روَد روزی از كف تو خوشگلي ‌ات يار

by Faramarz

The wonderful blog by Red Wine brought back these memories of Rashid Behbudov


Rashid Behbudov was one of the most popular Azeri pop culture icons of the pre-revolutionary Iran. His songs were always played on the Iranian radio. Here is one of his most famous songs

Sənədə Qalmaz


خوشگلي ‌ات يار

ذوق و شوقم اسيرت
قلبم برايت يار
انصافاً خوشگو سخن
مرا به حرف آر يار
بگو چه بود اين اداها
عشوه و نازت در این کار
روَد روزی
از كف تو
خوشگلي ‌ات يار

(Translation by one of the readers)


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