firms.


آیات شیطانی (ترجمه فارسی در دو جلد)


آیات شیطانی (ترجمه فارسی در دو جلد)
آیات شیطانی (جلد اول) شماره ۱۰۳
آیات شیطانی (جلد دوم ) شماره ۱۰۴
