Iranian.Com Sourcewatched

Iranian.Com Sourcewatched
by NUR

Here it is, the Iranian.Com Sourcewatch article.

I find it quite amusing that according to the site's own statistics 70-80% of the users come from North America. What is more interesting is that one of the advisors of this site is the Asia Society which was set-up by John Rockefeller and is tied to the Rockefeller foundation.

No wonder (besides other closer to home reasons) that there is a pronounced pro-Baha'i spin here on this site. The Rockefellers and Rockefeller money is the nexus. Go figure...


See articles Bill Gates, Philanthropy and Social Engineering 



The Project For A New American Humanitarianism: Olympian Ambitions from Darfur to Tibet and Beijing



more from NUR
rosie is roxy is roshan

Look Ari (and anyone else who CARES),

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

YOU pick the point you want to discuss. Is that the one you want? The one in your last post? It's very abstract. But if that's what you want I'll roll with it.

You tell me. I'm easy.

rosie is roxy is roshan

Look Wahib, see how nice Ari is even though he's Israeli?

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

Or so you say.

He wasn't ignoring me after all...

Ari, the point I'm trying to make is that if we're doing this for compassion and understanding, which you obviously are, then we have to focus all of us on ONE point only.

To get Wahib to clarify so we can see where he does make sense and hopefully he can see where he doesn't.

And I think we should stick with the root. It all started with Asia Society. Everything else is too...convoluted...too...abstract..too complicated.

And I didn't mean to imply that you were intentionally threatening him. I think you meant it as a little joke. But that's not how it sounds to a paranoiac (yes Wahib, you). ie. a garden variety Iranian. Times ten.

rosie is roxy is roshan

Oh and ps Wahib, don't feel alone.

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

They're all ignoring me too.

Ari Siletz


by Ari Siletz on

No threats whatsoever to NUR except in terms of stating a clear position to argue from. I'm really interested in exactly what he/she believes about this site. I wouldn't find this sort of open discussion anywhere else. Ultimaltely I want to pare the arguement down to : does NUR believe there a difference between being pro-Bahai and simply being democratically anti-discriminatory? So far I haven't seen a clear position.  I would not presume to diagnose another person's internal state of mind, even if I were qualified. NUR is trying to make a point and I would like to hear it stated as clearly as possible. This site allows it.

rosie is roxy is roshan

You're ignoring me, Wahib.

by rosie is roxy is roshan on


Rather fight it out with a bunch of bullies?


Regarding Q (or mash_ghasem of SCI): Baha'i Tactics - CAUTION

by NUR on


BAHAI Tactics & Techniques - CAUTION NON-BAHAIS
"Slanderous Vilification" = The Baha'i Technique - Ad Hominem, Libel, Slander, Demonize, Scapegoat, Ostracize, Shun, Banish, Backbite, Defame, Vilify, Discredit, Smear, Revile, Suppress, Attack, Bully, Intimidate, Threaten, Malign, Blackball, Deceive, Coerce, Silence, Harass... etc., etc....  CAUTION NON-BAHAIS

1. As far as possible they hold back from responding
2. Then they claim no knowledge of the given issue by feigning
3. After the exposer has exposed they will try to divert to secondary
and totally peripheral and irrelevent side-issues
4. The exposer is then painted as someone with an axe to grind,
biased, deluded (while they, the bahaim, still have not responded to
the main issue exposed)
5. Next they relate mental instability and insanity to the exposer,
i.e. shoot the messenger
6. Then, the last tactic, is to wheel out several dubious personas on
the scene who claim to be neutral non-bahai observers who then begin attacking the exposer as well as the issue exposed while supporting the bahais and their issues as so-called non-bahais


BTW unless you are yourself insane and suffer from the mental delusions you are accusing others of, no one has a dramatic change of heart over a trifle such as that as you just displayed. Get help for your own sake, Sasan (?). QED

[Comment and time of posting recorded in the event of deletion by the censor of this site]

rosie is roxy is roshan

I told you..

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

talk about 40,000 different things. You'll get 40,000 different arguments.


Aftabeh's $$$

by NUR on

I didn't say that. Your IsraHELLi friend Ari here first suggested it. I mentioned the NED as an example. He then claimed that I had made a connection between the NED and this dunne (pronounced donee) here. So are you or aren't you a recipient of NED grants? Yes or no?

You forget, avazi, I've already been a Baha'i so I am inocculated for life from any further attempts at re-conversion.

And if it's all the same to you: the NED, the CIA, the Haifan Baha'is and the MOSSAD can file in row and kiss my very Australian-Iranian Bayani Anarchist a$$!

Put that in your file, Aftabeh!


[Comment and time of posting recorded in the event of deletion by the censor of this site]

rosie is roxy is roshan

Show Down at the Lobo Corral.

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

C'mon, Aftabeh, you said you weren't coming back and he got you back. Now you're both even after all those years since New Mexcio. Ya gotta admit it Aftabeh. It's a tie.

So it's okay now Wahib. You can relax. And explain to me again about Asia Society.

And the Sufis, Wahib. It's really important. Tell them what's happening to the Derwishes.


isn't it obvious what happened, Nima?

by Q on

You are the same person, right?
These two positions don't add up

Isn't it obvious what happened? I became enlightened... NO, THIS IS THE REAL ME, THE BAHAI'S GOT TO ME IN BETWEEN THE TWO POSTS

So what happened was that I realized that what I was saying was logically... NO, SAVE YOURSELF!!! A ROGUE CIA FACTION IN CONTROL OF SITE UNDER ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINGSKI WHOSE GREAT GRANDFATHER WAS THIRD COUSIN OF ABDULBAHAH... anyway, yea, so I hope that explains it.

In conclusion, I do believe you have classic clinical delusion... NO, YOU FOUND TRUTH THEY WILL GET YOU! and frankly I feel sorry for the real Babis who have to put up with you.

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

Nurali Joon, the National Endowment for Democracy gives money to Dang! I've got to check with our accountant. Where the hell is this money?!! Please tell me who else feeds this evil site. I badly need a raise.

And don't forget to thank NED and the CIA for giving you this forum to freely spread lies. Or else you know what they'll do? They'll turn you into a BAHAI!

So you better be a good boy...

rosie is roxy is roshan

See what I told you Ari? Wahib..TELL US ABOUT ASIA

by rosie is roxy is roshan on


Are they, Wahib? Do you really think they all are?


NED = National Endowment for Democracy

by NUR on


Is one of's sources of funding the NED (National Endowment for Democracy)? How did you read that into my argument?

My argument is quite easy to follow. The NED was established by the American Central Intelligence Agency, yes. How did you connect NED to and unable to follow what I said?


[Comment and time of posting recorded in the event of deletion by the censor of this site] 

rosie is roxy is roshan


by rosie is roxy is roshan on


rosie is roxy is roshan

Why are you all doing this? You're just fueling the flames/Ari..

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

You start to engage in these rational arguments about all these different points he raises which reinforces for him that he's rational. And you're not, Wahib, you're not. You THINK you are but you're not.

Don't you understand that the whole thing started with this Sourcewatch nonsense when he claimed Asia Society was an ADVISOR and then claimed non-profit ADVERTISERS only advertise on sources they're in collusion with for their agendas?

Why take it any further than that? That's where it all stems from Why not stick with the root? It's simple. You argue about this and that and it'll go on forever...and what do you hope to win? If you want us to get him to see clearly do you think that can be done by challenging him on seventeen different arguments?

And you Ari..don't say anything that sounds like you're threatening a severely paranoiac person. He's no different from 70 per cent of your hamvatans. Just more of the usual. More paranoid than most. But it's same ol'.


More naneh man gharibam

by NUR on

Faryarm and co. publish legally actionable libel, and it's allowed to stay while my comments responding to it are deleted. Yet you people get bent out of shape when I tell JJ that I have his number and to go take a flying leap; this, after he's already done the same himself.

How Haifan Bahai of you? Can you say double-standards! 

For objective neutral observers: the connection of the ASIA SOCIETY to this site, the Haifan Bahais, and possible funding sources is what has triggered the recent barrage of abuse by the dominant clique and lynch mob here!


[Comment and time of posting recorded in the event of deletion by the censor of this site]

Ari Siletz


by Ari Siletz on

"The NED, for example, was actually set-up by the CIA..." NUR, I'm sincerely trying to fathom what you are trying to communicate. Being a writer,  I just saw you imply that Iranian. com is indirectly funded by the CIA. Is this what you mean to say? Please be careful with your words; we will be reading into them carefully. In the democratic spirit of this site I feel compelled to sorta Mirandize you. What you say can and (maybe) will be used against you. So, please say what you mean, and no more.




Schizophrenic Haifan Bahai agent provocateurs?

by NUR on


You earlier stated: 

"I tried to shed light on this sinister Bahai conspiracy years ago and was punished for it accordingly. There is a strong link between Bahai activities and the "British did it" excuse that is the perfect cover and mental excuse for most Iranians. I haven't shared much of the details but perhaps it is time. Email me if you want to discuss it. I can't trust much anymore in public."


Now you state:

"If the Bahai brothers and sisters care to, they should document his every racist statement in sourcwatch or whereever with links back to his comments. Once his essential agenda becomes clear, even sourcewatch wouldn't accept his material. Trust me, it's been done in the past. (Yes, NUR, it's another conspiracy you hadn't thought of before)."

You are the same person, right? 

These two positions don't add up and look and feel like a long and well-established pattern of deceptive skullduddgery by the Haifan Baha'i Internet Agency. BTW which racist statements on Sourcewatch are you referring to?

As for Sourcewatch: unlike the portal wackopedia where AdibM drinks from, Sourcewatch does not go by who submits. They go by prima facie evidence and established references, i.e. the sort of things that drives your "Bahai sisters and brothers" crazy when they can't refute it!

Q-ee wanna cracker?


[Comment and time of posting recorded in the event of deletion by the censor of this site]

rosie is roxy is roshan

Qumars, my friend Nur..

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

started this whole thing by saying that Asia Society according to Sourcewatch was an ADVISOR to i.c. Then when j. told him TWICE that it was ADVERTISER, he never acknowledged it. Instead he got on this bandwagon about NON-PROPHETS ONLY ADVERTISING ON PUBLICATIONS THAT ARE IN COLLUSION WITH THEIR AGENDA (A.S> being the Rockefeller Foundation's tool..)


And my strategy (yes, Wahib, it's a conspiracy..) is to focus on that and that alone. FORGET what he says about Bob's statistics. Just keep asking him about Asia Society.

And the Sufis. That's really important.

But nothing else. Nothing else. Please. Do it for old time's sake.

PS Q, I'm going to the talent show on April 25. I know you're shy but can't you drive or take the Purple Turtle up from LA to SF???? It'd be so much fun...

Nur, do you have frequent fllyer miles?

Fish Here

Souri Khanoom

by Fish Here on

I just KNEW you are a Bahai just like me and that JJ!  What a character this Nur is...I wonder whether he chose his name like the village baldy who was named Zolfali, or the blind named Cheraghali.  There is a lot of Nur on absolutely NOTHING here.  A desperate man hating his upbringing, his faith, his fellow countrymen, and his college classmate.  If we hang around long enough, we will meet his other "enemies," the boy who sat at the same desk with him in grade school and teased him, the coworker who got promoted over him...everybody will soon be sourcewatched!  I'm shaking in my boots!

Freedom of speech could be a piece of rope.  People can do a lot of things with it, including hanging themselves!  If this guy is indeed representing a real faith, think of how stupid Iranian rulers have been not to let people like him come forward and show themselves to Iranian people in order that they may figure things out by themselves!

I never thought Mr. Avaz Zadeh takes this character seriously.  I sense a lot of tongue in cheek humoring in his seemingly supportive comments.  A person who loves humanity like Mr. Avaz Zadeh can never be supportive of this prophet of hate and childilsh grudges and silliness.

Amusing, indeed!

[Comment and time of posting recorded for purposes of future use]


Dear Manouchehr

by Souri on

Dear Manoucher :

You have said :

"I have seldom noticed Nur attacking opponents on personal bases"

Now, you get the best opportunity to notice!! Read his reply to JJ here  below. How do you like it?



by Q on

Yea, NUR, you've "nailed" JJ by finding a 2 year old webpage that is no longer valid, and have labeled it "current advertisers". Yes, you certainly have check mated JJ even though he alter it at any time.

You really are a dedicated and selfless objective minded warrior for truth. You're not a pathetic loser with too much time on your hand or anything!

JJ is sitting back laughing at your sorry ass as with every single comment, you pay homage to the person who allows you to write it. Everytime you write on this site, you're saying Chakeram ghorban to JJ and his advertisers.

Still, I have to say the funniest thing was when you accused JJ of being a pro-Bahai propagandist on behalf of the IRI!.

A close second is when you commented below that "a website like be started" and you will "keep out the Bahai snakes".

You already have access to numerous websites and blogs, obviously. Why aren't you just using those? Why do you insist on adding to the popularity of the Bahai-run sites by being here and viewing all the advertising?

Nima khan, as a writer, I know I can't make this kind of shit up no matter how creative. You will find yourself in one of my future works of fiction in one way or the other. I am thanking you for this great material in advance!

[Comment and time of posting recorded for purposes of future redicule]



by NUR on

I'm sorry you feel the way you do. I have said what needed to be said. Just note that I haven't accused you of being a Baha'i specifically, just belonging to their clique here, and probably wittingly or unwittingly serving with their Internet Agency. Their is a sharp, subtle and important distinction here. 


[Comment and time of posting recorded in the event of deletion by the censor of this site]

rosie is roxy is roshan

I said that first, Nur. I want credit.

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

The cat came back to the pigeon coop.  Ten points for you!


can't you see that?

what can't you see?



by Souri on

Thanks for your STRAIGHT !!!!! answer. This was enough for me. I have nothing else to add here. Reading your STRAIGHT answer while I had emphasized on not going trough the past and the future and Azal and other stuff!!!.....I wish other friends, like Manouchehr (whom I respect a lot) could pay attention to your way of debating. No more question to you. Actually I didn't care so much for your answer. My question was in fact addressed to the wise readers of the site. The answer was already obvious. Thanks.

PS: you still didn't get it that I am not a Bahai. Too much self- absorption is blinding you, Sir!!!


Aftabeh Javid's naneh man gharibam bazi

by NUR on

Aftabeh, I thought you said you weren't going to reply to me any more?

You went on sourcewatch to fudge statistical information and got publicly caught with your pants down by the administrators. Yell CONSPIRACY THEORY till you're blue in the face and start seeing a white light - or a dark red, firey one in your case. Your blatant dishonesty is recorded, yet again, for posterity.

I've nailed you twice in a row now, and since I'm in it for the long haul, expect to be nailed again - and eventually to the wall!!

Now put that in your wanker pipe and smoke it, Aftabeh


[Comment and time of posting recorded in the event of deletion by the censor of this site]


Foundation funding

by NUR on

I did not omit, I also noted "corporate donor relationships," an assumptive point which by implication instances "conservative foundations" as well. But liberal foundations such as the NED (National Endowment for Democracy) have a far more insidious political track record than any conservative versions, including the Neo-Con American Enterprise Institute. And before you jump to conclusions, I have no love for the Neo-Cons and would actually like to see key individuals of the previous US administration indicted for war-crimes and hauled before the dock at the Hague!

Now on the non-Anglo-European front: if you can find me organizations like the National Endowment for Democracy, the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation or similar I will concede the point to you. The NED, for example, was actually set-up by the CIA but has since completely rooted itself structurally in the corporate sector. The issue is that Anglo-European liberal/conservative foundations have specific ways of behaving and structurally function in certain modes whereby comparison with organizations in the non-Anglo-European world is stretched and often non-applicable - there is a huge debate about all this amongst political scientists at the moment. I am not alone in saying this: political scientists like Michael Barker, M. Zoon and similar are also saying this. One of the reasons for this is because such foundations act within a revolving door between private and public sectors of the Western polity while being primarily located in the private sector. These are lobby groups that usually do not have an analogous existence in the non-Anglo-European world, since similar groups in the non-Anglo-European world usually function and act under the exclusive rubric of governmental establishments and powered political elites, i.e. they are state-sponsored whereas in the West they are corporate sponsored. 

BTW Anglo-European assumes under its rubric the various Jewish and Zionist foundation groups also.   


[Comment and time of posting recorded in the event of deletion by the censor of this site]

rosie is roxy is roshan


by rosie is roxy is roshan on

BROUGHT ME BACK TOGETHER WTH ALL OF YOU AGAIN! Souri, Jahanshah, Qumars, Faryar!  The only ones missing are Jamshid and Irandokht! Ari, I don't know you but I've read your work. We really owe him a big hug and a kiss,

Omigod i still can't stop laughing...


rosie is roxy is roshan

Oh so sorry folks!

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

I was just writing to my new friend Nur here!  I didn't know y'all were there...

i swear this is the twilight one..

rosie is roxy is roshan

Bat amongst the birdbrains

by rosie is roxy is roshan on


First of all, let me start off by saying that that is a wonderful photo of Jahanshah and that Mexico has definitely done him a world of good. And that we pigeons don't look half bad either. Now, back to you, Nur.

Talk of the ASIA SOCIETY and its connection to this site is not paranoia. It is called linkage.

 Yes, there is a link, Nur. It is called ADVERTISING. The crucial FACT that you're omitting is that you started OFF by claiming Asia Society (i.e. Rockefeller Foundation) was an ADVISOR to i.c. And you still haven't addressed that yet.

Now as for advertising, there is also a LINKAGE between i.c. and, Iranian Cemetery, and But oh, I forgot, those are all for-profits and Asia Society is a NON-profit, therefore only advertises with those who COLLUDE with them in its nefarious agenda, not those who just want their money. ike you know who.

Nur, what about Time Out New York, SF, Chicago, LA, Miami, etc. This publication publishes every single artistic event occuring in the each city, including the posh ones and the radical and the obscure. Surely many of the posh ones receive donations from the Rockefeller, Gates and god knows what other foundations. Do you think Time Out New York advertising for the Metropolitan Museum, the Metropolitan Opera, and the Museaum of Modern Art are doing so because they are part of some espionage plot?


people resort to red herrings, misdirections, ad hominems and argumentative indirections. This in itself says a lot and suggests there is something further to look into.

cat among the red herrings:


 I hope that by ad hominem attacks you're not referring to me just because I keep telling you you're paranoid. That's not an ad hominem attack. I've been trying to tell the entie websie that Iranians are paranoid for almost two years. Don't feel singled out. Cheer up! You're part of the gang..c'mon Nur...crack a smile, will you?

omigod, it's so sad, but i can't stop laughing...I orry,Nur, I can''s so sad...but it's so funny... 


Now the relationship of the ASIA SOCIETY with is real and so therefore is arguably guiding some agenda of this site. Liberal foundation funding and corporate donor relationships

Corporate DONOR, yes, advertisers NO. NUR, ASIA SOCIETY WILL ADVERTISE ON ANY MIDDLE CLASS PUBLICaTION THAT Is DEMOGRA*HIC SPECIFIC. If the show is on Iran, they will advertise on If it is on Japan, they will advertise on Why can't you see thi, Nurs? Why are you so blind?


 In critical and more open, objective forums you cannot get away with this sort of blanket dismissal.

Who the hell ever said this forum was critical? You godda be kidding!

MOrE OPEN? How the hell more open can you can you get? Farhad Kashani debating with Jaleho? Nur, haven't  you noticed there are fourteen blogs about you posted in the last two hours?



That aside, as an FYI, the administrators of Sourcewatch have today reverted JJ when he yesterday (after coming over and opening an account for himself and then immediately beginning to edit the entry

NUR, THiS IS FANTASTIC! You actually got Jahanshah to DO something becaue of you. All that suffering at his hands (and I am SUrE there was a LoT of it) at the Daily lobo has been vindicated at last! You WON this round!  Congratulations! Sad afarin! Miboosamet!

And he opened up a chat page! Now every time he goes there, he'll think of you!





JJ attempted to openly fudge referenced statistical information regarding this site in the sourcewatch article on it. Comment by another editor regarding JJ's creative editing:

Nur, if you will admit that Asia Society advertises whereever they can get audience, I will explore this. I will contact Bob myself. I swear I will.- 



Such zeeraki behavior by JJ has rightfully raised flags and has convinced some of us over there that he has something to hide. 

Okay, Nur, you make yourself see the cold reality that Asia Society was just one of many advertisers and THEN we'll muckrake together, okay?


Those who continue to dismiss this train of inquiry as paranoia

In case you didn't know he's referring to me, folks. (And a couple of my co-conspirators).

 to JJ's selective implementation of free speech and imposition of censorship 

I agree. he gives far too much space to you and me, Nur.


  Pray tell, why has there been hardly any mention of the persecution of Sufism by the hardline mullahs in Iran on 

This is serious. I wrote a blog mentining it, Nur, It was featured. There haven't been any mentions of the current labor purges either. I just wrote a blog on it. Very few people commented. You now what the problem is Nur? It's not Jahanshah. It's that the writers here don't give a sh-t. Jahanshah can only feature what's submitted to him. No more.

 Is this site and its webmaster suggesting some Iranian minority groups are more Iranian minorities than others? In fact, the Sufis are no minority at all. Although no numbers and statistics are available, there are far more Sufis than the Baha'is. Why have the Haifan Baha'is been allowed to dominate -

 Nur, I think it's because the Sufis are Muslims and as such have representation in the Majlis and can attend universities and so forth, and I don't think there have been any capital cases among them. The current persecutions are just destructions of temples, Nur. It's not good but it's not the same. And people don't knnow . And a lot of them don't care. but you CAN't blame it on the publisher. Don't you understand. This site is user-generated. He can only publish what gets submitted.

Nur, you're living in a dark box, surrounded by four walls, If you would just stand on tippy-toe and peer over the edge, you'd see the world..and you'd much to give much..and this website too, so much...

Finally, please note, my legal name as of August 2004 is WAHID AZAL

Well, there you go, Wahid. Wanker, Weasel, and Wahid. I told you, you have so much in common.  Look, for example, at how you both like to change your names! Me too! I just changed mine to Roxane! I used to be Robin, but I always thought it was know the story of Roxane, don't you?

Nur, why don't you lay off the Bahai for a few weeks and focus on the Sufis, where you'll have more credibility and make a larger contribution? Dollars to donuts, you'll get featured...and then we'll take it from there. Whaddaya say?

Because I for one am not gonna listen to a goddam word you say about the Bahai until you admit that Asia Society advertised here so they could get people to buy tickets and Jahanshah accepted them  becaue he needs to pay the rent.

But I'll listen to you...very carefully..about the Sufis. And I'll help make sure other people do too.

Oh, nur...nur..nur...