I am honored to be meeting you and by the way

I am honored to be meeting you and by the way
by Anahid Hojjati





 What I might be tempted to say upon meeting some important personalities of Iran and United States;

To Bill Clinton:  I believe you. I did not inhale either.

To John Edwards: I am honored to be meeting you two-timer presidential candidate.

To Arnold Schwarzenegger : Please never ever say this phrase in movies again:”I will be back”. It is too horrific.

To Sarah Palin: I can see that you are stupid from my home.

To  Keith Olbermann: I really enjoyed you when Ben Affleck played you.




به عبدالکریم سروش :  ببینم شما هیچوقت معذرت خواستید که چگونه با آن استفراغ فرهنگی تون خیلی دانشجو را بدبخت و آواره کردید ؟

به بنی‌صدر؛چطور دخترتون حجاب نداره، مردا چه میکنند با آن همه اشعه؟

به خامنه‌ای؛ ولی‌ وقیح عزیز، پیشاپیش مرگتون را تبریک و تسلیت میگویم.تبریک به مردم ایران و تسلیت به، اجازه بدید یک کم فکر کنم...

به احمدی‌نژاد؛ بگم، بگم، قیافه شما مثل میمون است.   

Dear commentators, feel free to add to this list by inserting in your
comment what you might be tempted to say upon meeting some important








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Anahid Hojjati

Dear Niki and MM jan, thanks for your funny contributions

by Anahid Hojjati on

Niki jan and MM aziz, your contributions are funny, I liked them very much. Thanks guys for reading the blog and also for your great lines.


To Bill Clinton:

by MM on

You would have been a lot more believable if you said: I never exhaled it.

Good collection Anahid.


Niki Tehranchi

To Bill Clinton:  Does

by Niki Tehranchi on

To Bill Clinton:  Does this blue dress make me look fat?

To John Edwards Stop hitting on my sister-in-law.

To Arnold Schwarzenegger: Die cyborg! You are not welcome on Planet Earth.  

To Sarah Palin:  Are you smarter than a fifth grader?

To  Keith Olbermann Hey, I loved you in Ferris Bueller's Day Off!

I like this blog :)

Anahid Hojjati

Ok, now that we are talking Bush the son

by Anahid Hojjati on

to George Buh (son): You called Iran part of axis of Evil. Do you agree that with same reasoning, you personally were part of axis of idiot?


I have to laugh

by Escape on

Don't forget the New Orleans Hurricane was Bush's fault also.

Anahid Hojjati

Thanks COP, that is exactly what I wanted

by Anahid Hojjati on

, something to tell republicans. Thanks for reading my blog and also for your comment.


To the new Republican Majority House I'll say

by Cost-of-Progress on

Stop being morons. The BP Gulf disaster and the financial meltdown is your  "Small Government" that you have a hard on for so much. 




Anahid Hojjati

Majid jan, many thanks for providing the link

by Anahid Hojjati on

Today, I tried couple other tools and even though my experimenting with them was very limited but I saw some problems. I have also used Zamaneh editor so much that I am used to it. Thanks so much for providing the link and letting me know that it is now available.






ادیتور زمانه هنوز موجود هست (البتّه بعد از چند روز وقفه بخاطر صفحه بندی جدید)


Anahid Hojjati

I still miss Zamaneh editor but I will try other tools

by Anahid Hojjati on

I used behnevis for Farsi part of this blog. Then I saw Esfand Aashena 's comment on Jahanshah's looking back blog. Esfand had recommended behnevis and another product. I tried to use the other product to see if I can type Farsi sentences of this blog using that product and get a better result. As I was typing, i did a space and poof the sentence and the whole thing was gone. I still miss zamaneh editor. But I am going to try other tools that friends including MM, Esfand Aashena, Abarmard and MooSirvapiaz had suggested (in Jahanshah's blog) and see what product(s) I like the best.