Shame on you (2)


Shame on you (2)
by David ET

In reponse to Shame on you!!!! atricle by Cameron A. Batmanghlich  

Indeed over reactions of Israel to terrorist Hamas Organization by holding a city and its population hostage with lack of basic necessities and their daily bombardments is a humanitarian disaster and shameful and so is any defense of such inhumane act and please pass my sincere condolence to your friend who lost dear ones in Gaza.

But I also looked at your blog and it was filled with pseudo-intellectual articles since September 2007 and not once you addressed and felt shame for anything else that has been happening in the world and your own country Iran and now suddenly you start passing Shame to others?! Did you mean to say shame on me or at least shame on us ? Was it just a typo or you and everyone who feels the same , only know how to pass shame of others ?! and not take any responsibility yourself? 

Where is your shame in not saying a word in the past 1.5 years of blogging in here , like did today for the first time; about issues such as 

Political Imprisonments in Iran

Tortures in Iran

Killings and executions in Iran

Shutting down the newspapers in Iran

Arresting and beating Iranian women in the streets 

Executions under pretext of cleansing the society

Imprisonment and harassment's of Iranian students

Executing Children


....and so much more ??

Do I need to name the women members of million signature campaign who have been arrested in the past 1.5 years ?

Do I need to name the teachers , labor union leaders, human rights advocates and even clergy who were  imprisoned in the past 1.5 years ?

Do I need to give you statistics of drug use, poverty, unemployment, prostitution,... in Iran?

Do I need to....? ? ?

Mr. Cameron , I am sure now that you wrote few paragraphs about the inhumanity of Israel after you received the email about your friends loss but may be that was a wake up call that all these other Iranian people also have friends and family too and so do those civilian Israeli's who get blown to pieces by suicide bombers of Hamas.


Next time you wish to jump on the politically correct bandwagons of shaming others,...take a look in the mirror and once in while think about what is happening to your own countryman too !

and then at least say Shame on us !!

I am glad you and many others are now voicing your disappointment about what is happening to Palestinians but when this is all over, please do not disappear again while others keep trying to get your attention about inhumanity in your own country  while you are basking back in to your "Tango", "Amor perdido", "Birds", "Cigarette", "your heart" , "Piazza"..... and so on!

Those are all lovely and beautiful thoughts about life but while you have been living in your dreamland, people of your country ALSO have been suffering, suffocating and even dying too!



more from David ET


by capt_ayhab on

Actually my dear lady, you have it backward. It is you people who can not tolerate us, hence your labeling and name calling[no punt intended].

If one can not bring herself/himself to have compassion for the oppressed. If one can not bring self to cry when seeing small children being blown away by some of the world's most horrible weaponry, how is that person going to have mercy on his/her countrymen???

I ask you, is this what our forefathers, who wrote the HISTORY'S first HUMAN RIGHT ARTICLE teach us?????

BTW,, I love the name  ;-)

capt_ayhab [-YT]


To Maryam Hojjat and Zion,

by Cameron Batmanghlich (not verified) on

Civilized manner? Have you read what David ET is asserting? His distortion of truth, cushioning the crimes of a fascist regime by diverting the attention. Make no mistake, David ET or whoever he, she or it is has no respect for anyone and thus cannot be respected.
His façade of being civilized is just a strategy of gaining more sympathy and presenting him/her or itself as logical. But this is an old trick. No one can take a person producing such ideas and arguments for a civilized one.
People like this should publicly be insulted and told off and put at shame!

As for Zion.
Hammas was ELECTED by the Palestinians. It has its military and responded to the Israelis oppression by firing rockets, and use any weapons they had at hand … including suicide bombers (like the Japanese used kamikazes, and Hassan Sabbah used Fadaeean). Just as the Israelis use phosphor bombs and depleted uranium. Just as the Israelis push hundreds of Palestine in one house and then shell it. Just as the Israelis for the past sixty years have ruined the olive groves, controled the water, demolish houses …etc.
If Hammas or any other group for that matter takes any measure and retaliate with whatever they have at hand you call them terrorists?

Listen to the advice I gave you before and get lost.



by Zeynab on

chill out man!

I know you are too intelligent to tolerate us, but chill out!


Hamas in their own words

by Zion on

This is the kind of entity Hamas is:

When someone like this Mr. Cameron denies such an entity is a terrorist group and actually defends them, it is obvious what kind of person we are dealing with here. He is already exposed as a fascist his heroes of Hamas. All those who applaud him have shown what it is they are siding with. There is really no need for any more debate after this.


Words of wisdom.

by Anonymousx (not verified) on

egypt has closed its border to gaza.

Cho iran nabaashad tane man mabaad,
Bedin boom o bar zendeh yek tan mabaad.

Iran is being destroyed and these "kaseh haayeh daagh tar az aash" are thinking of their arab brothers, who have 350 million other arabs to worry about them if they had any sense of humanity.

What have you done for iranians who were killed and tortured in iran that now you want to solve palestinian problem?

If shah was so bad, how come you could not manage to bring in anyone better than him for the past 30 years.

Mind your own business, unless your business is only arab business.

If iranians have any spine, they would get rid of the number 1 enemy of iran, the islamic republic mullas.

Tomoonet raa begir nayofdeh, nemikhad baa tomoone oftadeh (va keshvare az dast rafteh va panaahadeh shodeh dar khaarej) befekre in va oon bashi.


So POed..........

by capt_ayhab on

It irks me, to say the least, when bunch of [shimkam godeh], [moft khor],narcissistic shah parasts -who have been raised, or even heard form their kinds how good Pahlavi Dynasty been (second opinion is needed)-find every single opportunity to drum their pathetic and backward political agenda without any regard to any form of human dignity.

Your indifference to human life, to suffering of millions in past 60 years, under the boots of criminal Zionist regime is appalling. And if one dares to  utter a word about sufferings in the world, is labeled [Arab parast] or [IR supporter].

Just in case you guys are not aware, Israel brought Hamas to power, with the anticipation that they will make good SLAVES for Israeli criminals. But seems like their plans back fired, just like USA plans regarding creation of Al-Quada, and subsequent backfiring. Let me give you a piece of Article from the Jerusalem Post in which Ehud Olmert said following about Netanyahu:


[..."Netanyahu established Hamas, gave it life,
freed Sheikh Yassin and gave him the opportunity to blossom," he said,
adding that the current political situation in the Palestinian
Authority came about "because of the nonsense that was done while
Netanyahu was prime minister."...]

The monstrous regime of Israel, explicitly created the Hamas so they can achieve two objectives at the least:

1. To enslave Gaza strip

2. To have justification to blockade, terrorize, kill, starve and cleanse 1.5 million women and children.

What even more disturbing is that this bunch have been propagating booming of Iran by foreign forces. How low ones patriotism can go? how low ones treason and audacity can go for such shameless act of treachery? How low can you people stoop in order for you to call upon a foreign country to invade your country and kill your people??

This level of stupidity and narcissism is beyond me. You are not only disgrace to Iran, but you are disgrace to human kind.


capt_ayhab [-YT]

p/s and please do start claiming that IR and their supporters wrote that article in Jerusalem Post


I have nothing against cameron, but he should learn from David

by curly (not verified) on

cameron should stay respectful, and follow David's style of communication. Your reply to dariush is very angry and rude.
shame should be on the police man who covers his face in his own country!!!
shame should be on mullahs for their apartheid regime!! yes apartheid , they are occupying our land.

David ET

Doctors for others!

by David ET on

Those who know me, know that I really enjoy and appreciate Iranians expression which often carry much wisdom and at the same time are proof that our cultural issues have a long history because most of them still apply .

Here is one to summarize the message of this blog, before it gets forgotten:

Tu agar Tabeeb boody, sar-e khod davaa nemoodi

( If you were a doctor, would have first tried to cure your own headache )


Arab against Arab and hypocrisy !!

by aaj sr (not verified) on

To start with:I condemn any act of aggression and killing.

The following link is an Arab prospect about hypocrisy of Arab against Arab, watch it for whatever it's worth.



Priorities misplaced.

by Rajab. (not verified) on

Cheraaghi keh beh khaaneh ravaast beh masjed haraam ast.

palestinians are brutalized, BUT so are iranians for the past 30 years.

Some are very unaware of how people live on the edges of disaster in iran. 25% of palestinians live in gaza, that is 1.5 M people. More than 25% of iranians live in absolute poverty, that more than 18 million people. What have you done for them? Are they and less important than palestinians?

Where were you when khomeini was murdering youth? 5000 only in 1988.

Where have you been when Basij sets up check points to capture bad-hejab's to take them in, rape them, torture them, and kill them.

Were were you when Arafaat said to khomeini "where is my money?", khomeini handed him the money that he stole from children of iran, only for Arafat to buy a 1M$ apartment for his ugly wife in paris and give her a $100,000 monthly stipend and then cheer in the streets for saddam.

What have you done for iran or iranians in the past 30 years? Are you all useless talk and no action. Iran is still burning; Orphans of Bam are still living in tents on an empty stomachs, abused and desperate, while you are screaming for palestinians.

Where is your country if you have one? What have you done for her exactly? Why is it that iran and iranians should always be second-class citizens of the world? Second class citizen to islam, marx, lenin, and arab causes? When does their turn come up?

Yes, we should be fair to all citizens of the world, but I swear that iranian blood is not green.

Have you noticed that you are advised that you should first put on your OWN oxygen mask in case of a problem in plane THEN place the oxygen mask of your child sitting next to you?

Iran is being looted. Iranians are being raped. Iranian heritage is being destroyed. Iran is burning.

I haven't seen as much enthusiasm when it comes to iran. On the contrary, islamists rush to defense of IRI and how good it has been so fantastic for iran in the past 30 years. It relieved us freedom from shah's dictatorship, albeit trapped us into religious oppression far worse. Maybe we deserve what we got. We the refugees of iran. Iran is burning. 177 under-age children of iran are on death row as we speak, numerous in prisons, some infants are living with their mothers inside prison. Iran is burning. What did iran do to you that you are so ignorant of her? Why is she so devalued? Why so few care about iran for the sake of iran?

Kurdestan is under effective martial law, same as west bank is, yet no mention or care for kurdestan. Is kurdish blood less valuable than palestinian blood. Kurds are imprisoned and threatened with rape in front of their children. Where is any mention of them.

My iran is burning. Mullas are committing daily crimes against 70 million people and no voice and no action.



by Asghar_Massombagi on

I'm assuming your last comment was in response to me.  I don't care about others and as I've always mentioned in whatever I've done on this site am not in favour of name calling.  I do have a problem with the "terrorist" label that is thrown around by everyone.  I think truth is a lot more subtle than labels suggest.  Are armed Jewish settlers terrorists?  Is Israel’s annexation by force of land practically from under Palestinian families not terrorism?  The fact is that political violence has had both a Jewish and Arab side in Palestine for the last almost 100 years.  The Zionists, with their own admission (read Shlomo Ben Ami among others), have practiced violent ethnic cleansing.  The Palestinians have responded in kind.  After Oslo, which wasn't perfect and deeply flawed, the land grab by Israel did not stop.  The failure of Israel to live up to its commitments, more than anything else contributed to the rise of Hamas (which had been historically supported clandestinely by both the US and Israel against PLO) and suppression of democratic institutions in Palestine.  So right now, Hamas has become the expression of Palestinian nationalism, eclipsing Fatah.  Is suicide bombing and targeting civilians on the buses and cafes, in other word the total war approach, ok as a mean to achieve your national goals even when the other side is one of the most powerful armies in the world and puts your people through daily humiliation?  I tend to say no because it ultimately destroys the spirit of your people. Just look at what happened historically in Algeria.  My point is that truth is a lot more subtle that the Mickey Mouse version you get on the blogs and elsewhere.  Should you absolve the IRI of its crime? NO, but why this knee jerk reaction everyone has, this tit for tat? I’m all with you by the way when it comes to those who discourage criticism of the IRI because of this and that BUT as I said before the only moral and ethical thing is to side with the victims everywhere.


To Daivd ET: that goes without saying!

by An observer (not verified) on


You said "Their real agenda is not human rights but supporting Hamas and IR and they are just USING Palestinians as a tool to achieve that.... and they hate me for showing the truth "

That is exactly IT!

They could not care less for Palestinian people, their welfare, or future as mullahs don't and never have.

Why don't they cry out as much for muslims being slaughtered in Darfur, Chehchen or elsewhere in the world if they are truly humanitarians?!!!!!

David ET

Dear Asghar

by David ET on

If you read my article that you are commenting on, it starts with:

"Indeed over reactions of Israel to terrorist Hamas Organization by holding a city and its population hostage with lack of basic necessities and their daily bombardments is a humanitarian disaster and shameful and so is any defense of such inhumane act "

This is as clear as can be about my position. Also if you read my prior comments and blogs which there are plenty of my position is very clear

As for my position on the revolution in Iran, you can find it in the conclusion of the series that I wrote under the title:

IRAN CONSTITUTIONS: From Islamic Monarchy to Islamic Republic which you will find just by clicking on my name.

Maryam Hojjat

Thanks David ET!

by Maryam Hojjat on

You wrote for all of Iranians who feel like you about our country & countrymen.  I think like you we must be concerned about our fellow Iranians who are hostages of IRI. 

Mr. Cameron, You should learn how to accept differnt points of view and respond to them like Mr. Et in a civilized manner. 

David ET

The truth is

by David ET on

That they are not calling me Zionist, etc etc because I have not denounced Israel's actions in Gaza, as I have many times  and I usually have stated it in the beginning and or end on my comments , for the intentionally selective readers.

As a matter of fact in comparison to some of them (if someone goes through my comments in , I have called for cease fire since day one and stated my opposition to Israel's bombings many times.

BUT Their issue with me is not the humanitarian tragedy which I also have opposed often. Their problem with me and those like me is that:

1- We also denounce Hamas as a terrorist organization

2- We also denounce IR for their support of Hamas

You see! If their cry is really for Palestinians in Gaza why do they label me and those like me as Zionist etc etc...The answer is clear!

Their real agenda is not human rights but supporting Hamas and IR and they are just USING Palestinians as a tool to achieve that....

and they hate me for showing the truth


What is your position?

by Asghar_Massombagi on

David, do you have a position of your own on the Gaza issue?  If you're accusing the so-called IRI apologists to muddy the water by being overzealous about Israel’s relentless pounding of what amounts to a large refugee camp, then are you trying to hide your potentially perceived hatred of Arabs and Islam in the guise of Iranian nationalism?  Are you one of those so-called nationalists who believe that Iranian revolution was the fault of Arabs because 1500 years ago they invaded Iran so now you have to hate all Arabs, from Morocco to Timbuktu?  I, by the way, believe that the only moral position is to take sides with all victims everywhere.


many truths spoken

by Anonymousforever (not verified) on

but probably the truest is that the majority of you who talk about the "horrors" are not peace minded people at all. your simply anti-semitic. your not concerned about the palestineans any more than you are your hamvatans. you just want to spew more vicious hatred toward the jews. you don't talk about peace. you talk about exterminating the jewish people. so don't pretend to be all peace minded.

shame on YOU to talk about unity. YOU are just a tool of the iri and everyone knows it.

Iranian Reader

What baloney

by Iranian Reader on

Cameron shouldn't write about one of the most barbaric acts of recent history because he has written on other things in the past...? Yeah, he never wrote about Stalin and Attila the Hun either.

In fact, if I were one of his critics I would note that all kinds of people who have all kinds of other occupations and preoccupations have been outraged enough to stop whatever else they are doing to express their rage and sorrow. I don't usually leave so many comments on this site but now I feel I must. I don't normally wear a kafiyeh either but now I don't leave home without it. This is exactly the time to put other things on pause and taking a visible stance.

Shame on all who take the stance of supporting this massacre or watering it down or obfuscating things with irrelevancies.


thank david

by maziar 058 (not verified) on

when did the ghazan run for humane justice when their arab brothers (Iraqis) were rapping the women in Iran or bombing countless targets inside Iran ?
cameron and their alike are.......
they bow to queen for as long as they can,and will stab every one later.

Darius Kadivar

Hey David Jaan ( D'ARTAGNAN) Take my Sword ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Remember De Gaulle and Churchill were also alone when they denounced the Nazis and German Occupation of France and Europe. After the War Everyone in France became a Resistant because most people were ashamed of there own passivity during the War. I am not interfering in the debate but I do read the comments and I noticed that Your blog got more comments and attention than that Cameron guy ... So Know that you are not alone. Our Cause IS JUST ! Cheers My Dear D'Artagnan, UN POUR TOUS ET TOUS POUR UN ! ;0) AND DOWN WITH THE IRI AND ITS CARDINALS ... D


Dear David: Your detractors

by sickofiri (not verified) on

Dear David: Your detractors are livid because you reminded them of their hypocrisy. You made them feel guilty and that is what they can't face. But hopefully, you've been able to awaken their conscience; that is if they have any.

Do not let them win. You're the only voice of reason on this site without allegiances either to an ideology or a religion. You're a true patriot. I wish we could clone people like you.

Wish you the best.


Cameron you are so right

by ETMEATE (not verified) on

"many here in this site are well informed individuals. You stand no chance in manipulating them through your truth bending efforts."

Cameron you are absolutely right many are well informed and this crap doesn't get anywhere. Just look around the characters that support Israel and regurgitate what Israeli media feeds them and others who do NOT stand with Israel in this massacre.

Just look who goes to Israel for reporting (Joe the Plumber) and who supports palestinians (UN doctors). Who "imagines" being silent majority or other majorities while others ARE the majority.

Just like they can never manipulate the informed people on this website or elsewhere we can't manipulate them either. They become source of ridicule with the wild comparisons of real massacre in Gaza and imaginary ones in Iran.

The handful of supporters they garner here and there are quite well known and irrelevant.

David ET

A word of thanks

by David ET on

For the supportive comments as well as the emails that you sent with comments such as  "Know that you are not alone" .

As for me : The day I see the true Peace marches again (and not Anti this or that as we getting so used to see these days) I will join too..

This is to all who free of bias , truly seek the "light" of PEACE :

Remember , the least we all should do is to IMAGINE:

Azarin Sadegh

Thanks David!

by Azarin Sadegh on

Excellent points! 

As you should know by now, I am not into the politics at all and I rather write only about "beauty and dreams!" but since I had been away from IC for a while (back from the vacation tonight) so I wasn't aware of all the fights going on here (as bloody as the Arab/israel war)! But I'm already bored to death!...except for your blog and a few other about poetry and fiction! 

Honestly, after reading so many identical blogs about the same issue (unrelated to Iranians), I am tempted to go on vacation...again! 

Thanks for your post!



Behnam, you are absolutley right

by cyclicforward on

Those of us (including me) who abandoned Iran 30 years ago when she needed us the most, should not concern ourselves with Palestine and Israel issue. These two country will finally resolve their problems but us, is a different story all together.


What a beautiful sentence at the top.

by Farzane (not verified) on

Is the sentence at the top really from Cyrus? Do you have the source or do you know where it is from?

As for palestinians, the situation is dire, the result of how a whole nation, esrail can be blinded by religion/ideology. I argue that that is the same motivation behind madness of islamic republic where with all problems in iran, their focus has been on acting like a 5th column in international affairs for the past 30 years instead of focusing on iran and iranians which they screamed for before the revolution.

Situation is dire in palestine, but we should not forget that the situation has been dire in iran for the past 30 years too. In 1988 khomeini was executing hundreds in a single day -- the same number of casualties as in gaza in a week.

For those traveling to iran, it is easy to see a broken down iran, a country in total chaos, and had it not been for the oil revenue, with IRI policies, the country would have simply collapsed beyond any country that we know, even likes of afghanistan and pakistan.

The IRI and their supporters do not care an iota about iran and iranians, they do not even believe in the concept of a nation or prosperity or progress. They are simply running the country down the cliff of disaster. They are gangsters with lots of money and no objective but for maintaining power, control of wealth, and interfering in international affairs to muddy the waters and create distractions. They hide behind religion to force their rule upon people of iran.

Where are those who were screaming of corruptions of the late shah's regime, a regime which was total saint compared to these mullas. Corruption in all areas are rampant, at least 100 times more severe than in the late shah's era.

Unfortunately we have to accept that we have so few true nationalists who care about iran more than their ideology and their religion.

Our country is really in a bad shape. It is a country with a totally useless government, run by gangsters which do not belong to this era. I cannot recall iran even in her darkest days of history having been so enslaved by the worst people amongst us; incompetent people who do not believe, do not care, and do not give a damn about iran or iranians. They are simply driving down the country down the cliff of disaster and destruction. These criminals all belong to life-time sentence of imprisonment, yet they are robbing our country.

Why did we do this to ourselves. Where are those who were so persistent in taking the control of the country away from the late shah but are so quiet on the face of 30 years of overt crimes against iran and iranians. Islamists (and leftists and intellectuals) have simply destroyed iran. Even if the regime changes tomorrow, it'll take another 10 to 30 years to maybe go back to what it was in 1979. I am not exaggerating!

Behnam Khazar

Shame on you all....

by Behnam Khazar on

For over 60 years, innocent Palestinians are the pawn of corrupt Arab leaders.  In the last 30 years Iran has opened a new faction in this game by supporting all terrorist group with training and financially.   If you think any of the Arab or Iranian leaders have any desire or interests in resolving this conflict you are dead wrong.

Unfortunately, all the arguments here and in most other forums are so one-sided and only see one side of the coin.  One group cannot see anything wrong with murderous approach of Hamas and the other group cannot comprehend that Israel in pursuit of their self-preservation has committed unspeakable crimes against innocent people.   Both sides are blinded by religious or national zeal and avoid resolution of this multi-generation conflict at any price.    

We Iranian lost our country the way we used to it some 30 years ago; be honest, we lost it to a group that I don’t want to call criminal but we don’t agree with them anyway.  We decided not to challenge the new regime and we took the easy way out; we ran away.  I don’t blame you or myself for that matter.  Life is too short for some of us to lose it for causes we don’t believe in.  Things like this happens all the time on regular basis, and this time Palestinian lost their homeland to Israelis; so what?  Get use to it and let it go.  If Palestinian want to resist and reclaim their land, good for them, let them do it but don’t be hypocrite; you who are shedding alligator tears for the plight of Palestinian kids did not fight for your own homeland and did not fight for your own countrymen and now you want me to think that you have a genuine feeling for Palestinians? 

And let’s for the sake of argument assume that in a near future Israel would be totally destroyed and wiped off from the map of Middle East.  What would be the plight of Palestinian then?  Under the best and most idealistic conditions, they will form a government like government of Syria, Libya, Iraq under Saddam or Afghanistan under Taliban.  Is that what you want for them? Shame on you all!!!  

Artificial Intelligence

Dear David

by Artificial Intelligence on

Thank you for showing us again where the main priorities of some Iranians on this website are. This is just shameful. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but the lack of objectivity is just something else here. 





Mola Nasredeen

10 similarities between Israel and Al Qaeda

by Mola Nasredeen on

1. They both seek world domination.

2. They are fanatic followers of their Ideologies.

3. They both kill civilians indiscriminately.

4. They enter other countries illegally and blow up the people.

5. They both claim they are "The God's Chosen People".

6. They terrorize people by their actions.

7. They wouldn't survive without other countries' financial backing.

8. They don't care about public opinion or the United Nations.

9. They both use religion as an excuse for committing crimes against humanity.

10.  They are both hated universally.

David ET

Thank you Samsam for the A++ on blog :-)

by David ET on

Indeed I really like these words of Cyrus the Great :

ستیز من تنها با تاریکی است و برای نبرد با تاریکی شمشیر بر نمی کشم، چراغ می افروزم

My struggle is only with darkness and to fight with darkness I do not pull a sword, I illuminate.    light a lamp

We have come a long way but it seems a wrong way since 2500 years ago