Shame on you (2)


Shame on you (2)
by David ET

In reponse to Shame on you!!!! atricle by Cameron A. Batmanghlich  

Indeed over reactions of Israel to terrorist Hamas Organization by holding a city and its population hostage with lack of basic necessities and their daily bombardments is a humanitarian disaster and shameful and so is any defense of such inhumane act and please pass my sincere condolence to your friend who lost dear ones in Gaza.

But I also looked at your blog and it was filled with pseudo-intellectual articles since September 2007 and not once you addressed and felt shame for anything else that has been happening in the world and your own country Iran and now suddenly you start passing Shame to others?! Did you mean to say shame on me or at least shame on us ? Was it just a typo or you and everyone who feels the same , only know how to pass shame of others ?! and not take any responsibility yourself? 

Where is your shame in not saying a word in the past 1.5 years of blogging in here , like did today for the first time; about issues such as 

Political Imprisonments in Iran

Tortures in Iran

Killings and executions in Iran

Shutting down the newspapers in Iran

Arresting and beating Iranian women in the streets 

Executions under pretext of cleansing the society

Imprisonment and harassment's of Iranian students

Executing Children


....and so much more ??

Do I need to name the women members of million signature campaign who have been arrested in the past 1.5 years ?

Do I need to name the teachers , labor union leaders, human rights advocates and even clergy who were  imprisoned in the past 1.5 years ?

Do I need to give you statistics of drug use, poverty, unemployment, prostitution,... in Iran?

Do I need to....? ? ?

Mr. Cameron , I am sure now that you wrote few paragraphs about the inhumanity of Israel after you received the email about your friends loss but may be that was a wake up call that all these other Iranian people also have friends and family too and so do those civilian Israeli's who get blown to pieces by suicide bombers of Hamas.


Next time you wish to jump on the politically correct bandwagons of shaming others,...take a look in the mirror and once in while think about what is happening to your own countryman too !

and then at least say Shame on us !!

I am glad you and many others are now voicing your disappointment about what is happening to Palestinians but when this is all over, please do not disappear again while others keep trying to get your attention about inhumanity in your own country  while you are basking back in to your "Tango", "Amor perdido", "Birds", "Cigarette", "your heart" , "Piazza"..... and so on!

Those are all lovely and beautiful thoughts about life but while you have been living in your dreamland, people of your country ALSO have been suffering, suffocating and even dying too!



more from David ET
David ET

: o

by David ET on




by Souri on

I just came back here and read your reply. Not nice !

My English is not sufficiently good. What I'd said in my last post, was just to thank you for having said it finally with your own words. It was an explanation as to  "why" I had asked you "before" to give a clear-cut yes or now answer to the question. Not to criticizing you, not whining.

I don't have this character of whining and if  it happens to  me to whine, rest assure that it would never be for you.

David ET

make up your mind Souri

by David ET on

First you want "clear cut " yes or no answer , so I COMPLY and say yes

then you change your mind the next day and write: "When you say something in you own words, there's more passion in it and people would understand and believe you much better, than when you say just "Yes, me too" or "so do I"

Which is what I had already done in so many words already !!!

I give up, you just like to whine! LOL


Yes quiet this...

by Souri on

In the French version they had translated the word as "Idem"...sorry.

What I wanted to say is : When you say something in you own words, there's more passion in it and people would understand and believe you much better, than when you say just "Yes, me too" or "so do I" . Because this way, leave lots of ambiguity as to "what part of the subject you heartily believe" and to what degree ? That, makes a lot of difference in this kind of debate.

David ET

Clip should set this issue straight too :-)

by David ET on



it think the word used was

by Anonymousforever (not verified) on

"ditto".... :-)

David ET

Dear Niloufar e Parsi :-)

by David ET on

No problem Dear... That is why we engage in civil communications and exchanges, to understand each other better and to help resolve any misunderstandings. 

peace, love and "light"


David jan

by NiloufarParsi (not verified) on

I obviously misread you a little there. thanks for the clarification, and I hope i did not sound like i was being petty about a 'word'. That was not the intention.

David ET

Dear Souri

by David ET on

I must have missed that part of the movie: )


Peace, love and LIGHT



by Souri on

I know all these conversation tired you and made you mad now. Please don't get mad. There's just a miss-communication here. You had said things in your words, and I do hear them in my way :O)) 

I had read every single post and blog of yours on this topic, promise.

There's an example of mis-communication like this i want to give you, so to be clear why I ask you a precise answer :

In that old movie "Ghost", the girl was always saying to the guy: I love you, to which the guy always replied : Idem.....

Once she complained. She said : but you never tell me that you love me. The guy was so surprised, he said : but I always said, Idem...what it means ? She said : Idem means, Idem. I love you means something else ! 

Don't worry thogh....

David ET


by David ET on

I have said it at least 10 times, if you bother to read what I keeeeeeep repeating . The answer has been :


But I see more to it that ONE SIDE like you do.



by Souri on

Niloofar asked you a simple question, to which I don't see your direct answer :

"israel was essentially founded on the basis of raw violence and
terrorism, and has a very unhealthy and constant apetite for ethnic
cleansing. yet i don't see you calling it a monster..."

What is your EXACT position in regard to Israel and her terrorizing action to the Palestinian people ?

I agree with you that Israel is a legitimate and legal country. I don't question her legitimacy, but wanna know your exact position toward Isreal's action (which we call barbaric actions) ?

Would you please give us a clear-cut definition of what Israel is now?

Is she a Monster or is not ?

Please give us a very direct answr (if you wish) without going trough Iran and violation of human rights in Iran and what you have been saying about that for years....etc.

Now, the focus is only :Israel


Niloufar Parsi

you lost me there!

by Niloufar Parsi on

are you now saying that the US, Israel, Hamas, Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Taleban and IRI are all terrorists? So we are discussing the theoretical princiles of humanity rather than the power relations in the region and how to search for a solution that is most just and sustainable?

PS: i don't think you should brig animals into it. 

David ET

Is Terrorist is a better word?

by David ET on

Anyone, group or government, who intentionally blows up and kills innocent civilians to their death and injuries is terrorist.

Even Wars as horrible as they are have international rules of conduct. 

We can not condemn killing of civilians in one place and condone it in another. That is an ugly hypocrisy to live by.

Blood of humanity is red and warm , regardless of their nationality, religion, geography, gender and color. It is as simple as that and we don't need a lesson in history to know that.

A 1 year old child is capable of knowing that by crying when s/he sees blood of another human being gushing out.

That is called humanity.

PS: even animals are capable of such recognition.

Niloufar Parsi

David jan (on monsters)

by Niloufar Parsi on

there is something unconvincing about your approach to 'objectivity'. You sound a little like the fence that you sit on should grow both horizontally and vertically to obliterate only the sides that you call monsters.

Al Qaeda, Taleban (another ex-ally of the US), Hezbollah, Hamas are all monsters equally? How is that objective?

How about the issue of authenticity or legitimacy?

Both Al Qaeda and Taleban were heavily made up of foreign troops who espoused an ideology that was further from the US than that of the Soviets. The Wahabi 'monsters' that the Taleban and Al Qaeda embodied reached out across the world and played right into the hands of PNAC. It was almost an orchestrated project. and i haven't even mentioned their truly monsterous acts in afghanistan.

now lets take Hezbollah: they emerged in the middle of a war and grew into a solid part of Lebanon's political structure, and they have never tried to undermine the principle of representation. on the contrary, a close look would reveal that they are among the biggest agents of pluralism in the country. 

as for Hamas, they are much closer to the ideology of the Egyptian muslim brotherhood that is today far more open minded and pluralistic than its earlier character or its wahabi counterparts, which is partly why the Saudis oppose Hamas.

in fact, Hamas and Hezbollah both enjoy wide support among their populations, as attested by the countries' respective election results. Not a sinlge wahabi militant or ruler (Saudis) has seriously considered the option of holding fair elections.

So how is 'monster' a fair description of such disparate groups of actors?

israel was essentially founded on the basis of raw violence and terrorism, and has a very unhealthy and constant apetite for ethnic cleansing. yet i don't see you calling it a monster. so why are hezbollah and hamas monsters now that they are respected and elected holders of political office in their respective countries? 

would it not be more pragmatic and objective to stop calling legitimate and authentic local power holders monsters so that there can be a more conducive environment for peace?


David ET

Dear Sobh

by David ET on

Good article. Thank you. Here are couple of paragraphs I found telling:

"سخن در این است که چگونه دکترین نژاد پرستانه کسانی که در آلمان ملت خود را سرور ملل جهان و بشریت می نامیدند مانند ویروسی نامرئی، درمیان بخش مهمی از مردم اسرائیل و بنیانگذاران دولت آن، که نیاکان عبرانی بخشی از آنان نیز خود را از دوران باستان « قوم برگزیده خداوند» دانسته بودند، فکری که ازطریق تعالیم دینی به آن "مخلوط ترکها و اسلاوها و عبرانیها" منتقل شده بود، چنان تولید مثل کرد که نتیجه سیاسی و عملی آن، به شکل استراتژی محو ملت فلسطین از نقشه جغرافیا، یعنی یک «راه حل نهایی» دیگر درآمدسخن در این است که چگونه دکترین نژاد پرستانه کسانی که در آلمان ملت خود را سرور ملل جهان و بشریت می نامیدند مانند ویروسی نامرئی، درمیان بخش مهمی از مردم اسرائیل و بنیانگذاران دولت آن، که نیاکان عبرانی بخشی از آنان نیز خود را از دوران باستان « قوم برگزیده خداوند» دانسته بودند، فکری که ازطریق تعالیم دینی به آن "مخلوط ترکها و اسلاوها و عبرانیها" منتقل شده بود، چنان تولید مثل کرد که نتیجه سیاسی و عملی آن، به شکل استراتژی محو ملت فلسطین از نقشه جغرافیا، یعنی یک «راه حل نهایی» دیگر درآمد"

چه بهتر که شمار این مخالفان انساندوست اجرای "راه حل نهایی" درباره ملت فلسطین همچنان بیشتر و بیشتر شود تا میدان بدست عوامفریبانی نیافتد که با پنهان شدن در پشت حقوق ملت فلسطین، لگدمال کردن حقوق ملت خود را لوث می کنند (سران جمهوری اسلامی)؛ یا حماس و جهاد اسلامی و کسانی که چون طالبان و القائده چیان و نظائر رنگارنگ آنان، که برای ماهی گرفتن از آب گل آلود، نوع دیگری از برتریجویی را عنوان می کنند: "برتری دینی" که در آن "دین ِبرتر" (یعنی اسلامی که ابزار پیشرفت مقاصد شوم مستبدانه خود ساخته اند) جای نژاد برتر "مرحوم" هیتلر و «قوم برتر» صهیونیستها را می گیرد.



یک نژادپرستی ، نژادپرستی دیگری را توجیه نمی‏کند



کوشش شکست خورده نازی‏ها در اجرای یک "راه‏حل نهایی" در گذشته، یک "راه‏حل نهایی" دیگر را توجیه نمی‏کند. این که فلسطینیان در کوره‏های آدم‏سوزی محو نشده‏اند و نخواهند شد، به معنی این نیست که کوردل‏ترین و متعصب‏ترین مدافعان موجودیت اسرائیل، و نه آن اقلیت روشن‏بین اسرائیلی رو به افزایشی که توسل به زور را راه حل نمی‏دانسته و نمی‏داند، از همان ابتدا موجودیت و بقاء اسرائیل را در گرو محو مردمی بنام مردم فلسطین نمی‏دانستند.   :Read thie article, it is very interesting //

David ET

Dear Capt

by David ET on

Ron Paul as usual tells it like it is . I always had much regards for him, I even voted for him during the primaries

Indeed US helped empower Osama to oppose Soviets and Israel helped empower Hamas to oppose PLO, their two main enemies at the time.

But when you create monsters , at the end the monster that you have created gets out of hand and come at yourself.

There is no doubt that US and other powers have been interfering in the affairs of the world and middle east for decades.

But what we are dealing with at the present time is whoever created the monster , it now exists and they jeopardize everyone and we have to encounter them.

and Hezbollah is the child of the bigger monster : Islamic Regime in Iran.

Opposing Hamas , Al Qaeda or Hezbollah does not equate approving wrong policies of Israel or US.

Monsters are monsters and whatever side they are on at different times and whoever they were created by.




by capt_ayhab on

once you start defending your grammatical error, conversation is officially closed.

lets get back to real issue, shall we?

capt_ayhab [-YT]


Word from a Prophet and a King

by Anonymous112 (not verified) on

Why don't we listen to a word from a prophet and a king on this issue of violence whether in Gaza, Iran, Iraq, the United States or anywhere else for that matter?:




childish vs. child

by Anonymous112 (not verified) on

The suffix "ish" would follow an adverb or an adjective it is intented to modify. It would follow a noun like child to suggest that the logic is "child like." I did not say that the logic is "child like." I said the poster is a child applying the logic of a child, hence "child logic."

Catch you on the other side. :)



by capt_ayhab on

Be original shazdeh, copy-catting won't get you anywhere. Besides its childISH logic not child logic. lol

have good week end ;-)

capt_ayhab [-YT]



by capt_ayhab on

I stand corrected. what else did you not like?

capt_ayhab [-YT]


Haw, Haw, Haw

by Anonymous112 (not verified) on


Capt. kangaroo

by Anonymousmoi (not verified) on

Ron Paul is a representative not a senator.



by Shahrex on

Unfortunately i have not gotten any explanation about why my comments about this issue at this page,disappeared after 2 minutes!

If you all find it ok, it is ok to me, if you have any respect for your pretended democratic values, then you should ask yourself if this site is the right place to be!

This censorship has ben obvious to me, you can see the visble limits drawn by mr/mrs Censorchi here, it has happened to me 3 times and that is 3 times too much.

I am not disappointed , because i am not surprised, so thank you all, and because of respect for myown values i will not engage myself at this site any more.

Any serious intellectual person apart from ideological or political adherences should reconsider his/her participation at this site.


Ahab's Child logic

by Anonymous112 (not verified) on

Now you are talking like a 7th grader. Show me one place where I have said I condone the invasion by Israel. For your information I have filed a petition against Israel's invasion of Gaza. Your thinking is so immature that you assume that if one person objects to Hamas, or Hezbullah, then that means he supports Israel's aggression. That shows the level of your logic and the reason you can't understand simple concepts, Ahab.

Show me one place where I have said I support Israel's aggression. Your credibility is rapidly going down the toilet like Cameron's.


who created Hamas????????

by capt_ayhab on

Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, admits that USA and Israeli Gov. CREATED Hamas in order to defeat PLO. This is such a shameless hypocrisy folks. Please watch the video to the end.

capt_ayhab [-YT]

happy now?????



by capt_ayhab on

Your point has been crystal clear, You condemn killing of civilians by Hamas and the rest, but you CONDONE killing of defenseless children and women by Israeli Criminal army?

I see that it is perfectly OK with you when IDF herds homeless children to UN school, and 24 hours later shells it with the most inhumane weaponry called DIME[Dense Inert Metal Explosive], which if doesn't kill, will cause CANCER later on.

just FYI, go look up DIME : //

I do get your point SIR, crystal clear

capt_ayhab [-YT]

PS. get over your childish and ignorant name calling game, it doesn't work with me.[your hero]... beside dude, name is aYhab and not Ahab, if you do not know what it is ask me.



by Anonymous112 (not verified) on

I am getting your point and your thought is not followed through to its logical conclusion nor is it relevant. Hamas, Hezbullah and the Viet Cong did and do condone murdering innocent civilians. Your hero Cameron says that a person who tries to discredit such organizations is fooling others and himself. While the statement is somewhat ambiguous the only reasonable meaning that can be attributed to it is that these organizations should not be discredited because they are credible.

Regardless of how Hamas and Al Qeada were established we have to look at what they have become. To say that they should not be discredited is probably one of the most shocking statements I have ever heard from a graduate student at a major university in the free world. That is the issue I am taking with what he said regardless of whether it is "the gentleman's" opinion. Perhaps he mispoke in the heat of the discussion but when I add it to everything else he said I do not believe that is the case. I believe he is saying he supports these murdering terrorist organizations.

Are you getting my point sir?