Iranian.Com Sourcewatched

Iranian.Com Sourcewatched
by NUR

Here it is, the Iranian.Com Sourcewatch article.

I find it quite amusing that according to the site's own statistics 70-80% of the users come from North America. What is more interesting is that one of the advisors of this site is the Asia Society which was set-up by John Rockefeller and is tied to the Rockefeller foundation.

No wonder (besides other closer to home reasons) that there is a pronounced pro-Baha'i spin here on this site. The Rockefellers and Rockefeller money is the nexus. Go figure...


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more from NUR

Dear JJ

by A Non-Bahai (not verified) on

I have to say that after reading your response, I sensed a touch of 'Defensiveness' on your part. Let me make my position clear to you:

The motto of your web site is: 'Nothing Is Sacred'. I enjoy reading your articles, and especially the blogs on your site. Nevertheless, I have consistently seen that you tend to 'Feature' articles, and especially blogs, that favor your point of views, rather than those opposing them.

In all due respect, although I fully understand that you are the 'Publisher' on this site, nevertheless, I believe that you should let people judge for themselves the merit of a position, and not try to manipulate it by 'Featuring' some blogs, while ignoring others.

Let me give you an example:

Everyday that I visit your web site, the first place that I go is your blog section. First, I read your 'Featured' Blogs, and then I go to the 'Blog Central' to read the others. I can not tell you the number of times that I have seen poorly written, and relatively 'Inferior' blogs, which were featured on the first page, while much better written, and 'Superior' blogs, were left out in the Blog Central. In most of those cases, it was obvious that you disagreed with the positions that the better written and 'Superior' blogs were representing.

I know your positions on many issues because I have read many of your own blogs, and also the comments that you have left for others.

Let me simplify this: If as a journalist, you would like to be taken seriously, both as a person, and also as a Professional, then abide by the motto of your own site. Otherwise, your motto is going to be as 'Hollow', and 'Useless', as that of the FOX News, which is 'Fair and Balanced'.

I am really writing this comment for YOU, first and foremost. I don't care whether you decide to publish it or not.

It's really that simple :) - Take care!!

rosie is roxy is roshan


by rosie is roxy is roshan on

Whaaaaaaaaaaaat are you talking about?

The Asia Society is a classy place with TASTE.

hahahahahahaha omigod i can't stop laughing...


Fish Here

Boro baba!

by Fish Here on

Well, this has been most enlightening!  JJ's "sin" is to have ignored you as a college student in the past?!!  And this whole thing has been some kind of vendetta against him?  Obviously he has moved on and you continue to remain in your juvenile state of anger.  JJ would do well to go on ignoring you now. 

What a miserable bunch of b.s.  And you are really a practicing and devout believer of a faith?  Lies, libel, and slander seem to be what you believe in, not to mention hate, anger, and revenge!  Like I said, you and Hossein Shariatmadari of Kayhan would be two peas in a pod, Mr. Azali, Bayani, Hazini, Ahangar, and whatever else you call yourself. 

It seems your faith has no boundaries for decency.  Good luck recruiting members!

Manoucher Avaznia


by Manoucher Avaznia on

With regards, I feel you are facing contradictions in your assessment of this site. First, you say JJ is a pro-Bahai person. You have stated many times that Haifan Bahai's who have dominated this site do not allow freedom of expression among Bahai's. At the same time, at least in the past several weeks, I have witnessed a large bulk of anti-Bahai information being posted here either by you or others. Quite frankly, the amount of the infromation and the links that you provided about Bahai's I had never seen in my life and I referred to many of those and learned a good deal. Again, we witnessed that numerous trends on this site have accused JJ of sponsoring a planned censorship. This trend comprises many trends of those who have shown not much interest in the free flow of infromation. The question is that what do you want this person do? Do you have another alternative to this website with this much of freedom of expression? Are you willing to make the sarifice and operate something similar to this? Again, you give some links that Jahanshah Javid is a Hezbollahi. Again, it is stated that he is a secularist and nothing is sacred for him. I haven't heard of any Hezbollahi to be pro-Bahai. Simply, saying you do not believe in religion or posting things like what JJ has posted takes him out of the catagory of Hezbollahis. Hebollahi's in any case do not insult Islamic religious leaders, neither they allow someone post things of that type on their website. In brief, I am totally confused as what title to put on JJ according to your difinitions and infromation. Is he a Bahai, a Hezbollahi, a Chomaghdaar, a paid agent, a double agent, a dicatator, an advocate of freedom of expression? It is not his fault if you are under-represented because your thoughts and ideas do not have enough supporters to write in their support. If you are one person speaking in your behalf, you have represented yourself if not more than others not less than them either. It is not his fault if (according to you Haifan) Bahai's have more numerous advocates who spend plenty of time to spread their beliefs and post more articles on this site. Finally, quite honestly, would you rather this site closed or not?


JJ, please ban this

by please (not verified) on

JJ, please ban this miserable excuse of a human being. He is a bigotted racist and He can't even read.

Jahanshah Javid

More lies

by Jahanshah Javid on

So your source is:

And how did that "source" become credible?! Bunch of lies written by another miserable beekar like yourself :o)))

Javaneh Khodabakhsh and I are divorced (actually waiting for court approval, separated for almost three years) and she was never a Bahai.

I'm wasting valuable time here. You go on with your crusade. I'll leave you alone with your nightmare of a life.

But before I go, I repeat: your blog here is non-sense. Asia Society has never been an adviser to Khengali! There's a difference between "adviser" and "advertiser"!


JJ's naneh man gharibam bazi

by NUR on

It feels great to go one on one with two-faced opportunists and lying crypto-fascists and give them black eyes. Listen to yourself, you even sound like the Baha'is.

Now to business: do you deny that you are/or were married to one Javaneh Khodabakhsh, a Baha'i: 


Yes or no?

(crossposting response in case of deletion by Censor Javid)


My agenda

by NUR on

 I have said this here before so I'll say it again. I have absolutely no interests in converting anyone to the religion of the Bayan or inviting anyone to 'irfan (gnosis). I am however here to set the record straight on that score given the amount of lies and nonesense the Baha'is have been allowed to get away with. My primary reason is to expose specifically the Haifan Baha'i organization as a dangerous cult. I have no problems with the other Baha'i denominations and in fact regularly advocate for their rights which are currently being trampled by the Haifan organization.

Second, all the information on the Sourcewatch page regarding Iranian.Com were taken from this site and wikipedia. If you believe you are being misrepresented, provide the actual counter-evidence.


Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

I am MARRIED to a Bahai?!! A) I'm not married (twice divorced). B) I was never married to a Bahai. Where is this "public information"?

Tell me "Nur"... How does it feel to live only to hate a group of people who think differently than you do?

You wake up hating Bahais, all your waking hours are spent on finding new ways to hate Bahais, you dream of hating Bahais, and you will die hating Bahais.

What a beautiful, constructive, purposeful life!

I'm sure your wife and kids, your friends and family all look up to you as one lovely human being. Congratulations!


Methinks the Rockefeller endowed JJ doth protest too much...

by NUR on

Jahanshah, you are married to a Baha'i, and this is public information. So whether you believe or do not believe in God, begs the question entirely here, since 1) your personal interests already lean in their direction because of your personal situation and b) especially as these days belief in any higher power beyond institutional power and the bureaucracy of the Haifan Baha'i organization is entirely optional. To wit,

"We don't want to be like those people who want to see God with their own eyes, or hear His melody with their own ears, because we have been given the gift of being able to see through the eyes of the House of Justice and listen through the ears of the House of Justice." - Bahai Counselor Rebeque Murphy  //

What you don't get, or are deliberately playing naneh man gharibam, as you did at UNM when you wouldn't publish articles by anti-regime activists like me for the Daily Lobo when you edited it, or when you worked for the IRI's Aftab (aka aftabeh) network, is that propaganda and manufactured consent is real and in itself constitutes a narrative of oppression. Sooner than later such narratives will be challenged for what they are - pure propaganda and lies - and usually from within. That you are leaning on the side of an organization with a checkered past shows that you yourself are standing on the wrong side of history, so don't lecture me with de-contextualized platitudes you opportunistically took from Obama's inauguration speech.

Moreover I am an Ex-Bahai and far more qualified than you will ever be, or could hope to be, in understanding and representing the nature of this community/cult and the factuality of its various narratives and claims. I have interrogated all the evidence for years and what you and your financial endowers claim regarding the so-called persecution of the Baha'is in Iran is an exagerrated propaganda fiction catered specifically towards foreign policy interests and ends of destabilizing Iran - whether under the mullahs or under any other regime. It was the same stew and same bowl (hamin ash va hamin kaseh) under the Shah as well, and you know it!

And absolutely, history is always on the side of the oppressed, which is why I as a Bayani - a community and creed persecuted by the Baha'is for 145 years - am here testify to the world and to history against them, i.e. the Haifan Bahais.

Now in case you decide to censor and delete this message, as you have done with others and is your usual penchant going back to your days at the Daily Lobo, I am crossposting this comment to USENET as well as putting it in the discussion log for the Iranian.Com entry on Sourcewatch. Furthemore, since I have your personal attention, let me challenge you to a live, no holds barred, public debate about this question and the questions hanging over your interests of peddling uncritical support for the Haifan Bahai organization. But knowing you personally, I doubt you will take it. 

Ball in your court, JJ. Also, to conclude, think of me as one of your personal demons from the past come back to haunt you with a double vengeance! Sooner or later you will learn that one yourself.

Wahid Azal (the artist formerly known as Nima Hazini who once wrote as Kaveh Ahangar at UNM)


Fish Here


by Fish Here on

I asked you this before and you attacked me, calling me a Bahai!  Is what you are doing "introducing" and "promoting" an ideology?  Or is it to attack and "reavel" Bahais?  If you have an ideology or faith which you are promoting, it can't be a good thing because as the promoter you sound so angry and hostile, so devoid of love.

If your mission here is to show everybody else the negative things you know about Bahais, you should know that this is nothing new and people like Hossein Shariatmadari of Kayhan have been doing it for three decades inside Iran, to a lot more destructive results.  You can join him and provide all your evidence there, where you can hate more openly and freely and help capture, harass, and abuse a few defenseless Bahais!  Your "efshagari" is lost on most of us who don't care about religion at all.

If indeed you are promoting the Azalis, it is really hard to take you and your faith seriously, because all you do is to attack another group of people.  If you think Azalis have suffered in the hand of Bahais, it is hard for us to believe you, because we had never even heard of Azalis but we have known for a long time that Bahais have been discriminated against and mistreated in Iran.

Now you attack the site that has let you come and publish your thoughts for several months, calling them I'm not sure what! 

If you can't be fair or truthful about, a site we know and trust a lot more than you, how can anybody take you seriously about the other things you say?

You are so strange.

Jahanshah Javid

Defending human beings

by Jahanshah Javid on

A Non-Bahai says I only publish "pro-Bahai" articles.

Your problem is that you do not understand the difference between being "pro-Bahai" and anti-discrimination.

I have said numerous times that I do not believe in god or any religion. So that in part takes care of the accusation of me being "pro-Bahai".

I am a defender of equal rights for all human beings -- men and women no matter what they believe in.

The Islamic Republic discriminates against Bahais simply because they are Bahais. They have no rights as citizens in the country of their birth. That is inhuman and absolutely unacceptable. I will defend Bahais as I would any wronged human being.

Now do you understand? I doubt it. But that's okay. History is on the side of the oppressed. You will learn this lesson sooner or later.


Dear curly

by A Non-Bahai (not verified) on

Whether you may think that 'NUR' is a nut or not, nevertheless, there is one irrefutable fact: Almost "ALL" articles and blogs that Jahanshah publishes and features are one-sided, and show the pro-Bahai point of view on this site.

P.S. I wonder whether this comment is going to get published, or not, since he is the 'ONLY' Moderator right now!! :)

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

Where does it say the Asia Society is one of's advisers? The Asia Society has nothing to do with They have been an ADVERTISER, that is all.

And if is so evil, what are you doing here? Could it be that this is the only Iranian web site that allows a miserable moron like you to have a voice?


My god talk about delusional!!

by curly on

I am laughing at your reasoning Nur, so much that it is hard to read the rest of your spudo blog. I am sure if you look closely aliens are also in it too, and also Elvis is a share holder secretly in his hide out, with the green man from the moon .