Fighting Ignorance

Attacking Muslims seems to be the popular fashion


Fighting Ignorance
by Ghahremani

While reading War on Error by Melody Moezzi, I was overcome by awe for a young Iranian-American woman who is brave enough to take a chance and defend a topic that has caused much animosity. This may be the most difficult time for Muslims around the world to raise their voices, but it’s ten times more so for those in the US. In the words of one interviewee, “It has just become such a Pavlovian response in this country: if terrorism, then Islam.”

Disregarding our hostile times, Melody Moezzi takes it upon herself to clear out a few misconceptions about Islam, a religion that has received more negative propaganda than any faith deserves. Like a firefighter unafraid of flames, she is set to rescue what she can.

Moezzi is an American writer, who feels very comfortable in her Iranian not-so-white skin. Unlike those of us, who’ve either converted or forsaken religion altogether, she finds peace in the faith she was born to and shows pride in being Muslim. Mindful of the fact that every religion has its flaws, she not only practices but also rises to Islam’s defense.

I have no interest in organized religions, but from time to time make an attempt to read up on current issues. When my daughter gave me this book, I loved the cover design but could not imagine what aspect of a fact-based book about Islam might appeal to the fiction reader in me. What was left of my interest in religion had vanished decades ago with the aftermath of Iran’s Islamic revolution. Witnessing the brutality of the new regime, I abandoned what little I knew of Islam. However, I found the author’s strong prose and incredible honesty simply irresistible. Just three pages into the book she mentions, “Sometimes even words fail you . . . Still, as words are all I have, I can’t help but try.” And as she went on to “try” in her eloquent fashion, I knew I was hooked.

The book contains interviews and true stories of twelve Muslims in the US. These characters are carefully selected to represent different segments of our society. Moezzi offers her motive for writing the book with optimism. “As an American, if you’re unsatisfied with the system, you can change it . . . On top of that, you can count on the great majority of your fellow Americans to be just as curious, freethinking, kind, and open-minded as you are.” It is with such positive outlook that the author defends a subject that is ostracized by most.

She begins with sharing some of her own experiences. That alone hints at her fairness as will as valor. “I ran across only a few people who actually hated me for having this background or belief. The great majority just didn’t know what being Muslim meant.” However, further into the book her encounters reach a level of ignorance so offensive that even the non-believer in me feels the insult.

Not only is she open about her own experience, but she also includes an interview with her American husband - also a Muslim. “He is determined and patient with those who insist that he must have converted – to Islam - as a prerequisite for marrying me, and who cannot fathom that anyone in his right mind would choose to become a Muslim, any more than he would choose to become a paraplegic.”

The bitter humor carries throughout. “When people tell me that I don’t look Muslim, either because I don’t wear hijab or because I don’t fit one of their fifty present stereotypes, I usually respond by telling them that they don’t look stupid.” Still, her understanding and knowledge of the verses in the Quran open a whole new door for those of us who are influenced by the media and never take the time to gather facts. I remember when I was just a child, my grandmother told me that no one can fully understand the depth of Quranic verses, that the meaning is too deeply hidden and that it is written in such a way that a wrong analysis can easily distort its meaning. As I read Moezzi’s take on Islam, I began to realize that perhaps the harsh tone in what I had heard before was the result of such misinterpretations.

Moezzi, fully aware of the crimes committed in the name of Islam, doesn’t allow the wrongdoings of a few to rob her of her faith. “Roxana watched firsthand from several blocks uptown as total strangers managed to take her faith hostage just long enough to kill thousands of innocent civilians and tarnish the name of Islam.” And she expresses a similar sentiment in, “Today, the misguided minorities within Islam are gaining the undeserved privilege of defining Islam for the rest of the world simply because they are yelling the loudest and behaving the nastiest.”

Moezzi knows the flaw in those of us who have turned away from religion, though I’m not sure she respects it. What becomes evident throughout the text is her liberalism and understanding of man’s differences. By no means does she intend for her book to be Islamic propaganda, nor is it an attack on other faiths. Her observations clarify the huge confusion that surround a religion peacefully practiced by billions of people. Had I known these facts years ago, I might have become a true Muslim. However, at this age and with my comfortable level of spirituality, I’m not likely to change.

At a time when attacking Muslims seems to be the popular fashion, Melody Moezzi not only enlightens her readers, but she also manages to raise deep respect for a faceless, nameless majority. I have noted some of the harsh comments addressed to her by random readers on both Amazon and Huffington Post. No doubt she could foresee such reactions, but wouldn’t abandon her goal just to protect herself. In the words of Faisal - one of her interviewees, “True heroism requires actions that are not based on self-preservations, actions that will almost inevitably make you unpopular and the object of persecution.”

And so it is that I find my true hero through the written words of a writer I’ve never met and learn a lesson from someone who is young enough to be my child.


Zohreh Ghahremani is the author of Sky of Red Poppies.


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I haven't read all the comments, but....

by Reality-Bites on

just wanted to say that while I'm neither religious, nor an Arab, I know Arabs and Muslims who are good people and I get on fine with them. Also, I fully support the right of anyone to believe in whatever they wish, including the Muslim faith.

However, I AM an Iranian and for my part I wish to see the Iranian national identity and heritage restored. I also want to see Iran governed based on secular principles and for Islam not to interfere in how the country is run and how people choose to live their lives. In short, I wish to see an end where being Iranian is subservient to being Muslim in Iran.

As regards to this article while there is a degree of anti-Islam bigotry (which should be condemned), it pales besides the anti-West and general anti-non-Muslim intolerance that is common place in Islamic countries.

Some people moan about "Islamophobia" in the US. I say it's remarkable, in the face of the thousands murdered in 9/11 and the celebrations immediately afterwards in many Muslim societies, how little backlash against Muslims took in place the US. The majority of Muslims in the US, including those who continuously criticise that country, have continued to live there in peace and security. There are millions more Muslims overseas who are anxious to join them in the US. So it can't be that bad for Muslims there.

The fundamental cause of what anti-Islam there is in the West, should be laid at the door of Muslims themselves. i.e their violent, narrow-minded and murderously intolerant extremists and their supporters (who are not quite the tiny minority the article claims) and the deafening silence of the moderate Muslims (few exceptions aside) in the face of their extremists.

Perhaps those who complain about the anti-Islamism of the West and always paint Muslims as victims, should take a few minutes to ponder why there is no equivalent anti-Buddhism in the West.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


 You are wrong. I know many Iranians and they are not what you say. Iranian bashing seems to be a favorite passtime of some people. Iranians in America are much less religious than Egyptians or others.

I know this as a fact because I know many. None of the Iranians I know practice Namz or Roozeh. But the Pakistani and Egyptians I know do. We have learned the hard way and I do not see us going back to the BS.

Now let us stop trying to put on a good face on ancient superstition. The problem is Islam. It is Islam that teaches us violance. Not Iranian culture that for thousands of years was tolerant and good. Then came Islamism.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Right Hirre

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


If we plan to survive we better give up this nonsense. For decades Church resisted the obvious. Earth revolves around the Sun. Now Islam wants us to believe there is some dude in a well to appear!

Why bother "reforming"! Nothing to be gained from superstition. I was discussing this with some friends. Priests basicially provide very few benefits. The best they do is to provide some kind of support system.

But I think: family and friends will do better job. And without the mumbo jumbo. Not to mention child abuse and demands for "donation". Spirituality may be gained much better by a personal relation with the divine.



by hirre on

At the end it's a matter of having religion or not... There are clear facts: the sun will die in a far future, before this, the people of the earth will have to deal with deseases, polution problems, war, food problems etc etc etc...

If we want to evolve and survive as species we have to put aside religiion as a source of decision making during important issues, else we won't reach that "Star Trek"-science level where humans control the nature and not the other way around... Today religion in most parts of the world works as breaks for human development, we can not have this in the future...

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear Varjavand

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Why reform Islam and not abandon? What is the point of it. Islam is broken at the base. I rejected it long ago and suggest the same to other people. There is no point in doing this waste.

If you need a religion there is Christianity. Or if you prefer an Iranian one there is Zartoshti. Or you may want to just give up on religion. We are better off without organized religion. Why do people need a bunch of priests.


None of these comments here address the issue.

by Siavash300 on

Burying half body of woman underground alive and stone her to death is totally BARBARIC. Lashing people like an animal in public is cruel and barbaric. I am surprise, no one address these issues here and keep going on with fansy word to legitimize something that is inhuman and cruel. Sekeneh Ashtiani is scheduled to be stonned in this fashion and people here keep going on and on with fansy words trying to justify the cruelty of the law which belong to nomad tribe of arabs 1400 years ago. For sure, if heaven and hell exist, following these none sense doesn't get any one to heaven after they die. In fact, it put them in hell because they followed the principals that were cruel to another human being. I am trying to make a wold better place to live. I am also trying to save the lives of innocent people from the hands of these monsters.

"lizard eater Arab” Islamists brain washed, repressed, polygamized, veiled, dismembered, beheaded and stoned 56 generations of purebred Aryan noblemen and women, and not one enlightened generation did anything about it" incognito

I am trying to do it now my friend. I am one of those enlightened generation who wants to change it. Unlike others who suffered and died in silent,I speak out.  Mullah Umar can do it to Afghan people or Pakestanis, NOT my people. I won;t let it happen.  

I personally don't let these monsters grow up. In the name of humanity, I try my best in my life time. That is a promise.

God bless.


Islam as the escape goat

by incognito on

According to this fable, for 1400 years, “lizard eater Arab” Islamists brain washed, repressed, polygamized, veiled, dismembered, beheaded and stoned 56 generations of purebred Aryan noblemen and women, and not one enlightened generation did anything about it – other than huffing and puffing. And, you are still blaming Islam?

Fooled me once, shame on you; fooled me twice, shame on me. Fooled me 56 times, then pity this abject me. 


Islam/ Arab bashing.....

by Aliafandi on

It seems that Tunisian and Egyptian Muslem/Arabs to have behaved more humane than some folks in country I was born, Iran. Everyone seems to blame Irans problem on Arabs invading Muslems and so on, but reality is that people who are inhumanely administering punishment and killing Iranians in Iran are iranians, born in Iran. (although there are few foreigners, those special riot or basiji forces are not Palestinians) 

Point being that Muslem/Arab etc is not the cause of violence but rather culture and its indifferences are.  Iranian culture seems to be poetic myth and time has shown the true face of this culture. I wished I was wrong and my countrymen were truthful, human loving, caring, forgiving, kind people. Such attributes can only be labelled to %10-%15 of Iranian people today. Sadly these ill-willed people lived under the Pahlavi regime (as our neighbors) and no one could see under their skins. It took a "violence tolerant" regime of IR to bring them out. Hopefully, now that Iranians can see what kind of people they live next door to, they learn a big lesson. Perhaps these true intellects can find a way to bring back those with evil thought to the reality of what Iranian culture is about.

Violent (minded) people are everywhere. Reality is that people in USA are also violent people. Even though they are not directly commiting the crime, they fund, support and go along with the crime and call it patriotic duty, wait for its course and then pull the plug (after thousands have died), for what?

If you re Muslem, please check my other blog here about religion and its morality, and why people still believe in them.



Soosan Khanoom


by Soosan Khanoom on

I have my sources ; )



by Paykar on

Did god tell you all of these?  1400 years of repression and the long swords stand for itself.
To others who get off by insulting Arabs: In no way exposing Islam should be a license to attack Arabs, they have been the victim of it as much we have. Many totally lost their pre-Islamic Identity; thanks to our poets and thinkers, we are still mostly Irani.

Soosan Khanoom

Amoo jan and the rest of the gang :)

by Soosan Khanoom on

. I am not defending Islam . Islam does not need that.  No other religion as a matter of fact needs that. The prinsiples are there for everyone to read and see and comprehend. Anything else is just the fault of  those who claim are the followers.  

Please note:

1.      First of all God is not the property of Muslims, it belongs to anyone who believes that there is one causer of the universe and that we are accountable for our Karma, that there is a right path.


2.      God’s favorite person is anyone one who forgives the other. There is a greater depth in this statement, one does not have to be a Muslim, Hindu, Christian, Jew, Sikh or the other to be God’s favorites.

3.      God loves those who care for others.


4.      God addresses the whole humanity; the very first verse in Quran is “Praise the lord who is the lord of the universe” and the last chapter also addressed “ O mankind.”


5.      You don’t have to be a Muslim to earn God’s grace, God assures his grace to everyone who is good to fellow beings that is the love for Non-Muslims in Islam, sure there are some Muslims who do not get that, just as Christian, Hindus, Jews or others don’t get the word of God explained to them.

6.      In every religion there is pie for the right wingers, so does Islam, if Muslims own Allah, then they are causing others to own their own God, which is not acceptable to the creator… ultimately there is only one causer.


7.      If Christians hate Muslims, it is because they did not understand Christianity, if Hindus have hatred for Muslims, it is not because of Hinduism, it is them and if Muslims hate Hindus, Christians or others, it is not because of Islam or Qur’aan, it is because they did not get Islam right. God is about love and every religion is about love and not hate. Every religion including Islam tells us to conquer  that hate monster hiding, lukring and inside us. Krishna, Jesus, Moses said the exact same words.


8.      Every religion is perfect to the believer if it works for him or her. The problem comes when we say other religions are not perfect, what do we know about others to say that? The argument will not stand the test of time, because the believer of each faith can defend his or her belief.


9.      I chose to be a Muslim and Islam works for me like a charm, as your religion works for you. Our respective religions answer questions about creator, accountability of one’s karma and learning to accept the uniqueness of each one of the billions of us. We are all one people, one race, Vasudaiva Kutumbukum; the whole world is one family. That is what "one" God implies.


10. A secure Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian, Jew or other will not be threatened with others faiths, indeed they would be encouraged by it in finding how people have come to acknowledge the superior power that guides us all to live in harmony 


Hafez for Beginners

Persian Number Song

by Hafez for Beginners on

I don't want to play the love - hate game. It's terribly immature, and Ms. Ghahremani, with your permission one more post:

I just wanted to throw it out there to all who hate "Arabs" - hundreds of millions of people - (how can a human being hate hundreds of millions of people? It's unfathomable) I wanted you to remember, that every single day, you invite a little bit of "Arab" into your lives. How?

Well, the Europeans were busy being stuck in the Roman Numeral system - a non-decimal system that hindered growth. Until via the Arabs, they were introduced to the  "Arabic Numerals" that essentially allowed for mathematics to grow exponentially in Europe - These numbers are even the same, graphically - with some minor changes (like the 5 and 8 especially.)

What first came to Europe:

۱   ۲   ۳   ۴   ۵   ۶   ۷   ۸   ۹   ۱۰ 

How the Europeans adopted it: 

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10

(again, the 5 and 8 were the most changed.)

Even a child would recognize the lack in maturity, no disrespect to children but the "chidish" level of discourse here. Common people. Oh - speaking of children , here's the Persian Number Song:




Poor Islam

by عموجان on

Islam Bashing use to be done by Infidels now it is done by Muslim; it must be very bad for Islam . Any way it is fun to bash Islam on line you don’t end up in Avin (unless you are in a Muslim country). People who get offended by this they must have very weak belief in their religion or they know there is something wrong with it but they can’t speak up because they left the power to fanatics.

Sorry for repeating myself, so what Mulllahs do it all the time and the real Muslims love them.  

Oh yes, today more Muslim killed each other In Pakistan (couldn’t they just talk to solve their differences).


Siavash300 :)

by hirre on

I did not understand if there are arab lizards, arab eating lizards, lizard eating arabs or lizards that are arabs!?!? :) :):P


Soosan Khanoom,Khosro Parvis is NOT an issue, Arab laws are

by Siavash300 on

Khosro Parvis treatment of the women didn't massacre over 4000 innocent women, children on sept. 11, 2001, but laws of lizard eater arab did.

 Khosro Parvis treatment of the women did not enforce hejab in Iran for last 32 years, but law of lizard eater Arab did.

Khosro Parvis treatment of the women didn't massacre our brothers and sister in summer of 1988, but law of lizard eater arabs did. (F.Y.I the name of that law is FATWA).

Khosro Parvis treatment of the women didn't take viginity of our virgin sister or raped them the night before their execution, but the law of lizard arab did.

 Khosro Parvis treatment of the women didn't blue up buses in London, but the law of lizard eater arab did.

 Khosro Parvis treatment of the women didn't blue up train in Madrid- Spain killing 200 innocent women and children,but the law of lizard eater arab did.

Khosro Parvis treatment of the women didn't bury Iranian women alive up to their waist underground and stoned her to death during last 32 years, but the law of lizard eater arab did.

Khosro Parvis treatment of the women didn't lash our brothers and  sisters in public like animals, but the law of lizard eater arab did. The law of bedraggled arab is an issue for civilized world.

Now, do you see the difference between Khosro Parvis treatment of women and law of lizard eater arab? 




Please contact the Smithsonian Institute

by bushtheliberator on

More tales of a " brave "American Moslem defending the faithful from persecution by ??? who ? Whitety ? Tea Party Death Squads ?  You're pulling my hijab !

 Local Moslems have 100 mosques & prayer rooms, and several Islamic centers. They are engaged in multi-million dollar expansions of several religious facilities. Moslems seldom make big, front page news in Texas except when they kill their wives,or daughters.  But if I do see any Moslems lynched locally, I know the Smithsonian will have them stuffed, and mounted for their museum.

If you want to show me " brave ", confront your own Moslem violent nutters.


Soosan Khanoom

by Paykar on

 Yet another passionate defense of a religion, like all other religions it followed, devoid of logic and basic humanity.

I am in total agreement with you regarding naive glorification of ancient Iran as presented in the never ending chorus of praise for the kings.

Everyone talks about Koroush being so benevolent, but they seem not realize his benevolence would appear after he conquered other lands by the sword.

Now I am goanna get a lot of hate for this; that is ok. Our past should be examined. We were a very modern society at the time, perhaps the best in the ancient world...

It is late night again and you know what that means in Paykar's little universe:)

You know the routine warning. Profanity abound.! I hope it is not a repeat.







Soosan Khanoom

To Islam bashers here ....

by Soosan Khanoom on

To Islam bashers here ....

Could you please stop repeating yourself? You are getting boring  ......  come on don't you have better things to do than constantly jumping  on anyone who blog's here on the topic of Islam ...

Why don't you go and write about Khosro Parviz , his treatment of the women , the social and economic situation at the time , the treatment of political activists and freedom fighters ........ 

and he is just one of many morons that called themselves king and ruled Iran .... also please do some research on the Zoroastrian religion and how things went wrong after prophet Zarthosht  .......

: ) 


Do you know how funny this discussion been!

by عموجان on

In order to say if Islam is good or bad you have to live out side Muslim countries otherwise we all be dead, of course those who say it is good they only get to be jailed.  

It is not good to make fun of others beliefs unless it come to a point they are shaving it down or up your ass then I believe you have every right to say what ever you like.



Please correct me if I am wrong.

by Siavash300 on

Bury woman alive half in the ground and stone her to death is totally barbaric, savage and cruel. It doesn't fit to our modern society. If the writer randomly choose some people around the globe and tell them that this is the way to go to heaven after we die, all rational people around the world will laugh. This is not "Intoxic insult" it is a fact of life. Lashing people in public like animals is inhman, cruel and barbaric. What part of this statements meant to be "insult"? These are all laws of lizard eater Arabs in 1400 years ago in Arabian peninsula. Has nothing to do with Persians. Persians, Romans and Greek had a great civilalization which disctictively differentiate them with nomadic tribes of arabs. The above laws may be attractive to some nations such as Pakestani, or Indians or Arabs, but NOT Persian.

 Why should we blame Khomeini when he issued an order to kill Rushdie? Does not Rushdie (according to the law of Islam and Muhammad, not the law of the United Nations) deserve death for attacking the Qur'an, Muhammad and his wives? Khomeini was never radical; he was always a true student of Muhammad. He intended to enforce the Islamic laws and to fight nations which do not comply with them - such as Iraq (even though Islam is its official religion).

When Muslims kill one another, it is because Muhammad's friends and disciples did so immediately after his death, each one of them trying to force his friend to go in the right way. Khomeini is a true Muslim who follows Muhammad and his friends. Thus, we hear about "exporting the Islamic revolution" to other countries. All these things are compatible with the views of Muhammad and the rightly guided Caliphs who succeeded him such as Abu Bakr, Umar and Ali. When Khomeini slaughtered his opponents, he was following the footsteps of Ali who killed the dissenters, like Talha, Al Zubair and Al Khwareg, even though they were faithful Muslims 



Please don't confuse

by Paykar on

Please don't confuse debating with innocuous engagement such as discussing poetry. Each has it's own place and rules.

You think the whole world is out ther to denigrate you; and the burden of elightenning us about turning the other cheek or Modara ba ba Doshmanan is upon your shoulders.  Political and social discussions inevitably emerge from socioeconomic foundations of participants as well as conscious alignment with the have - nots or the haves for that matter. We do not live in a vacuum. 

I do not like your hit and run tactics at all. 

Hafez for Beginners

Thanks again, Ms. Gharemani

by Hafez for Beginners on

Paykar:  saying: "I do not know if you are even aware ... "  If you don't understand the implied toxicity of that very statement you've just chosen to make, then I will choose to remain silent. In addition, I mentioned being "part-Catholic": did not specify whether I was born that way, or was a full fledged practicing Catholic, or somewhere in between. Those have all been personal assumptions, which of course, you are free to make. 

Ms. Gharemani: This isn't my Blog, and I do not want to get dragged into something not related to your original post (-hence, refraining from further commentary here. ) I did post for you one of my favorite insights from Hafez and Persian Erfan below. Many thanks. Afsaneh 



Attempted assumptions.

by Paykar on

 I based my comment on the information you so proudly shared with us. You can't have it both ways Afsaneh.

I do not know if you are even aware of Liberation Theology; in the eyes of "good" Catholics such as Mel Gibson and the church establishment, such view is Heresy. It would be nice if you took the time to actually read the comment(s) carefully.


Hafez for Beginners

HAFEZ and "Enmity":

by Hafez for Beginners on

Ms. Gharemani: You're welcome. I did want to share with you via our own Persian "Erfan" some words of wisdom vis-a-vis the knee jerk reaction of going to hate first

آسایش دو گیتی تفسیر این دو حرف است

با دوستان مروّت با دشمن مدارا

Assayesh-eh do Guiti tafsir-eh in do harf ast

Ba Doostan morrovat ba Doshman modara

HAFEZ: our peace of mind, and peace of mind in both Worlds - (this world and the other world) constitutes following the simple mantra: To be compassionate with friends, and moderate with enemies

Paykar: Thanks for your attempted assumptions vis-a-vis my religious identity - assuming I have "chosen" to be a Catholic, when in reality I was simply born part Catholic. You also just wrote: "was there even a hint of toxic insult in my post?" and go on to call the Hafez Blog: "Heresy" - I wish I had an answer - but at this stage will simply wish you well

Where did all that wisdom go in our community? I'm posting this to an Iranian who loves Buddhist lessons, too - Ms. Gharemani - while also discovering Iran's own profound wisdoms. Thanks, again. Afsaneh



Dear Uncle

by Paykar on

Makes one wonder, why a person who teaches Hafez and  expounds on correctness of seeing "shades of gray;" would choose Catholicism; a tradition steeped in defining the world through a prism that's everything but nuanced and flexible.

I don't think you ( Afsaneh) are proponent of Liberation Theology. That would be Heresy!


Ms. Ghahremani

by Paykar on

Of all the posts and points written in objection to Moezzi's assertions and frankly your own inclination in defense of "Muslims," you have chosen to remain silent; except in this instance to vocalize your dissatisfaction about a minority of comments you label toxic.

I criticized Moezzi's piece on HP. Was there even a hint of "toxic insult" in my post?

How convenient to hide behind old and tiring righteous indignation, as opposed to rationally responding to legitimate criticism.

Framing the issue in a manner that highlights your wisdom in dealing with "poisonous" words further proves my assertion.


Good, nobody taking my word personally

by عموجان on

But I hope they take it seriously. Muslims have many dark days ahead in this century unless they change this attitude of my way or high way. Because right now all the moderate Muslim are headed for west or east and the floor is left for the hardliners to go at it with full blast and west is getting ready to sale them all the weapons they need.

Why couldn’t we(Iranian) use Haze’s book as our holly book? or even Shahname?


Thank you for this breath of

by Ghahremani on

Thank you dear Afsaneh, for this breath of fresh air. Not only do I agree with you, I'd go further and say, "I hate insulting people." No, it shouldn't feel right to offend others, but publications such as the Iranian that do not practice petty censorship, provide good reads for most and a safety valve for those who need to say something. Anything. I, for one, refuse to take such comments personal.

The anger manifested here obviously goes deeper than it seems and as long as I don't take the harsh words or absorb their poison, they belongs to the writer. This I learned a long time ago from a lesson of Buddha. (And no, before anyone out there gets too excited, I'm not a Buddhist.) It's good practice to keep an open mind because you never know who your next teacher may be. 


Most of the Koran has been proven to be a lie,

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

So our genus intellectual is holding on to her dear faith... in the hope that the last few parts of it that have not yet been proven to be a lie... are shockingly true.. but if I were you (fellow Iranians) I wouldn't hold my breath.

Instead get yourselves educated as to why the USA loves Islam for Iran and sold khomeini as a man of peace to us all, when they knew full well he had ordered many assasinations against iranian offcials and even cinema rex, or why the usa portrayed the shah as a despot/dictator keeping the man of love and decency khomeini in exile.


this is a great link, feel free to share it with other iranians

Hafez for Beginners

part-Catholic Iranian

by Hafez for Beginners on

Ms. Gharemani: Thanks for your post. Even if people disagree - the toxic commentary does indeed warrant a "Wow!!" Will we ever learn to debate without resorting to sweeping attacks? If Islam is for morons - are 1 billion people morons? It doesn't add up - (says a part-Catholic Iranian!) - Cyrus built an Empire on the pretext of religious acceptance. I hate insulting other people's beliefs. It never feels right. 

