Norway. A message to IRI and Ayatollahs


Curious Joe
by Curious Joe

A Muslim hating Norwegian, called Andres Behring Breivik, did not kill Muslims, in spite of his hatred of immigrants invading his country, pushing their ridiculous chador/hijab in the streets of the west, under the name of “freedom of expression”.  Instead, as a devout Christian, the bastard/mass-murderer Breivik killed 92 Norwegians – his own country-men/women/children to supposedly send a message to the rest of the world.

The message of this schizophrenic bastard/killer is: Stop spreading/forcing your Islamic BS down the throat of the western people, under the name of “Freedom”, especially when your real agenda is not “Freedom”.  Are the women in Iran really free under the IRI and Valayateh Ghabih.  Are the women in Saudi Arabia free to drive a car?  How free are the Islamic women in North Africa where their private parts are cut, and they are raped to have over 6 children, contributing to overpopulation and the famine?

Breivik’s argument is simply this: Unless you let western women walk in their mini-skirts/ without head-cover in the streets of Iran or Saudi Arabia (without being bothered by men or “moral police”), then please don’t insist that your women can come to the streets of the west, freely wearing their hejab -- or whatever they need to do to satisfy the needs of their jealous middle-eastern men, who cannot control their culturally suppressed sexual urges. Breivik sees that as a dichotomy, or a double-standard/hypocrisy of Islam.

Well, I see a parallel between the Ayatollahs/Talibans/Ghadafi/Syrian Assad, Saudis, Sharia-law-lovers vs the Norwegian mass murderer: Andres Behring Breivik.  As much as the IRI supposedly hates the west, they don’t kill many westerners.  Instead, they kill their own people in masses in Evin Prison or other secret dongeons, just to show how much they hate Jews/Bahais/Zeorastrians/Christians, or generally, the Westerners’ values and belief systems.

Anybody in this forum sees the same parallel?


Recently by Curious JoeCommentsDate
Khamanei’s win strategy
Dec 01, 2011
The beauty/genious of the IRI Regime
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A Message to the Ayatollahs & Ahmadi-Nejad
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more from Curious Joe

Just connect the dots....

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

The real agenda of the Norwegian psycho is not anti muslimism. Nor was the agenda of Adolph Hitler anti Jewism. Muslims and Jews were/are used/being used in both cases as scapegoats and focus of hatred, just as bahaiis are being used by islamist regime in our own country 

The real agenda of all extreme right wing, fascist ideologies from Nazi Germany to Islamist regime's "velayate Faghih" and all their off shoots is establsihment of a dictatorship to suppress and control the ever present demand of ordinary people for social and economical Justice. Look at the situation within this context and you can easily connect the dots.

Otherwise all these fascists, despite their occasional quarrels are great comrades.


"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

persian westender

Schizophrenia is a mental illness, not an insult!

by persian westender on

Who's schizophrenic? has it been proved that he has a mental illness? or are you using schizophrenia as a pejorative term?   



The thing common for them is hatred by extremism

by choghok on

I dont think one should try to bring IRI and others into this issue. The only thing that could be said is that in both cases you have hatred because of extremism. And in both cases they do not see any fauly in themselves but all the faults in others.

The norwegian psycho did it because of his hatred towards socialists and muslims. He was against multicultural countries, this has been popular in Europe since 9-11 and alqaida attacks in Europe where many times European muslims participated in the acts.

Angela Merkel for example said that Turkish minority in Germany had failed to be part of a country and a German can only be christian or jew. So politicians also share this idea in many countries.


You fill the dots.......

by پندارنیک on

I might as well sort of see the kinda parallel!

The problem for me is the equation which is built around  the idea of: "Christianity for the West, Islam for the East"............. I think the agenda of Christian extremism against the Western governments goes well beyond the issue of Muslim immigrants and refugees.............. They are indeed opposing secularism, before opposing the encroachment of the Islamic views.....................And always remember that anti-Semitism is a Western phenomenon.

I find your blog quite worthy of educated debates and apologize for my scattered writing......Hopefully better ones will show up here......


Salman's projection

by vildemose on

salman, the radical loser:  Do you see yourself in him?? I'm sure you can relate. You are a right-wing Islamist and he is a right-wing Christian. Both of you are willing to kill for your religion...

I will not sink to your level and engage you...don't bother responding. You're a dispicable fool.


"The message of this schizophrenic bastard/killer ......."

by Rea on

That's precisely the message, schizophrenic killer. No other message.

No parallel with IRI. The only parallel would be blow-up-jihadists, equally schizophrenic.

salman farsi

Sister vildemose

by salman farsi on


You are clealry a closted (or may be not so closeted) Brevikian! I hope I am mistaken but correct me if I am wrong sis,

 For an Islamic democracy

salman farsi

Were you paid to write this blog?

by salman farsi on

Brother Joe

Assalamo Alaikom

Unless you were paid to write this mumbo jumbo, I cannot imagine how one can come up with such nonsense. If this is the case, the person who paid you must claim their money back because your argument is so out of thouch with reality that even Andres B B, will have a good laugh. It is amazing how some people can create a relation between G..z and Shaghigheh

 For an Islamic democracy


"While the world reacts

by vildemose on

"While the world reacts with horror and revulsion at the killing of 94 mostly young people in Norway by the conservative "Christian" terrorist Anders Behring Breivik, some on the Right have actually read his 1100 page manifesto (pdf warning!) 2083  A European Declaration of Independence and found much to admire."

Very interesting read.



Kevin MacDonald, Professor of Psychology at Cal State Long Beach, writing on the conservative eZine Alternative Right,  admires Anders Breivik for his analytic skills and clarity of thought:

In general, however, it must be said that he is a serious political thinker with a great many insights and some good practical ideas on strategy (e.g., developing culturally conservative media, developing youth organizations that will confront the Marxist street thugs, gaining control of NGOs).

In any case, he is certainly right in characterizing multiculturalism as an ideology of hate. Note particularly his anger at the action of the Labour Party in England in opening the gates of immigration in order “to humiliate the right-wing opponents of immigration.” As he notes in several places, multiculturalism is hatred of Europeans and their culture masked by humanism.

 Professor MacDonald is fan of Anders Breivik's manifesto, but what about his actions?  What about the massacre of of the scores of young Labor Party activists?  Again, MacDonald is clear in support of the "conservative Christian knight":

It remains to be seen what the long term effect of his actions will be. There is certainly great revulsion at the murder of young people. However, I suppose it is possible that  in the long run European elites will understand that the glorious multicultural future will not be attained without a great deal of bloodletting and realize they will have to change their ways. Indeed, one of his insights is that in the long run “the multi-cultural neocolonial regimes will either have imploded or have become very Stalinist.” I agree.

Much of 2083 A European Declaration of Independence will sound familiar to anyone who has read the books of Newt Gingrich, Michelle Malkin or Jonah Goldberg's Liberal Fascism.  There is the same relentless assault against liberals, egalitarianism, Islam etc.  But in reading the manifesto I was struck by Breivik's obsession with the Frankfurt School as the root of all evil in postwar society:

The Frankfurt School blended Marx with Freud, and later influences (some Fascist as well as Marxist) added linguistics to create “Critical Theory” and “deconstruction.” These in turn greatly influenced education theory, and through institutions of higher education gave birth to what we now call “Political Correctness.” The lineage is clear, and it is
traceable right back to Karl Marx.


Anders Behring Breivik:

by vildemose on

Anders Behring Breivik: Oslo, Norway Bombing 'Necessary'
