Where hate grows


Nazy Kaviani
by Nazy Kaviani

Tired of the hate in the world and on Iranian.com, I went to an Iranian American Writers Association meeting today.  I had been looking forward to getting together with my friends and talking about our passion, writing.  It is always a magical Sunday morning spent with folks I have come to love and respect, while we work on our craft.  No sooner had I sat down to immerse myself in the bliss, that I realized the conversation already in progress was about Israeli attacks on Gaza.  And so it was that I was caught with everybody else smack in the middle of another discussion about Gaza.  The topic was what is the responsibility of writers under the circumstances?  Should we go on our merry ways and write about our characters fictional and real, developing plots and storylines and tweaking story structures to please ourselves, the audience, and agents, or should we be writing about the human catastrophe in Gaza and participating in book and essay readings to bring attention to the tragedy?

People engaged in an emotional debate, expressing love and respect for each other, sympathizing with victims, and agreeing or disagreeing on their level of responsibilities about the issue.  Believe it or not, the discussions were a human-grade, face-to-face-gaged, profanity-and-hate-less version of the discussions which have been taking place on this platform for the past couple of months.  Some people thought it is very much the writers’ and artists’ responsibility to speak up and to condemn Israel.  Someone thought it is none of the writers’ business, because writers aren’t pundits, and no one should be allowed to tell a writer what to write about.  Some people thought it is the responsibility of writers to write in support of defenseless children who must be cherished and protected into adulthood and life, and not buried into graves.  Some of the writers who are married to Jewish spouses talked about the way they have been approaching the dilemma of their conflicting politics with their in-laws, barely dodging “anti-semitic” labels.  A Jewish writer was talking about emails she and her cousin in Israel have been having over the subject of Hamas, Israeli soldiers’ being blessed by Jewish rabbis to go to war, and the exchanges the two cousins separated by time and distance have been having over them.

As I was watching some of the most brilliant people I know share their thoughts and ideas, some getting really emotional and others staying calmer but just as focused on the issue, I felt so much better about this discussion than any others I have watched on the site recently.  Though people were passionate and thoughtful, they weren’t losing sight of their mutual love and respect for each other, discussing the issue with all their attention, not without passion, but definitely without hate, accusations, and insults.

Returning home, I willed myself to stay away from Iranian.com, where these days the gaping hole which has left all humanity bleeding has left a crater of ill feelings and disgusting rhetoric for all to see forever and ever.  I told myself I would work on my touchy feely story about relationships, for I am a writer and not a political animal.  As addictions go, however, I couldn’t stay away and checked on the latest blogs and articles.  Catching one particularly disgusting one, where the blogger was congratulating herself on her ideological benefactors’ victory over poor, hungry, and defenseless civilians and children, insulting decent members of the site further, complete with smiley faces, I let it go, the retching feeling of complete overdose on hate, turning into heaves out of my stomach, and tears out of my eyes. 

I so wished I could see the faces of the people saying those words.  More importantly, I wished they could see mine as they were supporting hate and planting additional seeds of it everywhere, making sure that our world which has never been the same since the hateful process of Holocaust began in Europe, will never return to anything remotely peaceful and compassionate for generations to come. 

These days, I think I can handle going to work, to visiting my friends and family, and attending group meetings while the world hurts from the Gaza situation, for I am capable of facing other human beings face to face to engage in discussions.  What I can no longer handle is to watch these shameless hate mongers sit behind a keyboard somewhere far or near, shooting pellets, bullets, and bombs of hate into the weakling and unprepared community of diasporic Iranians on Iranian.com.  I am thoroughly disgusted.


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Free Spirit


by Free Spirit on

"The good neighbor looks beyond the external accidents and discerns those inner qualities that make all men human and, therefore, brothers. "

                             -Martin Luther King Jr.

rosie is roxy is roshan

Probably I should've just let it lie and contacted the people

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

privately Sorry.


Dear Nazy

by javaneh29 on

You wrote a really good blog echoing the thoughts and feelings of many of us here. The nasty jibes between certain ppl here is tiring and sometimes more than a little boring, not to mention disrespectful to the effort writers put into their blogs. Why we have to have this continual personalised nasty back biting, I dont know.

Just reading through the comments on your blog, it is now both typical and disappointing that people are unable to keep to the subject matter and have to bring in disputes and arguments from other blogs.

For the last few days I have been reading up on the psychology of blogging as a result of all the bickering here ... I wondered what motivates ppl to come on here and turn differences of opinion into such spiteful vitriolic diatribe? I willl write something about it soon. However it's not about depression as someone wrote earlier. It's more to do with attention deficit disorders, personality disorders and feelings of inadaquacy.

Not everyone here is full of hate.... it's just that an issue such as what happened in Gaza brings out strong differences in opinion and an opportunity for some to use the issue to vent their spleen. Im not referring to those ppl who have written constructively about their opinions, what ever they might be.

Azizam you've written some great blogs in the past, focus on writing something you enjoy and we will all benefit.


rosie is roxy is roshan

Nezanin, I have decided it is best for me to

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

address this issue privately to you in an e-mail as this discussion will be completely antithetical to the spirit of Nazy's blog. I will do it through your contact button within the next two days.

rosie is roxy is roshan


by rosie is roxy is roshan on

In that post I wrote the following:

 One of them does not support the Gazan cause overall and the other one is dedicated to it. One of them does not support the Gazan cause overall and the other one is dedicated to it. END POST

The first person I named as Kaveh. My language was wrong. The corrected version should be:

One of them in discussions on Israel/Palestine on this website in general, while sensitive to the Palestinians' plight, to my recolellection very frequently defends Israel strongly, while the other to my recollection is general lycomes out more strongly supportive of the Palestinian cause and has blogged on it  at least twice.

I apologize for the poor phrasing on my post on personalizing. I could not also make the correction in the original post because it had been replied to so there was no edit function.


rosie is roxy is roshan

Okay, Kaveh, so

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

here is your entire post:

If I may, I'm not sure if I would regard the latest online diatribes as hate. Yes, there have been many hateful, nasty comments, but I wouldn't say it's hate.

To: Anonymous comment: Regarding "so now rosie and irandokht are best buddies. puleaz."

I echo that sentiment.

Puhleez indeed.


Pleas explain how the last half  of it is not in derisive and personal tone and did not me out of absolutely nowhere.  You are one of the most intelligent people on this website and one of the most careful and specific with langugage. Maybe I just don't understand worrds like puhleez as well as you do.

Does it have ccotinuity with the fhalf of the post and mean, puhleez there isn't really hate here onsite?

As a conciliatory gesture I will change the part where I said you do not support the Gazans.

SORRY IT HAPPENED HERE NAZY BUT IT DID. Maybe Kaveh and I can straighten it out and it will all have a happy ending. That would be very gratifying as it would certainly reinforce the message of your nlog.


Kaveh Nouraee

Excuse me?

by Kaveh Nouraee on

Roxane/Rosie, This may come as a shock to you, but I don't harbor any feelings or emotions towards you one way or another. I don't know you, or anything about you, so to conclude that I dislike you is sheer nonsense.

Maybe you need to re-read what I posted in order to see that what you perceived to be a snide remark directed towards you was in fact not directed towards you.

If anything, it is you who is attempting to personalize matters by directing the focus towards yourself and this perceived "slight" that never existed.

If you re-direct your energies back to the issue, you will see that A) it isn't about you, and B) your statement that I don't support the Gazan "cause" (whatever that's supposed to be) is false.

rosie is roxy is roshan

It is not hate, it is fear

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

I have been thinking a lot about this today, since yesterday when Zion was unable to see the "hate" in his blog. tried to use the blog as an example of her "innocence" from hate, and even analyzed it as inoffensive on my blog addressed to her. In my last pozt there I explained why this thinking is pathologically delusional which means ill.. The same can be said for her first post on this thread here which accuses Nazy (of all people) of dastardly political motves in writing this blog. Etc. etc.

 I explained Zion thinks this way because the recent history of the Jewish people is so traumatic. This morning it occured to me, so what is the name for this pathology, this fear that is so great that it causes distorted thinking and obsessive reiteration of and acting upon it?

It is called paranoi.

There is no way a non-professional,  i.e. non-psychologist, can talk paranoia away when it reaches the extremes of Zion, especially via pixels and plastic. But others can and have been swayed worldwide.

So I think you have to remember that all the time when you consider Zion AND the actions of the Israelis (not all, I am sure there are some insidious ruthless leaders, but most Israelis). I think it is not hard for Iranians to understand paranoia as it was seen so often on the threads before moderation was instituted. So paranoia is not uncommon among Iranians and everyone here has at least WITNESSED it. I think it is almost universal among Israelis and very common among Jews worldwide. Zionist reaction to "Arabs" is in large part paranoia turned into violence. This is an illness, one with tragic consequences.

At the same time it has some legitimate causes, attacks, suicide bombings, most recently Hamasas's refusal to recognize Israel, etc.

The problem is when this paranoia so often is exxpressed as hate in discussions,(magnificent example Zion's ceasefire blog and the vicious attack on Nazy), the Israeli side loses credibility. Yes, Palestinians express hate too but then others think well why not they lost their homes and are bombed, walled etc.

Eventually even the Zionistss' traumatic memories of the Holocaust are contemptuously questioned and that process is going on today.

What is the solution? I don't know. I always recommend avoidance of Nazi comparisons when engaging Israelis so they don't get polarized to thee right and then maybe progress could be made.

Mayve other people have some other suggestions.

ebi amirhosseini

Nazy Jaan

by ebi amirhosseini on


For you:

Ebi aka Haaji

Free Spirit

I think it has been clearly displayed on ........

by Free Spirit on

this thread not only the "Where?"...but also the "How?" and "Why?" hate continues to grow.

When logical and objective debates stop then hate is given the opportunity to flame tempers and become destructive.

The inability to see beyond the differences to take a closer look at our similarities.

Do I agree with everything someone says or believes?......Not likely.

I must say it was shocking to read Jamshid's words but until I walk in his shoes.....I will not understand why he feels.......beliefs the way he does.

I was not there when he was suffering in the military.......I was not there when the IRI took power.....I was not there when people he knew dearly died because of all the madness that happened so long ago in Iran. 

Yet, I am willing to understand my friend better though, I don't understand. My perspective is different.......I acknowledge it.......I will not judge him.........I cannot and must not.......... I am not God....I am simply human......full of flaws.......

Free Spirit


by Free Spirit on

I thought the object was to obtain peace not only in the world but on this website.

Is not continuing to address certain things causing to flame the fires further.

At what point are we not allowed to express our opinions on matters or people?

When does censorship of others go too far?

Further more why pay so much attention to every little thing they say or do.......whether they call one by name or not?

Just a thought.......


Rosie, What are you

by TheMrs on


What are you talking about? It may be hard for you to believe but I have no feelings for you whatsoever. I don't think of you and I usually don't read you. As for personalizing anything here, my comments was stricly for Ms. Kaviani and I'm sure she understands this.

What I said was that we can keep our fridge clean by doing our share and as for me, I try to be nice to people when they criticize me appropriately and even begin my responses with "you're right".

Beyond that, nothing I said has anything to do with you and was not directed to you. But if you wish to make me the subject of a future blog, go right ahead. Enjoy.


rosie is roxy is roshan

Personalizing the issue / Kaveh, Mrs.

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

Two people on this thread have snydely referred to me on this thread and personalized a very serious political and humanitarian issue in doing so. One of them does not support the Gazan cause overall and the other one is dedicated to it. They are respectively Kaveh and Nezanin. Tersonalizing the issue is nothing short of disgusting.

These two people don't like me and they are willing to drag another person into it, Irandokht, just to do it. That is nothing short of weird, especially for Nezanin who is on our "side" on the issue.This is nothing short of bizarre.

The snyde remark by both of them was that suddenly now Irandokht and I are "friends."

I am going to address both of them tomorrow separately.

For now all I will say is that personalizing the issue is disgusting.




والا ما بی‌ تقصیریم

نوکر انگلیسا (not verified)

این قوم موسی از روز اول افرینش ساکن اون ناحیه بودن. جناب بلفور فقط زمین‌های مصادره شده شون رو بعد دو هزار سال بهشون برگردوند.

خدا رحمت کنه میرزا آقا خان نوری رو


IR's exploitation of

by forachance (not verified) on

IR's exploitation of Palestinian cause and its indirect contriubtion to the carnage

This is spot on and unfortunately never disucussed; brimming with "Convictions" but only when self-serving interests are not endangered.


I am appalled by this bigot remark by Mehdi!!!

by curly on

He  openly!! writes:

You have to ask yourself why did the the British threw the Jewish people out of Europe - something Hitler tried to do unsuccessfully - by "offering" them their "promise-land." This is a group that is perfect to act as the vehicle of true evil in the world.

Ms Kaviani this is hate! this is why children have to suffer in Gaza, as long as this mentality exists, there will be no peace, anywhere.

AZ ghadeem goftan  yek dast seda nadarad, so this war was not and is not onesided.


Let me get this straight if

by AJ (not verified) on

Let me get this straight if you write abot Gaza you "must have" already written abot(all the atrocities and plights of the people in ):

Iran- Iraq war

Otherwise it JUST WON'T DO!!!!
Pleae get a grip!


my point was pretty much that

by Anonymous comment (not verified) on

this has been done to death already. nazi is just jumping on a bandwagon that is already overflowing.

enough IS enough. no one could hardly miss the blogs by nazy, irandokht, captain ahab and many others.


and now you've gotten rosie all worked up again.

great, just great.


Not directly related to the

by questions! (not verified) on

Not directly related to the topic, nontheless,Dear Nazy Khannom,
Have you ever written about the plight of Bahai's in Iran, IR's exploitation of Palestinian cause and its indirect contriubtion to the carnage? Thanks.

Free Spirit

First of all......

by Free Spirit on

let us not over  generalize here.

Not everybody hates.....everybody.

I personally don't hate anyone. However, I do not intend to be anyone's floor mat either.

Free Spirit


by Free Spirit on

Is the Persian tea safe to drink? :o)

Maybe I should just order a soda.

Wait a minute. How safe is it to eat the food?


why do you all hate each

by Anonymouset (not verified) on

why do you all hate each other?
i am lost

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

Please be careful when you have that drink. I have been hearing to many horror stories about their health code violations.

Whether you go there or somewhere else for that drink....cheers.

To Phonetic Monday!!  lol

P.S.  To those who say you don't belong....offer to buy them drinks at Caspian. <wink>

Free Spirit

Iranian.com has been a ..........

by Free Spirit on

hating place since it began blogging.

They are actually a little calmer.

Only because JJ started sending the offenders warnings on the website and by e-mail.

He actually froze the account of a couple of them.

You can still see JJ on certain blogs warning them to cool off.

I actually had several on this website tell me that I don't belong here. Just because I am not an Iranian.

Thankfully, others on the website defended me and I also stood my ground.


Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

Yes, you are right, it has indeed been less fun around here.

But I don't think you should be making assumptions as to what I might think people should do, nor should you be speaking for anyone else with sentiments like "we know it". Even if someone has a position that is the exact opposite of mine, I'd rather they say so for themselves. There are already way too many self-appointed "spokespeople" around here, don't you think?

Maybe people should take sides, and stand up for what they believe in. This inherent wishy-washy way of thinking and doing has only succeeded in making Iranians their own worst enemy for the past 2,500 years!

Do I think people who agree on this site are friends and those who don't are enemies? C'mon, that's laughable! This is the web, where everyone is wealthy, good-looking, politically correct and educated, with multiple university degrees. In reality, it's Disneyland without having to pay $6.50 for a small soda.

Stop hatin'? I'm not a hater, I'm direct and I'm blunt, which is contrary to typical Iranian behavior.

You're mistaking my refusal to fall into the Iranian habit of living life as though it's a popularity contest with hate.

Have a great day.



by Iraniandotcommer (not verified) on

I agree with Nazy's sentiments. Iranian.com looks like a hatin' place now. Between nonstop attacks on political posts and some users acting like children, frankly it's been less and less fun to be here.

Your comment really tells where most of the hatin' comes from. It is not all generated by Zion, and we know it.

Look at you. You think in the mud slinging hatin' game going on these days, people should be taking sides and establishing fraternities and sororities. You think those who disagree with each other are enemies and those who agree are "friends." What's up with that? Is this "Facebook?" "so and so and so and so are friends now?!!" That is so juvenile.

Puleez indeed! Stop hatin' bro, and grow up!


Why the British threw the Jews out of Europe

by Mehdi on

You have to ask yourself why did the the British threw the Jewish people out of Europe - something Hitler tried to do unsuccessfully - by "offering" them their "promise-land." This is a group that is perfect to act as the vehicle of true evil in the world. What better group to use as slaves for evil doing, like mercenaries than a group f people who live in terror and have no friend anywhere? There is nice quote that Zion mentioned once here from Talmud, which goes something like "if you be nice to evil, you have created eventual violence." Something like that. If the peace loving people don' take decicive and strong action against inhumanity, we will all get inhumanity - it will not stop at Gaza borders. But the solution is not more violence - it is to be loud peace makers. Never underestimate the power of communication - talk to people. Talk to anybody, explain the facts about Israel and Gaza to anybody - your grocery store clerk, your old grandma. You never know what positive effect you may create! What evil counts on heavily, is that you and I GIVE UP and decide that there is no hope anymore. That is the ONLY time we lose.


Dear Nazy

by Kohansal (not verified) on

Dear Nazy,

Having gotten to know you a little through your writing, I do believe you will not venture to respond to those who do not deserve an answer.

One who is TOTALLY blind to the truth does not 'deserve' your precious time.
Yet, obviously the choice is always yours.
Take care.

Free Spirit


by Free Spirit on

I will make sure to drink to it at Caspian today. lol


Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

Today is Phonetic Monday.