Ahmadi Goes to Majlis - Gangnam Style!

Ahmadi Goes to Majlis - Gangnam Style!
by Faramarz

احمدی نژاد رئیس جمهور در دیدار با نمایندگان مجلس شورای اسلامی


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All Shame IRAN &Iranians for

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their filty looks, Crimes, Thieveries & their constant Lies to IRANIANS & World.


Ahmadi's Gang Deceptions!

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While going over the posted pictures, notice the gang's tears to deceive the people!

"(O mankind!) call upon your lord humbly and in secret. lo! he loveth not aggressors (either be single or in group)!" (The GOD's Book, 7:55)

"And remember your lord within yourself humbly and in seclusion and fearing and in a voice not loud in the morning and the evening and be not of the heedless gangs!" (The GOD's Book, 7:205)



Here are More Pictures!

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