حاج خانم، دستتون درد نکنه!

چند درس جنده بازی‌ در تهران


حاج خانم، دستتون درد نکنه!
by Shazde Asdola Mirza

در ایران اسلامی، دیگه همه چی‌ تلفنی شده.

طرف زنگ زد که؛ "حاج آقا - وقت آزاد دارید؟"

پرسیدم؛ "جنسش تمیزه ... بافتش ظریفه؟"

فرمودند؛ "مثل هلوی پوست کنده!"

درس اول: هیچ بقالی نمی‌‌گه‌ ماستم ترشه.

چادرش رو که ور داشت، بجای هلو بیشتر به هندونه میزد. بدک نبود، اما از بر‌آمدگی شکمش میشد حدس زد که یک دو باری زاییده. سی‌ و چند ساله، با موی قهوه‌ای و چشمان میشی‌ ... صورت گرد و پوست سفیدش جذاب بود و دلنشین.

تعارف کردم که؛ "چیزی میل دارید؟ شربت، شیرینی‌ یا شراب؟"

خندید و جویا شد؛ "کشیدنی چی‌ دارید، حاج آقا؟"

از این لفظ حاج آقا بدم میاد. تا ریش و سبیل آدم دو رنگ میشه، تو ایرون، همه بهت حاج آقا، حاج آقا سوار میکنند!

عرض کردم؛ "شرمنده عزیز ... همین یه قلم جنس رو ندارم."

براش یه گیلاس شربت آبلیمو با عرق مسیو قاراپت ریختم، که بهمراه دو برش نون سوخاری و پنیر لیقوان خورد. بعد از استکان دوم، خستگی‌ راهش در اومد و سر شوخی‌ و خنده باز شد. از فلکه دوم صادقیه، یک ساعت و نیم تو راه بندون گیر کرده بودند - چون ظاهرا آژانسی جوون و نا بلد بود.

جویا شد؛ "پس چرا خودتون لب تر نمی‌‌کنید؟"

خندیدم که؛ "بنده باید حواسم جمع باشه، تا بتونم خوب از شما پذیرایی‌ کنم!"

درس دوم: قبل از عملیات موشکی، از نوشیدن هر گونه مشروب الکلی پرهیز کنید.

مشغول مالیدن و سابیدن شده بودیم، که موبایل خانم زنگ زد! از روی آهنگش فهمید که کیه.

عذر آورد که؛ "دخترمه، ببخشید، باید جواب بدم."

درس سوم: در کشاکش آماده سازی برای حمله نهایی‌، لطفا از روشن نگاه داشتن هر گونه وسیله ارتباطی‌ خود داری فرمایید.

با نگرانی گفت؛ "الو ... حالت خوبه فاطی جون؟ نه‌ ... خاک تو سر کثافتش ... در رو واسش واز نکنی‌ ها! غلط کرده - پدرته که پدرته ... وقتی‌ خرجی و نفقه نمیده، پدری به چه دردی میخوره؟"

درس چهارم: در چنین مواقع حال گیر - برید تو دستشویی، هواکش رو روشن کنید و گوشتون رو محکم بگیرید.

ناله کنان ادامه داد؛ "نه‌، تو رو خدا در رو براش باز نکن! دوباره میاد تو خونه و موندگار میشه ... زندگی‌ مون رو سیاه میکنه ... باز تنتو با سیگار میسوزونه! مگه دست و پای کبود ممد یادت رفته؟ اصلا، یه دقیقه صبر کن - من همین الان راه میفتم."

موبایل رو که قطع کرد، توضیح داد؛ "با هزار بدبختی از این حرومزاده لاشخور طلاق گرفتم؛ ولی‌، ول کن ما نیست! میگه تا دوباره ازدواج نکردی، هنوز می‌تونم رجوع کنم! پدر سگ کثافت معتاد، فکر میکنه که منم بچه محصلم که بتونه کتکم بزنه و بلا سرم بیاره. دار و ندار زندگی‌ ما رو به باد داد و هنوزم کشتیار مونه."

در این گیر و دار، شازده کوچولو کاملا به حالت اغما افتاده بود؛ و قامت سرفرازش از هسته خرما کوچیکتر ... بقول ناپلیون: بهوت افسرده ‌ها هی!

پیشنهاد فرمودند؛ "براتون بخورم، تا زودی دوباره بزرگ بشه؟"

ولی‌ بنده به یاد آن بیت سعدی شیراز افتادم که:

تو مناره ز پای بنشانی ... شهوت من چگونه جنبانی؟

بعد از کلی‌ تعارف و اصرار، پنجاه تومن رو گرفت و موقع رفتن، یه ماچ گذاشت به گوشه لپم. اما دوباره اون لفظ لعنتی رو بکار برد؛ "حاج آقا، دستتون درد نکنه!"

درس آخر: در هر عملیاتی احتمال شکست وجود داره - بنابرین باید نقشه یدکی داشته باشید.

نوار امانوئل ۲ رو گذاشتم تو ویدئو، و مشغول تماشای زیبایی‌های تایلند شدم.


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soosan khannom

by IranMarzban on

why don`t you write a blog and tell your feelings about every IC member ?! i also didn`t like this blog you can write a rewiev about this blog but all you doing now is personal attacks

Soosan Khanoom

And that flying solo

by Soosan Khanoom on

I have no idea ........ how can you be a woman and defend these craps ?

Mash Ghasem

بسی فحش دادن در این آی سی!

Mash Ghasem

SK, why don't you go and listen to some Jackson Brown, it'll calm you down. Respecting your elders does include not calling them bodily gas. How do you translate chos in English?



by IranMarzban on

why are you guys fighting?! taj (esteghlal) just defeated persepolis :)

آسمان گفت که من هم ابیم عشق میورزم که استقلالیم


بسی فحش دادن در این آی سی!



بسی فحش دادن در این آی سی

به مردان نیک و به این نایسی

نگردیم  خاموش ز گفتار  زشت

که پولادست بنیاد ما، نه دیوار خشت

ماشالله به مش قاسم و دوستان خوش کلام!

Flying Solo

Let it not

by Flying Solo on

Shazde Jan,

I had a great uncle, khoda biamorzadesh - he had a saying that if you have seen 1000 divaneh, the 1001st one will be different from the rest.

 It is very hurtful to be the target of such a venomous attack as that bestowed upon you by Azadeh.  But one's perception takes a different course if one were to imagine the words coming out of the mouth of, say, a down and out loon on the corner of Yonge and Finch. One is likely then, to glance at the miserable soul, throw a loony his way and walk away, mumbling under one's breath - "bicharerh ozaash kharabeh".

Let not this recent diatribe deter you from treating us to gems of your pen.  

Mash Ghasem


by Mash Ghasem on

DM my nizzle, not shore about dis Palloonocracy, but eit gts heaviyer and heaviyer. Eif you vant a good reed , resembleing our resident Palloonocrat , chek out Abhor in tis novel from Kathy Acker:

Empire of the senseless


By Kathy Acker


May your hand be not in pain.

Bezan, bezan keh dary khob mizani, bezan, bezan...

hamsade ghadimi

doctor jan, if not for your

by hamsade ghadimi on

doctor jan, if not for your comment, i wouldn't have known there was a comment made at me!  there's so much hate and judgement spewing from this commenter.  for the record, my comment did not insinuate that she's a "representative" of ershad ministry.  it suggested that she is the ershad minister.

ershad = rah nemoodan, rahe rast nemoodan

in conclusion, no one should write about prostitution unless it is obvious to all readers that it is an indictment of prostitution.  if they do, without any doubt he/she, his/her female family members, and their relationships are judged and thereafter prosectued by the ershad minister.  furthermore, all writers of fiction only use themselves as sources of their writing and nothing else.  i'm not worried about being labeled by this commenter as she previously has indicated that all iranian men are chauvanist pigs.  nothing new here.



by Doctor mohandes on

Now, Between myself and yourself, What is with this concept of Pallooonocracy??

Az khodesh dar miare?:))



by ComraidsConcubine on

 Is this story really juicy? Am I missing something again? Because I had the impression the underlying thought of it is hypocrisy?

And another thing, see now, the arbitrary attitude towards personal attacks?  I would flag them all if I didn't think that those posts are just lovely evidence.


Mash Ghasem

انقلاب ادبی خواهم کرد، پس از این بی ادبی خواهم کرد....

Mash Ghasem

DM jon, I vaz having a well mention of you (ZEKR KHAIR), and made shor they don't uze your prisitin name in any songs! and in respect of you I vill heeesh , but eeif yu new dis Shazde , lik I now dis Shazde,

پزشک بدون مغز و زن بدون آب


den, you vould be tempted to not heeesh.


The gauntlet has been thrown. For all those who think you have a better sense of humor, please write us a female version of Jackson Brown's Rosie, or forever hold your not so humorous....


All comments.

by comments on

I just read all comments.  I don't understand the reason for too much sensitivity in this story (prostitution in Iran).  What is the hidden story?  I don't see any reason from the above story to make people upset.



by Doctor mohandes on


Don't you see the Big Paaloon o crat is angry? Have some Roospect babam jan:)

Next time it will not be words, There will be monitors and keyboard flying right at you! 



Hamsade Ghadimi

by Doctor mohandes on


YOu big bad Bad bad Boy... You got some spanking now, Halet ja oomad?? :))

Ta to bashi dige Matalak nandazi Be Promotere Pallon o cracy !!! LOL . Bache Sheytoon.

What a disgraceful gesture to tear people apart and Openly insult them for their opinions with such Vigor and certitude as if someone is the Certified and Indisputable Authority on a certain subject!!

People need to seriously Get a life and get off of it and Get real.

To make this Disgraceful and Ugly and nasty gesture even worse, some people Go on to arrogantly create and make up new definition for racism and chauvinism.


don't let me catch you dropping any more quarters in the Jukebox. Okayy???:)))))


Mash Ghasem

Could we discuss female versions of Rosie?

by Mash Ghasem on



Prostitution is a difficult subject to discuss

by comments on

The story reminded me my uncles' comments about prostitution in Shah's time.  Whenever they went to night clubs late at nights, they were many barefoot prostitutes waiting in front of the night club door.In IRI prostitution is really advanced and kind of legal.  I think males/females who look for multiple partners have a better chance in Iran.  I think these days prostitution becomes so fast due to BJ jan:)

However, prostitution is a difficult subject to discuss, and it doesn’t matter where it happens.  I don't think that it targets females more than males.  Each female prostitute encourages so many male prostitutes.


Azadeh Azad

On your phallocracy (Penis Worshipping) and that of your fans

by Azadeh Azad on


The present story, as well as the majority of your stories, is based on your personal experiences, including the Sylvia series, your wife’s depression, etc. Some dumb fan of yours might believe you, not me. I’m too intelligent and insightful to believe your lies.    


I do not believe that you have never been with a prostitute. You are too disrespectful of women not to have tried it. Your reaction to my criticism of your cheap work further proves my opinion that you are a backward and misogynous man, with an Akhoond mentality and an Ego that betrays your lack of sophistication.   


Now, let’s assume the “I” in your trash story is not you, but another phallocrat, an imaginary one. My criticism stands and reads the same way – with slight changes:    


“There is nothing humorous about prostituting and exploiting a poor woman's body. Your character’s lack of conscience is despicable, so is his cheap talk of his penis in those gross and cliché ways. This piece of writing (by you, Assad) is exploitative, phallocratic and trash, whether it contains a mention of Sa'adi or not. Men like your character who compare a woman to a peach or a watermelon have no respect for any woman (and that includes his mother, sister, wife and daughter.) By degrading a woman in your writing (you Assad) and by making light of an act of prostitution your character gets involved in, both you and your character are simply demonstrating your backwardness, your male chauvinism and your Akhoond mentality.  


"Next time your character needs to feel ashamed about his involvement in prostitution (to be perceived as a human being by the intelligent reader) instead of presenting it as something fun and natural. Next time your character needs to be aware that the real "Jendeh" in the above piece of trash is him and any other man who exploits women and writes about it (that is you, Assad ) as lessons to be followed by other selfish phallocrats.  


"All of us already know about the miserable lives of sex-trade workers in Tehran. No need to use it, like the use of Sa'adi, to give a false weight to your writing. It does not work! “  


Now, don’t compare yourself to Chekov and Hedayat. Compare yourself to another A**hole like Ahmadinejad. You lie as much as he does. I have been reading your garbage for a couple of years and know enough of you to call you a big liar and a phony! Your lies and fabrications and self-glorifying comparisons are believed only by your very dumb fans like Flying Solo and Hamsade(!)Ghadimi.  


Your misogynist friend, Flying Solo, falsely accuses me of expecting you not to write about prostitution, puts feminists and feminism down, and then tells me to apologize to you for having expressed my opinion about your trash writing. There is nothing uglier than a woman who attacks another woman, telling her to apologize to a male chauvinist p**g like yourself! She has indeed shown her real face:  a male-identified ugly psche!  

And your other dumb friend, Hamsade Ghadimi, a known male chauvinist and another phony, calls me “Representative of The Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance.” I don’t expect anything more from a backward man who is devoid of intelligence. Two dumb fans of yours with two opposite labels on me!!!  


And finally, criticizing penis-worshipping (phallocratic)  writings does not make one “female chauvinist”, which historically speaking cannot exist. There is no such a thing as “Female chauvinism” as there isn’t and can’t be a “Black racism.” The intelligent and educated reader understands why.



Anahid Hojjati

thanks MG, I enjoyed reading Mecca to Medina story by Shazdeh

by Anahid Hojjati on

 Now I can imagine this one being Hedayat like because of its elements in describing how Islam is practiced and all the absurdity. I also checked Jackson Brown 's Rosie's lyrics. It is interesting that you think I can pull off writing a female version of this song. I am doubtful that I can do that, but when I have time, I will give it a try. I promise I will not call it anything like DM, MG, Shazdeh, etc.

Anahid Hojjati

Dear MG, thanks for the links

by Anahid Hojjati on

MG jan, I will read and watch every one of them and about writing a female version of Jackson Brown's song " Rosie," , let me first see what the male version says. I think there was a reference to this just few days ago. Again, thanks for all the info.

Mash Ghasem


by Mash Ghasem on

بسی رنج بردی در این آی.سی.

که طنز زنده کردی بدین پارسی .

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Thanks friends

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

On a good day ... I have a heart too ... I am just hiding it.

Bad Stories for Bad Kids

Mash Ghasem


by Mash Ghasem on

خری در میقات - بخش سوم، مدینه منوره


"ولی‌ شیعه ایرانی‌ که خرافات و نژاد پرستی‌ ساسانی را تو کون اسلام ناب
محمدی اماله کرده
است، پشت نرده‌های قبرستان بقی‌ موس موس میکرد و کنار سه
سنگ نشانه، که ملایان با هزار زحمت و آرتیست بازی تعیین کرده اند، به قربت
سه امام شیعه، سجده و زاری می‌‌نمود. عاشقان خاندان جلیل سلطنت علوی، در آن
گوشه، مدام خود را به نرده‌ها می‌‌مالیدند و بر زمین می‌‌کشیدند، و زیر
زیرکی، تند تند و مشت مشت، خاک برداری می‌‌نمودند"!

Simply priceless!


Anahid jan, tis Marx Brothers for you, great music, cheers

Chico and Harpo, The Marx Brothers: A Night at the Opera (1935) (Higher quality)


Some historians have also argued that Karl himself had said: 

Dasteton Dard Nakone!

P.S. A good sign of a healthy sense of humor could be to write a female version of Jackson Brown's song " Rosie," you could call him "Ronnie," as long as you don't call him Shazdeh, Haj Agha, Mashti, DM,....

Anahid Hojjati

Dear MG, yes , maybe the praise is more qualified than I made

by Anahid Hojjati on

it sound. I apologize. thanks for your explanation. Could you please provide a link to Mecca story? Also I don't think I was incredibly careless reader or had serious lack of humor. Although I may not be as funny as Marx brothers, rumors to me being as humorless as Jerry Falwell are baseless.

Mash Ghasem


by Mash Ghasem on

incredibly careless reading , and a serious lack of a sense of humor.

Me thinks the "friend" who praised Shazdeh, has his praise a bit more qualified than you make it sound;

the mentioned qualifications were,

A: On his good days ,( meaning not every single writing)

B: It "borders" Chokov, Chobak.. (meaning it come close to , a close resemblence of). Shazde's texts ultimate sense of strength and uniquness lies in his humor, and if you can't see that, then...

BTW , me thought the story of his travel to Mecca, part two, was a singular masterpiece.

Dasteton Dard Nakoneh.

Anahid Hojjati

I am somewhere in between

by Anahid Hojjati on

I don't find this that bad. However, some commentators claim that this level of writing is at the level of Hedayat and Chekhov. I find this hard to believe. I have not read these writers that much but really, Hedayat was at this level? please, when your friend's writing is attacked, don't go overboard defending him. Just say that the writer is writing about something that is true in Iran. To call this at the level of Hedayat and other great writing, this is a bit too much. If you think that way, please show the elements inthis story that make it comparable to great works of writing. Like how is his article approaching Hedayat?

Just becuase Hedayat and some other great writers wrote about prostitution and this story's subject is the same, this per se does not make it Hedayat like. If that were the case, I write poetry about candle. so can I say that my poems are like Hafez 's poems? Also if some writers wrote about prostitution many decades ago without getting into deeper issues, that does not mean that for hundreds of years, writers have to keep writing about prostitution. What is the point that writer is trying to make?

hamsade ghadimi

نایب وزیر

hamsade ghadimi

نایب وزیر ارشاد هم پیدا شد...


Sad & Disgusting..

by abc123 on


Reading this piece of...just saddens me. Writing about prostitution is OK when you see it as a problem. Feel the pain, and feeling of a desperate woman who was looking for love and a better life one day. She got married to escape the struggles of living in a poor family to start a new life with a young husband and...One day she finds out that young beloved man is in drug. This is a huge issue in Iran. Islamic figures have power and they are the biggest drug dealers. Poor woman after giving birth to one or two babies finds out that it's impossible to live this life. She basically has to take care of kids by herself and divorce the husband which is a painful process in Islamic system.

Hajaghas see all women as "jendeh" except their mothers. Obviously there is no respect for woman who sell their bodies to put food on the table. I wonder how we feel about men who pay for prostitution! As a single woman lived in Islamic Iran I can imagine a bit what is going on in that terrible society with poor women and at least feel sympathy for them. 


Flying Solo

Well Done

by Flying Solo on

Shazde Jaan,

Brilliant as always. You lower our guards with humor and in the next breath, pierce our heart with the message.  

A few points if I may. Prostitution is nothing new nor exciting really. It happens. It happens in the most civilized and enlightened countries (Sweden, Holland, Germany) and it happens in the poorest (Bangladesh, Botswana, Thailand).  IRI did not invent it. It won't go away when IRI goes away, monarchy returns, democracy rules or MKO take over.  It is a trade that has outlasted every type of government, religion and climate (economic, geopolitical and literacy).  

@Mash Ghasem: Thank you for the book references. Will definitely look them up.

@Pedro: The narrative did include violence and drugs - subtle though the references may have been

@Azadeh: It's highly surprising that you would mistake this story for the writer's reality.  I'd have expected it from a less seasoned, more naive reader, but YOU?  How do you think prostitution stories ought to be presented to the public? Or should they simply be eliminated and we should limit exposure simply to academic papers and militant feministic propoganda? Should we place both hands on both ears, yell at the top of our lungs that - no this is not happening - don't talk about it - don't write about it - because it's filth and grime and exploitation and it bothers us? You owe Shazde an apology for your uncalled for outburst.

@Faramarz: At the ripe old age of 15 I watched all the Emanuelle stories, thanks to the aunt of a friend who had a thing for women and would drag us to the cinema to sit through the boring stuff.  Decades later, all I remember is the music. :)

Mash Ghasem


by Mash Ghasem on

pedro jan , after some of the responses shazde got, me thinks anybody with a right mind would think twice before posting anything here. Glad you liked the books from Iran. These Noroz gifts I've got is an amazing collection. One of them just keeps kicking me in the head. The title is: Scorpion on the steps of Andymeshk Railroad, or there's blood dripping from this train Sir!عقرب  روی پله های راه آهن اندیمشک، یا از این قطار خون میچکه قربان! (حسین مرتضائیان آبکنار)Maybe an English translation and posting it here, could do it some justice, cheers


Mash Ghasem jane aziz.

by pedro on

Thank you for the list of available books, very kind of you. My wish was to see a story here on IC for all of us saddened by the heartbreaking news from our beloved country. Mash Ghasem jan maybe you want to take initiative on a story since you already received a few book in the subject matter as a Norooz gift. Happy Norooz, Happy reading.

Stop Execution and torture of Iranians in Islamic regime Prisons