انسانه انقلابی راست کی بود ؟ ( اوایل انقلاب )


انسانه انقلابی راست کی بود ؟ ( اوایل انقلاب  )
by No Fear

_ وقتی «چپ‌ها و مراجع مذهبی مورد علاقه‌شان» بگیر و ببند شدید، مصادره‌ی کاخانجات خصوصی و تصفیه‌ی بیرحمانه ای در ساختار دولتی به راه انداخته بودند؛ آنان و مراجع‌شان با چنین اقداماتی مخالف بودند و می‌کوشیدند این روند را متوقف یا دست کم کند کنند.

_ وقتی «چپ‌ها و مراجع مذهبی مورد علاقه‌شان» (به علاوه‌ی چپ‌های کلاسیک) سخت در پی اجرای «بند ج» بودند؛ آنان با اجرای بند مزبور مخالف بودند و مصادره‌ی زمین‌های کشاورزی مالکین بزرگ را مخالف شرع و فقه شیعه می‌یافتند.

_ وقتی «چپ‌ها و مراجع مذهبی مورد علاقه‌شان» در اقدامی نامتعارف و سرزنش بار به سفارت امریکا حمله کردند و آن را به تصرف خود در آوردند؛ آنان با این اقدام مخالف بودند و حتی نماز خواندن در آن را به دلیل غصبی بودن آن محل؛ مسئله دار می‌دانستند.

_ وقتی «چپ‌ها و مراجع مذهبی مورد علاقه‌شان» به جان دولت موقت یا دولت بنی صدر افتادند؛ آنان کمترین همراهی با آن تحرکات نشان نداند.

_ وقتی «چپ‌ها و مراجع مذهبی مورد علاقه‌شان» به ناگهان موضوع «ولایت فقیه» را به قانون اساسی منضم کردند؛ آنان موافق چنین اقدامی نبودند.

_ وقتی «چپ‌ها و مراجع مذهبی مورد علاقه‌شان» شروع به دولتی کردن اغلب امور اقتصادی کردند و حتی «مرکز تهیه و توزیع کارد و چنگال» به راه انداختند؛ آنان نسبت به دولتی شدن اقتصاد کشور و عوارض خطرناک آن شدیدا واکنش نشان دادند.

_ وقتی «چپ‌ها و مراجع مذهبی مورد علاقه‌شان» در مجلس خبرگان طرح «ایجاد نمایندگی ولی فقیه در هر اداره و موسسه ای» را مطرح کردند؛ آنان با این موضوع مخالفت کردند. به نحوی که منجر به واکنش شدید حسینعلی منتظری و قهر او از مجلس خبرگان شد.

_ وقتی «چپ‌ها و مراجع مذهبی مورد علاقه‌شان» نظریه پرداز «ولایت مطلق فقیه بر تمامی شوون جامعه» شدند؛ آنان بودند که برای نخستین بار بحث «مولوی_ارشادی» بودن احکام ولی فقیه را در روزنامه‌های خود پیش کشیدند.

_ وقتی «چپ‌ها و مراجع مذهبی مورد علاقه‌شان» اصرار به مجازات سلمان رشدی داشتند؛ آنان بودند که به منظور ختم دیپلماتیک و سیاسی بحران مزبور به نحوی که کمترین آسیبی به منافع کشور نزند؛ بحث توبه و ابراز پشیمانی او را پیش کشیدند تا مورد بخشش قرار گیرد.

_ وقتی «چپ‌ها و مراجع مذهبی مورد علاقه‌شان» به بهانه‌ی «وحدت حوزه و دانشگاه» بحث «ایجاد نمایندگی ولی فقیه در دانشگاه‌ها» را پیش کشیدند (و حسینعلی منتظری در یکایک دانشگاه‌ها صاحب نمایندگی شد) و بدین ترتیب زمینه‌ی تصفیه، اخراج و یا بازنشستگی بسیاری از اساتید برجسته کشور پیدید آمد (به نحوی که بسیاری از آنان مجبور به استغال به حرفه‌هایی پست یا خروج از کشور شدند) آنان بودند که با چنین اقداماتی مخالفت کردند.

و جالب است که در تمام این موارد؛ همیشه با اتهام و برچسب «ضد ولایت فقیه» ؛ «طرفدارای از اسلام امریکایی»، «طرفداری از سرمایه داری وابسته به امپریالیزم» و «لیبرال بودن» توسط «چپ مذهبی و رسانه‌های تبلیغاتی‌شان» ( و نیز چپ کلاسیک) روبرو شدند!

اما هر چه می‌نگرم؛ به هر انحرافی که از مبانی نخستین انقلاب صورت گرفت دقیق می‌شوم؛ به هر تفسیر نادرستی که از مبانی دینی صورت گرفت و به نحوی نابخشودنی وسیله‌ی رقابت و تنازع سیاسی قرار گرفت و دین را از یک «محتوای اخلاقی برای تعلیم و تربیت جامعه» تا سر حد «ابزاری برای بیرون کردن رقیب از صحنه» بدل کرد فکر می‌کنم؛ می‌بینم که سهم «راست مذهبی» در چنان وقایعی بسیار بسیار کمتر از «چپ مذهبی» بوده است.

واقعیت از دید من این است که:

تحت تاثیر «شرایط انقلابی» و ذهنیت بیمارگونه ای که «چپ خیانت پیشه‌ی کلاسیک» برای جامعه‌ی ایرانی از «اقتضای انقلاب» ساخت و آن را به «وجه غالب رفتارهای سیاسی» مبدل کرد (و بدین ترتیب حتی «اسلامگرایان ایرانی» را نیز فریب داد و به ورطه‌ی «نادیده گرفتن ارزش‌ها و هنجارهای پیشنهادی دین برای تعلیم و تربیت جامعه» سوق داد) هم چپ مذهبی و هم راست مذهبی ایرانی؛ جزو سهامداران عمده‌ی وضعیت نادرست و ناخوشایند فعلی» محسوب می‌شوند.

اما همان واقعیت (باز هم از دید من) می‌گوید:

«چپ مذهبی» به مراتب بیش از «راست مذهبی» از آموزه‌های «چپ کلاسیک» متاثر بوده. هم خود از محتوای دینی فاصله گرفته و هم سهم بیشتری در اغلب خطاهای سیاسی و پدید آمدن «جامعه ای سقوط کرده از حیث اخلاقی» داشته است و بیشتر «بنیادهای خطا» در زمینه‌ی سیاسی کشورمان ( که حالا متاسفانه جزو اولیات و بدیهیات رقابت سیاسی شده!) محصول اقدامات این پاره از «اسلامگرایان ایرانی»ست.


more from No Fear
Mardom Mazloom

The real pics of dast-boossi for AN should be:

by Mardom Mazloom on

No Fear

A very interesting read on this topic

by No Fear on

No Fear


by No Fear on

I will reply to you in due time. Just want to keep this topic on the characteristics of a '' Right '' school of thought. Please stay with us on this topic along with Kharmagas.

No Fear

مصباح یزدی و ولایت فقیه

No Fear

 «آیت‌اله مصباح یزدی» درتازه‌ترین اظهارنظرش درخصوص ولایت‌فقیه گفته است:
[این وظیفه‌ای بر دوش علماست تا نسبت به «سیری ظالم و گرسنگی مظلوم» بی‌تفاوت نباشند... اگر شرایطی پیش آید که «مردم» حاضر باشند «حاکمیتِ فقیه» را بپذیرند و اگر او این حاکمیت را بر عهده نگیرد؛ حاکمیت به «غیرفقیه» می‌رسد... آنچه برای فقیه واجب است، آن است که برای تصدی پست حاکمیت اعلام آمادگی کند. اما اگر مردم او را قبول نکردند؛ او نمی‌تواند حاکمیت را بر عهده بگیرد.  چراکه از یک نفر، اجرای تمام قوانین ساخته نیست... «مقابله با ظالم» یک واجب متعین عمومی‌ست... نمی‌توان گفت یک نفر همزمان هم «افقه» باشد، هم «اعلم» باشد و هم در تشخیص مسائل جامعه «برتر» باشد... می‌توان گفت امام راحل، صرفا به دلیل افقه بودن رهبر شد... امام راحل، در اوایل نهضت خود مرجعیت کلی نداشت. در آن زمان در کنار امام خمینی، مراجع دیگری هم بودند و علما از آن مراجع تقلید می‌کردند... اگر شخصی در جامعه حضور دارد که هیچ خطایی از او سر نمی‌زند و در واقع معصوم است، نباید از حکومت کنار گذاشته شود].

No Fear

Mammad, don't be too sure either.

by No Fear on

I am not sure about your grouping certain personalities with right wing groups either. Your ultra right wing categorization covers so many right wing groups and it makes it too easy to brand all of them as " Radicals". A known policy from a "traditional left"  ( Propaganda ) to brand right wing groups as radicals. Like the time when Ahmadinejad was campaigning, your campaign against ahamadinejad was to describe him as a person who after becoming president, will segregate the street in the city to mardoneh, Zanooneh. But quite the opposite has happened , wouldn`t you say so ?

Another example is the case with Mesbah Yazdi which you branded him as ultra right wing, ( maybe so, maybe not ) , But have you heard his recent speeches recently ? It might burst your bubble to know how interesting his comments were about VF . I will post those comment right after this post with link for you to see.

Have you asked yourself how were you able to group the majority of right wings in the radical class ? It definitely seems like the mainstream thing to do, isn`t it ? Definitely a policy that Leftist islamists like you would like to do. Scare the masses of the radical right. ( groups like Ansare hezbollah are without doubt, extremists though ).

I am interested to know how you would categorize Ahmadinejad and his camp. You have conveniently placed him in the ultra right faction and i need to understand why. Is it because he talks about a light of '' Halo '' around his head ?  Or maybe you think he is a radical since he has a non compromise policy towards the west ( something the leftist camp failed to do ) Or because he used the anti riot militia on the rioters who were setting the city on fire ?

May i repeat again that Ahmadinejad has never been my hero and i have repeatedly said that i voted for him to prevent the likes of you to take control and witness another term of incompetence in internal and international policies along with non compromise reactions towards your internal opponents. ( No offense intended ). However, i do believe he is the right person to also change many things in Iran`s political atmosphere. A perfect fit that can slowly change the system and leave less challenges for the next president to deal with.

It might also burst your bubble again to know that Ahmadinejad was a member of EoR , Rafsanjani`s group , the ones you categorized as the modern rights. But he broke away from them later. Your description of Ahmadinejad`s ultra right wing tendencies simply can`t hold itself up very well.

I also like to thank you for keeping this topic intact without changing the main subject. I am sincerely interested to know your reply as a current player in our politic.


marhoum Kharmagas

good one Mammad!

by marhoum Kharmagas on

"So, if you are looking for a Modern Right hero, search in the EoR group."

Mammad, No Fear soraakh daaa raa gom kardess!

No Fear, Joking aside, this is a good debate.


Wrong again, No Fear

by Mammad on

Iran's right wing can be divided into three groups or factions.

1. Ultra-right or the reactionaries. They consist of Hojjatiyeh, some IRGC commanders, Eesaar Garaan, Ansar Hezbollah, etc. Mesbabh Yazdi, the spiritual advisor of Ahmadinejad and his Haghani school, Jannati, Yazdi, Ahmad Khatami, and people like them are in this group. Ahmadinejad is a follower of Mesbah and has said so many times. He has, in fact, said that he is a "morid" of Mesbah. So, how can he not be part of this group?

2. The traditional conservatives: Mo'talefeh, Jaame' Rouhaniyat Mobaarez, and similar groups, as well as the Larijani brothers, are in this group.

3. The modern right: They are mostly people in the Executives of Reconstruction party. They are technocrats and served in Rafsanjani's cabinets. Some of them who were more to the left than others, such Bijan Naamdaar Zanganeh (he was to the left before the Revolution), also served in Khatami's cabinets.

So, if you are looking for a Modern Right hero, search in the EoR group.

There is no such thing as "Faraa Jenaahi," in politics, particularly in Iran.



No Fear, Answers

by IRI on

No Fear I will address your claims based on my knowledge:

1)"Tangible progress towards a free market economy by eliminating subsidies.” This was not supposed to be done based on the constitution of Iran, at least a few interpretation of it, What has happened is that Mr. Ahmadinejad has mismanaged money in scary level. The government knows that it is going bankrupted and there was not much else to do.
This is not a presidential policy move alone, it was based on need. Now I agree that he has been a great advocate for this because once he believes in something, he will follow through. That's the positive character of his. But I don’t believe that one or couple of positive move of his is good enough to believe he is good. He certainly has not done this for free market economy. Far from it. No fear, you are way off on this subject.
2)” Blocking the " monkerat" bill from ratification by Majlis for years.” Nothing to brag here. The Iranian society after Khatami had already gained higher level of social freedom for the first time since the revolution, Ahmadinejad is following through but not adding anything extra. He is, as Khatami was, weak against the hard core conservative clergies. These days they are planning to attack women yet again.
3)” Purging the clergy class from administrative positions”. What appears to be clergy class is actually certain groups of clergy that are now in charge. The fact that most clergy are more open minded and relaxed and a few of them are hard core, those hard core are now in charge. Not many of them out there, but they are not silent. They are behind most laws. Those guys are in higher places. Taking out clergies doesn’t mean taking out their control
4)’ Choosing administration ministers based on their qualification.” Not at all true. The only time during the Islamic Republic that individuals were chosen based on their specialty rather than loyalty, was during President Khatami. I am not an advocate for Khatami, but it is what it is. Also he has taken out the choice for people to elect their representatives verses who he chooses. All the reps around the Ostans in the country are pro Ahamdinejad now. He chose them and put them in charge. Not based on their qualifications, ask anyone in any villages that used to vote for their reps.
5)” Allowing ( For the first time ) a woman to become a minister.” Khatami’s vice President was a woman. Let’s give credit where credit is due. Khatami fought for women to hold higher position such as Judges. His actions upgraded women status in the society that women got some voice to gather freely and express their opinion in the society. This is non existent today. Actually it has become next to impossible to voice any women concerns.
6) “Relaxing the laws for women sports .” Don’t know much about this. I only know that he offered to allow women in to the stadiums.
7) “Defending Iran's right to enrichment without backing down.” That is correct. However if you saw Khatami stopped enrichment, it was based on lack of Islamic Republic Experience with the West’s true intentions. Khatami did what Ahmadinejad is doing today to setup trust to reach a deal. No difference, except time and experience. Khatami today would have done better to make Iran stand on higher grounds.
8)” Providing the means for different schools of thoughts to debate on national TV for people to see first hand.” There are some truth in this fact. I can’t argue this too much. Pre election of course.
9) “Using national TV to humiliate and accuse the corrupt politicians who stole from the people , effectively distroying their public image.” When your backing is high up there with guns and money, you got nothing to worry about. That’s not diplomacy, it’s arrogant. Ask Bush.
10)” Challenging the wish of VF when it interfered with the President`s right to choose. Specifically the case for Esfandyar Mashaaie”. Who do you think VF is? I am currently out of Iran, but I know this well. What you are saying is absolutely wrong. There are some miscommunications among all levels of the ruling system. That’s not freedom, it’s Iranian way of running things. Ahmadinejad could not even dare to stand against VF. Khatami, a soft spoken person who truly believes in democracy could have done some gradual move towards that, since he believed in free system and law, but Ahmadi? He couldn’t see the law if it hit him in the face. Most of the courts are illegal running under his terms.
I admire you love for Ahmadi, but you are not being truthful to yourself if you believe this all.

No Fear

IRI , Ahmadinejad`s accomplishments so far.

by No Fear on

Should i believe your word or the facts that has happened ever since Ahmadinejad took office. Let me give you some facts;

- Tangible progress towards a free market economy by eliminating subsidies.

- Blocking the " monkerat" bill from ratification by Majlis for years.

- Purging the clergy class from administrative positions

- Choosing administration ministers based on their qualification.

- Allowing ( For the first time ) a woman to become a minister.

- Relaxing the laws for women sports .

- Defending Iran's right to enrichment without backing down.

- Providing the means for different schools of thoughts to debate on national TV for people to see first hand.

- Using national TV to humiliate and accuse the corrupt politicians who stole from the people , effectively distroying their public image.

- Challenging the wish of VF when it interfered with the President`s right to choose. Specifically the case for Esfandyar Mashaaie.


These were taboo breaking examples which has happened during the administration of Ahmadinejad. Show me one previous Administration who was as effective as Ahmadinejad ...

If you open your mind and eyes to the truth, you will know why millions and millions of Iranians support him and believe he is leading us in the RIGHT direction.



بزرگترین خلاف خامنه ای


بزرگترین خلاف خامنه ای دخالت مستقیم و از بین بردن توازن قدرت در جمهوری اسلامی بود و هست. همین امر تمام معادله را عوض کرده و جناه بازی امروز با دیروز زمین تا آسمان فرق می کند. این بحثها نه اینکه بد هستن، کاری را که خراب شده درست نمی کنند. کار اساسی تذکرات موسوی و هاشمی می باشند. امروزه کار به جای دیگری کشیده شده که برگشت به راه درست، روز به روز، مشکلتر می شود.
آقای احمدی نژاد چه خوب چه بد، که ما کاری نداریم، آغاز این شکاف و غده سرتانی این حکومت بیمار است. در معادله آینده حساب چه شود یک حرفیست که امروز خود بیت رهبری هم نمی داند، ولی اینها را می گویم که به یک نکته کوچک برسم. جناب آقای "نو فی یر"، شما کمی خوشبینتر از حقیقت به مسئله پیچیده احمدی نژاد می نگرید. بخیال شما، که کم هم نیستین، آقای احمدی نژاد با خلاقیت خودشان در حال تنظیم برنامه پیشرفت ایران هستند. نه عزیز، ما بطور مستقیم با ایشان کار کردیم. از هوا حرف می زنن و بدون توجه به مسائل و بدون کارشناسی دستوراتی می دهند که دهان مسئولین باز می ماند. آن هم بخاطر نادانی ایشان در حل مسائل بزرگ کشور. شما این را از من بشنوید، ما افت بسیار زیادتری خواهیم داشت و کشور در خطر بزرگتر در ورشکستگی قرار خواهد گرفت. من خودم از طرفداران ایشان بودم، ولی شما باید ایشان و کارشان را ببینید تا بفهمید اشتباهات ایشان یکی دوتا نیست. بیت رهبری هم دونبال یک سری منافعات هست که فعلا با ایشان طی می کنند. وضع کمی وخیم است.
بهترین کاری که امروز دولت ایران می تواند انجام دهد که وضع را از این پیچیدگی و نا کاربردی نجات دهد (افتادن به جان زنان ایرانی نیست) بر کناری احمدی نژاد و باز گشت بیت رهبری خارج از مسائل داخلی احزاب. وگرنه پسگردی ادامه می یابد.

No Fear

Kharmagas and Mammad,

by No Fear on

The purpose of this thread was to demonstrate the school of thought that Ahmadinejad and many new comers in Iran`s politic, belong to ( or influenced by ), in contrast to the ever dominant '' Left'' camp in Iran.

I admit that grouping all the '' right '' wing groups together was a mistake on my part , since the likes of '' motalefeh'' which your whole counter arguement is based upon, is actually an ultra Right conservative group which its policies are quite different than the likes of Ahmadinejads administration which my arguement is based upon. However, i should have excluded the ultra religous right when refering to the right camp. This is my fault.

Ultra right wings like the '' Motalefeh '' and '' Ansare hezbollah '' are against greens and flags ( Ahmadinejad camp ) alltogether.  They are hell bent on VF as the ultimate form of governance and opposed Ahmadinejad`s '' relaxation on women sports'' , '' The delay of the monkerat bill'' , '' The elimination of clergies from administrative jobs''  and many other policies.

However, Ahmadinejad and his camp are not as conservative as the groups you mentioned. You know this better. There are many reasons to accurately claim that NO other administration in the history of IR has broken more Taboos ( in many aspects of our politics ) than Ahmadinejad and his camp. This leads me to the following;

I don`t believe in revolutionary solutions anymore. I don`t trust the green leaders who sound identical to the same revolutionaries at the begining of our revolution. I don`t trust the democratic movement who believes IR should be violently removed and replaced with a democratic system. We tried that 30 years ago and only an Olagh will try that again. I believe in a gradual process towards a more progressive and open society , both politically and economically.

I voted for Ahmadinejad to prevent a victory by the traditional revolutionary leftist islamists with their outdated revolutionary methods of  either running the country or dealing with their political opponents. Your beloved Mousavi is still the same person who believes in ''Martyrdom'' when he advocates a fight against his ''internal Iranian'' opposition.  It is this kind of revolutionary Leftists reactions that are the biggest obstacle to a gradual progress towards (at the very least) , ''respecting the opposing views'' . Ofcourse, we will respect your views as long as you don`t set the city on fire which again , points to your outdated methods of an uncompromising revolutionary approach.( you couldn`t wait for 4 years when there is another election, you wanted it NOW and by show of force).

I had written extensively about this on another thread and i asked you directly about it, which you conveniently ignored me. below;


Nevertheless, You are correct to call me a modern right and i never said Ahmadinejad is a modernist. He is just a tool to bring us closer to what the traditional left failed to bring over and over again. I rather he pays the price for breaking the taboos than the people.

Inregards to Rafsanjani, he is a '' fara jenaahi'' figure and he has kept himself that way. He has defended the Left camp politically while he pretends to be in the right camp, economically. He is a corrupt charlatan. Even when he was the president and pretending to follow free market policies by eliminating government control over currency exchange ( Particulary the US dollar ) , he was using the subsidized US dollars from the government and investing it in exports and imports for his family and friends. Calling him in the right camp is absurd, but you know very well who he was supporting during the riots after the election, the leftist revolutionaries! Granted, he is lower than that to belong to any camp, unless there is a camp for corrupt leeches.

PS: Many issues are being debated here at once. We should look towards a way to narrow it down if we want to reach a conclusion. I will admit my mistake for grouping all the Right wings groups together , you saw the vulnerability and capitalized on it. But i hope you understood the main points of my arguement.

No Fear

Magas and Mammad

by No Fear on


marhoum Kharmagas

No Fear!

by marhoum Kharmagas on

No Fear, even Vilemose's abaatil look good compared to your claims. Many from the left are against Ahmadinejad ... so you have to go back and rewrite the history so everything is left's fault!?

BTW, although many from the left are among the greens, greens as a whole are dominated by the right, people such as Dr. Sahimi are a very small minority among the greens (unfortunately). The right is so dominant in greens that here and there even Dr. Sahimi tilts to right a bit (don't tell him I said that!).


Making things up as you go?

by Mammad on

No Fear, I appreciate your eloquence, but you are either ill-informed, or intentionally hide things. In the latter case, it is odd for someone who calls himself/herself No Fear. Let us take a look at some of your facts:

1. If the right wing opposed nationalization, it was from extreme right, from the position of being pro-fuedals, not from a modern marcket-economy standpoint. Who are you trying to fool? Plus, nationalization at that time was necessary, because the owners had fled the country. In fact, in your second paragraph you actually say that. I do not understand why this is "progressive," which is what you seem to imply.

2. Not all rightwingers were opposed to the take over of the US embassy. To the contrary, a large majority of them supported it. AN did not, but that was because he wanted to overrun Soviet Union embassy, not because he was in love with international laws!

3. Right wingers not attacking Banisadr? That is nonsense. The Islamic Coalition Society (jameiyat-e Mo'talefeh), a right wing group, wanted Banisadr's blood. A lot of right-wing ayatollahs did the same. Rafsanjani was a leader of anti-Banisadr faction. What is he? A leftist? God forbid! What the heck are you talking about?

4. Right-wing opposed velaayat-e Faghih? A leader of adding it to the Bazargan-drafted Constitution was Dr. Hassan Ayat, a protoge of Mazaffar Baghaei (a supporter of the Shah in 1953) and member of Mo'talefeh. Mo'talefeh then and today is the strongest proponent of VMF.

5. The Right wing proposed the Molavi-Ershadi thesis, simply because the left controlled the VF. Why don't they invoke it now? Because one of their own controls it! Who supports VMF now? The same people who had talked about Molavi-Ershadi. In this case, you are simply naive, too naive, to put it extremely optimistically. 

6. Give me one example of a prominent right-wing that opposed the Fatwa for Roshdi.

7. To say that because Ayatollah Montazeri had a representative in universities, professors and students were purged, is utter nonsense. They were purged because the campuses were controlled by THE SECULAR LEFT and Mojahedin! Read this for its history:


I can go on, but have made my point.


P.S.: You called yourself the modern right. You may be, but AN ain't.

Mardom Mazloom

Those Basijis who gave their lives for Iran were

by Mardom Mazloom on

mucho different from now days Basijis who kill/rape/murder Iranian people For Sandiss.

Even the families of most known Basijis in the Iran/Iraq war say that. For an example here an open from Zahra Bakeri, the sister of Ali, Hamid and Mehdi Bakeri

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم‌
اینجانب خواهر سه شهید هستم. در زمان رژیم شاهنشاهی برادر بزرگم شهید و برادر دیگرم به حبس ابد محکوم شد. دو برادر دیگرم نیز در حکومت جمهوری اسلامی به شهادت رسیدند .۳۰ سال از عمرم را در حکومت ستمشاهی و ۳۰ سال باقی را در جمهوری اسلامی سپری کردم.
در زمان رژیم شاهنشاهی که برادر بزرگم اعدام شد و برادر دیگرم در زندانهای قصر، اوین، عادل آباد شیراز، قزل قلعه و زندان ارومیه زندانی بود ، ما و مردمی چون ما این حق را داشتیم که با حقوق دانان بین المللی و نمایندگان سازمان عفو بین الملل و نمایندگان سازمانهای حمایت از زندانیان دیدار و در مورد زندانیانمان گفتگو کنیم ، ولی در حکومتی که به اسم حضرت علی(ع) و امام زمان مزین است، پدران و مادران و همسران زندانیان، حق ندارند از احوال آنان با خبر باشند و هیچ گونه اطلاعی، حتی در مورد محل بازداشت عزیزانشان به آنان داده نمی شود و خانواده ها حق بازگو کردن وضعیت بد زندانیانشان در زندانها را با هیچ مقام و مسوولی ندارند؟؟!!! آقایانی که در مصدر امور تکیه زده اید کمی انصاف داشته باشید و وضعیت زندانهای ستمشاهی ، که ظاهرا عده ای از شما آنها را دیده اید ، را با وضع زندانهای مملکت اسلامی امروز مقایسه کنید.
بعد از اعدام برادر بزرگم علی باکری، خانواده برای او مجلس ختم گرفت. مراسم هفتم و چهلم را هم دائی هایمان در تهران گرفتند . چند ماه بعد از اعدام برادرم من در آموزش و پرورش استخدام رسمی شدم، خواهر کوچک ترم در راس مدیریت آموزشگاه عالی آموزش و پرورش استخدام شد ، برادرم مهدی در کنکور دانشگاه پذیرفته شد و نظام شاهنشاهی هیچ گونه مزاحمتی برای ما ایجاد نکرد. آیا واقعا امروز نیز اوضاع خانواده های قربانیان همین طور است؟!!
برادر من با بانگ الله اکبر به پای چوبه ی دار رفت، اما رژیم شاه برای اثبات حقانیتش از او استفاده نکرد. شما را به خاطر خدایی که نامش را به زبان دارید اما به گفته هایش عمل نمی کنید ، کمی به خود آئید و فکر کنید رفتار شما با کدامیک از قوانین بشری مطابقت دارد؟!!
برادرم مهدی باکری به دنبال برقراری حکومت عدل علی بود. شبهایی که شب نامه و اعلامیه به خانه می آورد تا به همراه دیگر برادران و خواهرانمان در خانه های اطراف پخش کنیم به من می گفت : خواهر من، حکومت عدل علی در ایران حاکم خواهد شد. تو دیگر نگران گرسنه خوابیدن بنده های خدا نخواهی بود، دیگر همسایه بی خبر از همسایه اش نخواهد خوابید و هیهات که برادرانم و هزاران شهید دیگر با این آرزوها از همه چیز و همه کس خود گذشتند و امروز عده ای که از گذشتگان عبرت نمی گیرند یا قدرت به آنها اجازه نمی دهد که به خود آیند، با سوء استفاده از نام اسلام و شهدا با مردم هم وطنشان چه می کنند؟ مردمی که تا دیروز که قرار بود برای نمایش قدرت پای صندوقها بیایند انسانهایی باشعور بودند، ولی امروز که خواستار حقشان هستند ، خس و خاشاک و مزدور بیگانه شده اند. شرک را به حدی رسانده اند که یکی از آیات عظام می فرماید:
اطاعت از رئیس جمهور اطاعت از خداست !!!!شما چطور نام خود را مسلمان گذاشته اید؟!!شما با بت پرستان قبل از اسلام چه تفاوتی دارید؟!
برادران من، مهدی و حمید عاشق همسران و خانواده خود بودند . وقتی حمید به خانه می رسید، احسان از شانه های پدرش پایین نمی آمد. هرگاه مهدی از جبهه بازمی گشت، ساعتها با خواهر زاده های خود بازی می کرد. اما با وجود این علاقه، آنها عشقی والاتر به خدا و میهن و اسلام واقعی داشتند که تمای عشق ها را تحت الشعاع قرار داد و باعث شد آنها از تمامی لذات دنیا دست بکشند....
و امروز شما بر روی خون آنها نشسته اید و مزدوران باطوم به دستتان، به جرم طرفداری از کسی که در روزها و سالهای بحرانی کشور در پشت جبهه پدرانشان را حمایت کرده و صلاحیتش توسط شورای نگهبان تایید شده است، بر سر فرزندان آنان می کوبند!!
مهدی و حمید و مهدی ها و حمید هایی که رفته اند هم سپاهی بودند. آنها بسیجی بودند. امروز عده‌ای بسیجی نما شیشه های در منزل خواهرم را شکستند، اما خوشبختانه موفق نشدند به داخل خانه بروند و مانند قوم مغول بزنند و بکشند و ببرند تا شاید این گونه عقده‌ها و نفرت درونی خود را فرو بنشانند .
اما در مورد همسران برادرانم جملات نا مربوطی شنیده ام. شما اگر ذره ای شرم از مقام و خون شهید داشتید، امروز این بی حرمتی ها را به همسران شهدا نمی کردید . کسانی که تا قبل از این بی عدالتی اخیر حاکمیت، با چنگ و دندان از این حکومت حمایت کرده اند چطور یک شبه مستحق این همه توهین شده اند؟! آنها شبها در خفا برای همسران خود گریسته اند تا کسی اشکهای آنان رانبیند، تا مثل حضرت زینب محکم و استوار باشند. آنوقت شما مقدس مآبان و تازه به دوران رسیده ها که باکری ها را نمی شناسید، می گویید همسرانشان دیگر باکری نیستند؟! شما که هستید که چنین حقی به خود می دهید؟!
من به عنوان بزرگ خانواده باکری به همسران برادرانم افتخار می کنم . همسر مهدی با خواهش خانواده باکری با فردی که ارزش و حرمت شهید را می داند، ازدواج کرده است. ایشان از ابتدای ازدواجشان عکس مهدی را به دیوار خانه شان آویخته اند و با فرزندشان در مورد عمو مهدی حرف می زنند و فرزندشان از زمان تولد، مهدی را به عنوان عمو و انسانی والا شناخته است . آنوقت شما می گویید چرا اسم باکری را دارند؟!
اما در مورد همسر حمید! شما مصداق واقعی ضرب المثل کافر همه را به کیش خود پندارد هستید. آیا واقعا فکر می کنید می توانید هر کس را به هرکس که خواستید نسبت دهید؟!شرم از روز قیامت ندارید؟!البته شما در حدی نیستید که اجازه دیدار با شهدا را بیابید ، اما وای به حالتان که جوابی برای آنها نخواهید داشت!
بعد از مراسم چهلم مهدی و حمید، من به عنوان بزرگ خانواده، به هر دوی آنها گفتم که ازدواج کنند و این چیزی جز فرمان خدا نبود. همسر حمید با داشتن دو فرزند، جوانی و همه چیزش را صرف تربیت آنها کرد و خدا می داند که چه فشارهایی را به تنهایی به جان خرید تا فرزندانی صالح تربیت کند. فرزندان پاکی که شما از تهمت زدن به آنها هم ابایی ندارید . همسران برادرانم به حرمت زندگی کوتاهی که با برادر من داشته اند، نور چشم خانواده باکری هستند و خواهند ماند. خوشحالم که خانواده ما بدهی به شما ندارد. نه از حکومت کمکی دریافت کرده ایم و نه به موقعیتی چشم داشته ایم. نه سهم خواهی کرده ایم و نه سهمی خواهیم خواست. ( الحمد لله ) من وظیفه خود می دانستم که این نامه را برای شادی روح شهیدانم بنویسم. باشد که برای آنها که آخرت را فراموش کرده و به خاطر قدرت کثیف مادی چشم به حقایق بسته اند، نیز تذکری باشد تا بندگی خدا بکنند و نه برده بنده خدا باشند....
زهرا باکری- خواهر شهیدان علی، مهدی و حمید باکری

The free days for you kaftars (or as Zahra khanoom says yek mosht mozdoor) are now counted, TIC-TOC


Islamic Fundamentalism is

by vildemose on

Islamic Fundamentalism is the 'Dream of the Past', something highly appreciated by the CIA as a ready-to-use weapon against the progressive forces of the Muslim countries. Basijee and Ahamdinejad's faction are aiding and abetting the imperialists whom they think they are fighting. Unwittingly, your militarism and fanaticism only help the imperialists to reach their goals in the region a lot faster.


Basijis & orange juice guys

by I Voted Ahmadinejad on

The desperation and strong dislike-or hate- for basijis by north Tehran drinkers of fresh orange juice squashed by their moms and the ridders of expensive cars owned by their dads are understandable.

ram jams

No Fear


by No Fear on

Who do you think was fighting the Iraqis at the front lines? The Iranian national army which consisted of draftees or IRGC which consisted of volunteers?  By the way, where were you at that time?

Do you know how many of those who you call thugs , died to keep Iran in one piece?  The country which you defend its right with the click on your keyboard. Have you died for your mihan?

Ahmadinejad does have the support of IRGC and there is no denying. But so what?  In my book, they are patriots. Ahmadinejad has also been in war and has served his country. No one can deny the nationalistic credentials that comes with this group.

Now, about Khameneie...,

Do you really think by eliminating Khamenie , Iran problems would be solved?

Do you know how similar you are with your revolutionary ideas against IR with those who had similar revolutionary ideas, against shah?

I can't trust people like you who say they will topple the current regime and then they will call a referendum and be democratic. This is the same course of action that was repeated 30 years ago and you are the same revolutionary person ( Ofcourse, you have been upgraded since as a diasporan, you are practically a nokhodi ).

There are stark similarities with all revolutionaries. You are one of them, so is Fred and also Mousavi and Karoubi and Masood Rajavi and Khomeini. A revolutionary person is generally incapable to respect and tolerate opposing views.

On the other hand, the people you just called thugs, have shown a great tolerance for those with opposing views to speak out. ( Ofcourse, without burning cars and setting the city on fire ).

Can you understand my points?

Mardom Mazloom

منطق بسیجی چه صفایی داره !! حالا در همین رده:

Mardom Mazloom

متلك بسيجي: خواهر! شماره‌تو بده ، واسه نماز صبح بيدارت كنم.

مي دونيد بسيج مخفف چيه؟ " بنياد سازمان دهي يك مشت جوجه.

به بسيجيه ميگن: خدا كيست؟ ميگه نماينده مقام معظم رهبري در آسمان ها.

از بسيجيه مي پرسن: مي دوني پل رو براي چي ساخته اند؟ مي گه: براي اينكه كشتيها از زيرش رد بشن!

از بسيجيه مي پرسن چرا امشب اخبار طولاني شد؟ مي گه فكر كنم امشب قسمت آخرش بود.

بسيجيه ماشينش توي برف گير ميكنه. زنجير نداشته، سينه ميزنه.

از يه بسيجيه سوال ميكنن : دو خط موازي چيه؟ ميگه:دو خط موازي دو خطي هستند كه هيچ گاه به هم نميرسن مگر به دستور مقام معظم رهبري.

بسيجيه داشته تو دريا غرق مي شده هر بار كه مي رفته پايين اب مي خورده ميومده بالا مي گفته:سلام بر حسين.

يه بسيجيه زنگ ميزنه به دوست دخترش ميگه باباتو بپيچون باهم بريم دعاي ندبه.

بسيجيه يه شب قرص اكس ميخوره تا صبح وضو ميگيره!

متلك بسيجي به يه دختر چقدر تنت بوي كربلا ميده ، شهيدتم.

حوزه ي علميه قم اعلام كرد به علت ترافيك طلاب در شهر قم , طلاب از فردا به صورت عمامه ي سياه و سفيد ( زوج و فرد ) در شهر تردد كنند .

بسيجي فيلم جنگي ميبينه. آخر فيلم كه تموم ميشه شور حسینی ميگرتش سينه خيز ميره تلويزيون را خاموش ميكنه.

بسيجيه ميخواسته آتش نشان بشه. توي آزمون استخدامي ازش ميپرسند اگر جنگل آتش بگيره و اون اطراف آب نباشه چه كار ميكني؟ بسيجيه ميگه: هيچي تيمّم مي كنيم.

يه اس ام اس براي بسيجيه مياد كه نوشته بوده: پيروزي افتخار آميز دانشمندان ايراني در عرصه انرژي هسته اي و دستيابي آن عزيزان به اورانيوم غني شده رو ولش كن، خودت چه طوري؟

يه بسيجيه روي پيغامگيرش گذاشته بوده: سلامن عليكم و رحمه الله. لطفا پس از شنيدن سوره بقره، پيام خود را بگذاريد.

بسيجيه ميره مسابقه ي قرآن خواني. سوره ي بني اسرائيل بهش مي افته انصراف ميده .

بسيجيه ادعاي پيغمبري ميكرده،رفيقاش بهش ميگن: بابا همينجوري كه نميشه! بايد بري چهل روز بشيني تو غار، تا از خدا برات وحي بياد. خلاصه بسيجيه ميره، دو روز بعد با دست و پاي شكسته و خوني مالي برميگرده! رفيقاش ميپرسن: چي شده؟! ميگه: ما رفتيم تو غار، يهو جبرئيل با قطار اومد!


NO FEAR: Emergence of the

by vildemose on

NO FEAR: Emergence of the Right?? You mean IRGC Thugs and Co.

Do you believe you can get rid of Khamenie and the Chap clergies in a few years altogether and establish a military Islamic Caliphate once and for all?

No Fear


by No Fear on

Do you consider yourself and Ahamdinjad as Islamists intellectuals?

Do you consider yourself a democrate intellectual?  There is no proper way to answer your question. Do you want to have a constructive debate, or do you want to be declared the winner of an intellectual debate by any means possible?

Aren't you people messianic?

No, and our policies clearly point to that. But if this ideas of us being messianic helps you to understand us by propagandas , then let this be a triumph of your intellectual properties.

 Do you believe in Mahdaviat as Ahamdinejad does?

As long as anyones religious beliefs won't interfere with the laws of political science and managing a country, i don't care what Ahmadinejad believes in. Look at the actions , not the words.

Are you waiting for Imam Mahdi to resurrect and bring justice to the world??

Am i supposed to look dumb to you if i answer yes to the above? Whats wrong if some people believe in this idea as long as it won't be a part of a political campaign?  

PS: You are asking the wrong questions, Vildemose. I can tell you a lot more, but it seems that you are not interested in a debate, but instead, you rather use your energy to discredit me by any means possible. I have no problem ignoring you, if this is what you wish for . But remember, this thread was put together mainly to answer your questions about the emergance of the "right". I have answered those. But please don't come back with half assed propaganda garbage that was fed to you.



NO FEAR: Do you consider

by vildemose on

NO FEAR: Do you consider yourself and Ahamdinjad as Islamists intellectuals? Aren't you people messianic? Do you believe in Mahdaviat as Ahamdinejad does? Are you waiting for Imam Mahdi to resurrect and bring justice to the world??

No Fear

"Detached from reality ?"

by No Fear on

This blog was intended to show where the new wave of politicians in Iran comes from. I am talking about the likes of Ahmadinejad and Esfandyar Mashaaie and many other newcomers.

Over-simplifying  Iran's politic and seeing the entire IR system as a unified entity which has to be toppled by another revolution suits your description for " Detached from reality" , perfectly.

Nevertheless ...,

Due to the dominance of the leftists Islamists from the begining of the revolution, the " right " camp has only been able to define itself by its disagreements with the dominant " left ".  I have given the examples of these disagreements in this blog to show you the main areas of disagreement which can show a great deal of the " right" camp ideology.

With the emergence of Ahmadinejad, this camp has ( for the first time ) taken over the administration. Their policies which is derived from their ideology, is more apparent now and aligned with their demands at the begining of the revolution.  Do you remember when Ahmadinejad said in one of his speeches " Sey Saal mamlekat dastetoon bood, che golestani tahvile mardoom daadid?!? "

Ofcourse this camp is a lot better from the new opposition! ( LOL , hanooz naresideh az raah, khoodeshono opposition mikhonand ). They are not my ideal in anyway, but they the right step in the right direction since they have reduced the role of " political Islam" in Iran.


Ansare Hezbollah is an extremist group which can not be in the same group as Basiji which takes its order from higher authorities. Ansare Hezbollah is currently a strong opposition to Ahmadinejad's policies.

Rafsanjani & Co, are not intellectuals and don't belong to any group unless there is a group for corrupt leeches. At best , they are pragmatics who use their political skills to advance their own agenda. Yesterday ,they were advocates of " Islame naabe Mohammadi" and today they are for reform! This group should be crushed not for the ideas ( Which they dont have any ) but for their monopoly on economical and political power houses.

One last thing, Judge the " right " emergance by your own eyes without the propaganda that was fed to us by the " leftist" politicians. This group are NOT radicals. Do you remember before the first election when Ahmadinejad was a candidate, the Left camp propaganda was " that if Ahmadinejad wins the presidency, even the streets in Iran would be sex segregated ( Mardone-zanoone ). Not only this did not happen, quite the opposite has been on display for the last 6 years.



by vildemose on

NO FEAR: WHO IS THE ENGHELABI RAAST?? YOU, THE Basij, Ansar-e-Hizballah, Ahmadinejad?

Please for the second time, define the Enghelabi Raast and their vision for the Iran's future? What does Enghelabi mean in today's IRI?

You think Ahmadinejad and his gang are any better than Rafsanjani and his gang?? Are you that detached from reality?

No Fear

Real MacCoy

by No Fear on

After reading a few of your posts on this blog, i fail to understand the point you are trying to make. I am certain you disagree with me, but what is your take on the issue? 

Usually when someone disagrees with a person , he/she will say where the OP is at fault and present their take on the issue.

I honestly don't have the patience to debate the difference between " school of thoughts" meaning or "class" meaning. I sincerely hope you not reducing this debate to what these words mean in proper oxford English.

Please state clearly how you disagree with me, so i can better understand you and be better prepared for a reply.

Real McCoy

A divine oxymoron, by definition

by Real McCoy on


"Islam, with its teaching , is also a form of ideology with enough "
leftist" solutions for achieving social justice...This led to a
formation of a very powerful Islamic class with " left "


How did it form a class? Or do you mean a school of thought?

Turn "left" on Islam, and you will find "Camp Ashraf" on your way. 

MKO, didn't end up as a "cult" by choice. Their doctrine was inherently contradictory.  






no fear:

by fooladi on

If you look at the responses you get to your stupid comments, you' realise that 99.9% of readers and contributers to this forum are "others like me" "lacking of knowldge and information"! If I were you, I'd then take my BS to the bassiji brothers with necessary "knowledge and information" who'd appreciate your wise words! But really, dont!~ Stay here and keep BSing. I mean that classic response you invoked from  "khar" is just a gem! I have been laughing ever since I read it! Aren't you? no, you wouldnt get it!

No Fear


by No Fear on

I have refrained from engaging you and others like you due to your lack of information and knowledge, but most importantly, your lack of basic elementary logic.

I hope you respect my non engagement policy towards your ilk.

No Fear

On terminologies ...

by No Fear on

The classification betwen left and right refers to the intellectual properties of each groups.  Having a " leftist " ideology was a revolutionary trend in the 70s. Many intellectuals also belonged to this classifications in one way or another. Don't forget that in the core of this whole debate , lies the puzzle of " Justice " and how to achieve it or implement it in the society.

Islam, with its teaching , is also a form of ideology with enough " leftist" solutions for achieving social justice. ( Or atleast , it was interpreted that way at the begining of the revolution ). This led to a formation of a very powerful islamic class with " left " tendencies.

Rafsanjani & Co. can not be considered as intellectuals , they belong to the ruling corrupt class of IR which really don't care which way the economy swings. When he was the president, he advocated a free market economy, but i double dare anyone who can show me one example of any policy adopted and implemented during his era that can point to a free market based economy. There isn't any tangible evidence that Rafsanjani was a TRUE believer in open market economies. If that was the case, he and his family wouldn't have a monopoly on certain industries, or even a government position!