Abbas Edalat: Don't Attack Iran

CASMII founder speaking at Stop the War Coalition

Professor Abbas Edalat, founder of the Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran (CASMII), speaking at Stop the War Coalition's public meeting 'Don't Attack Iran' on Monday 5th December 2011 in Conway Hall, London.


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long live Iran

No War on Iran

by long live Iran on

Although I do not agree with all he said, but still with some. I sincerely praise his bravery. He has a great academic position in one of the best universities in the world that none can deny it. Defending Iran is dangerous to him but he welcome all problems because of his patriotism and devotion to his mother land....If all Iranian were defending their land like him, it must have been in better situation today.... But I am afraid some Iranian prefer to get allied with Sadam against their country and people...

Long Live IRAN


عجب دیوانه‌ای


این چه طرز سخنرانی‌ است؟  چرا اینقدر عربده میکشه؟  این رو باید بفرستند ایران از در و دیوار یک سفارتی بالا بره، چیزی آتش بزنه.  یعنی‌ استاد دانشگاه است؟  بدبخت به شاگردهاش!!

dingo daddy En passant

my point exactly Arj

by dingo daddy En passant on

It must be the curse of the Persians. Even something everyone agrees on can't be a point of unity. If you say "2+2=4", I have to knee jerk say you are wrong, and curse you because you are communist (or not a real communist!) or ...! So destructive and selfish. No wonder we are so easily fooled and ruled over.


As for claims here of abbas edalat being a "communist"

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Well, when was the last time this "communist" spoke against increasing number of Iran's labor activists and left wing students being locked away at Evin? when was the last time he spoke against recent attacks and massive crackdown on workers demos in "iran khodro"? did he whisper anything when socialist teacheres and labour acytivists were mass executed in Kurdestan last year? No, he did not. He was busy sending his team to Tehran to Dine and Wine and read poetry with the number one enemy of Iran's socialists and communists, Mahmood ahmadinezhad......

and since when being anti US and Anti israeli makes one a "communist"? Both Hitler and "Doctor" ahmadinezhad were/are anti Jew and US!

The anti imperialist stance, from a socialist perspective only makes sense when it is within the context of global struggle of working classes against international forces of capital. This is not to be confused with "anti americanism " or "anti-semitism".

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


Re his stance

by Arj on

Please. let's not confuse things! What hurts this guy's credebility is his whitewash of IRI's breach of human rights, and in general, its criminal demeanors vis a vis the people of Iran! However, what he says about the U.S. and Israel is not far from the truth, for even the American and Israeli media do not deny the facts that Israel has built up a nuclear arsenal contrary to the same IAEA principles enforced against Iran, or that The U.S. and Israel have a hand in the cyber attacks and sabotage against Iranian nuclear facilities and scientists...!

Yet, some of us can't help with their knee jerk attempts at trying to shut up everyone and everything that mentions the names U.S.A. or Israel with a critical approach! A sort of like pro-Israel/America version of our own Shaban Bimokhs!

dingo daddy En passant

No one hates IRI as much as I do

by dingo daddy En passant on

I have lost close relatives to the evil regime. Unlike many of you on IC, I never betrayed the Shah. I never say "Revolution was inevitable". Our problem was the revolution that this man is defending. That is the beginning of the problem. So anyone who claims to be against IRI but betrayed the Shah is part of the problem, including Edalat.

But we also have to be sober minded. Other than I severely disagree about Edalat's support of the Islamic Revolution, the rest of what he says is true. The Western powers don't care about democracy, or even nuclear weapons. It's the oil, and Hormuz that they want. It's Israel they care about. He's right, they want obedience, not independence. Look at how many crazy dictators they support and still do support. They were friends with Mubarak and Gaddafi, as long as they bow their heads to the Queen. I hate the IRI , but trust the West!!! Are you crazy? The only difference between IRI and American/British bloodsuckers is that IRI is much weaker. If we want to use "logic" we have to recognize truth, no matter who says it. Hate and personal attack against someone who is speaking is not giving credibility to your words. Just a humble observation.


Too many "anti war shoar", too little "anti war" logic

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

We are all against a foreign military invasion  on our country Iran. However we  do also have the capability of reading between the lines, when the very same people who are screaming "against war", go into deadly silence when Iranian opposition are raped, tortured and murdered by the islamist regime, yet  would not waste a second in attacking any militant action by Iranian people against the islamist regime, as "foreign inspired warmongering", "separatist", etc.

Regarding this particular excitable "anti-war advocate", I  personaly doubt any "anti-war" claims by those Iranians who have a habit of dining and wining with psychopath warmonger, ahmadinezhad...

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


Another anti west speech

by afshinazad on

This speech is suitable if there is a democratic government in Iran.

I just wonder if this man knows politic, This kind of speech not only damaging but also speaker loses his credibility what he wants to convey to the world and someone like me who tired of hearing all this bullshit of anti west and Israel non sense, would not take this guys comments seriously.

When was the last time people like him to come out and bash Islamic regime that holding almost 80 million Iranian hostages, and when was last time people like him to help opposition united against satanic regime, every one claim to care about nation and the country, but their agenda is different than what they chant, unfortunately their self interest over writes all national interest.   

If this man could tell us, what is independent Iran? This independent Iran, old slogan of 60’s and communist group chanting against imperialism (west), but still this man doesn’t get it, time has changed and being anti west and anti Zionist doesn’t help to go forward. If not imperialism and west then who you have in mind?  How about china and Russia who are worst than any one we know.




It's a case by case analysis

by Onlyiran on

some anti-war activists have legitimate humanitarian concerns, and they should not be dismissed.  But one needs to look at the person's record.  Edalat is the founder of CASMII.  CSAMII is a covert IRI lobby group, no two ways about it.  If it walks like a duck, talks like duck, it's a duck.  CASMII officials act as regime's information agents in the U.S. and attend private events hosted by IRI officials when they are here for UN work.  Some CASMII officials even acted as de facto IRI officials at an IRI meeting in Iran called "Hamyaesh Bozorg" which was organized, paid for and conducted by the IRI in Iran:


This is aboslutely mind boggling in light of the fact that the person who was acting in that capacity is a U.S. citizen.  I don't know why he has not been confronted by U.S. law enforcement for these activities.

In any event, the biggest problem with Edalat is his involvement with the regime.  It's kind of like us praising Ahmadinejad or Jannati.  You know do they have ulterior motives.  So does Edalat.


 I don't believe Mr.

by vildemose on

 I don't believe Mr. Edalat is an honest broker for peace as in the case of US. US is also not an honest broker of peace between the Palestines and Israel...

I don't care whether he supports IRI or not, his actions are not conducive to averting a war, period. He can get all worked up all he wants but his arguments have no credibility because they are biased  while his delivery is beyond atrocious.  Does he really think he is contributing to peace??


Separation of Church and State AND Corporation

Jahanshah Javid

War & repression

by Jahanshah Javid on

I admire Edalat's anti-war stance. Believing that the possibility of war is the greatest threat facing Iranians does not make anyone a supporter of the Islamic Republic.

I believe this brutal archaic regime is illegitimate and must be exposed, opposed and deposed for its outrageous policies and actions. But that does not blind me to the threat of war and the bloodshed and devastation it would bring.


First, just an observation about some our thought process on IC…

by Bavafa on

On one hand we often hear that most if not all anti-war advocates are in the pocket of IRI while at the same token we are being told, by the same crowd, that IRI is itching for war.

What gives?!?!?!?!

Now on the content of the speech,
While I disagree and acknowledge his one sided presentation of the situation by whitewashing IRI crimes and human rights violation against Iranian people and/or over glorifying the IRI revolution, it is hard to argue against his catalog of the West crimes against Iran starting by the West support for Saddam’s criminal war, the bias IAEA standing against Iran’s right to nuclear technology or the cyber/terrorist attack against Iranian scientist and technology.

As for his demeanor and seemingly angry speech, I can relate to that since any chance of war against my mother-land that is not in support and request of Iranian people brings up emotions that is hard to control.


'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



war with Iran

by iamfine on

It is ok to hate IRI, but no way I stay silent when the western countries preparing to destroy our country for their own interest. Having said that, I will go along with Abbas Edalat's approach of not attacking Iran. Iran will get better soon, but destroying Iran will be the present Iraq or Afghanistan.


پروفسور عدالت برو بکش خجالت


پروفسور عدالت

برو بکش خجالت

تو سیاست کم عقلی

مدافع جهالت

از احمدی میگفتی

تو که معلومه حالت

دنبال پول مفتی

پیشه تو رذالت

باید که پس بدی تو

تمامی اموالت 

See my answer to his article in Guardian under truth and recounciliation all in rhyme.


He needs professional

by vildemose on

He needs professional help. Isn't he the guy who trains cyber pro-IRI recruits in Iran?? He is stating the obvious. Same old fighting words and antagnoisitic approach as IRI and he expects to avert a war?? What a pathetic miscreant.

Separation of Church and State AND Corporation


Iranian of the day?? or IRI

by kazem0574 on

And I had thought the IR Embassy staff had all left UK. 

This stuff may interest some  non Iranians about the unfairness of certain actions of the West affecting the people of Iran, (Iran Iraq War etc) which incidentally up until recently, has mostly helped the continuation of this regime at the expense of the actual people of Iran (and I don’t mean the Sundis Khor  bus delivered Rent-A-Mob).

Personally I am totally against any form of military attack on Iran.

BUT “Iranian of the Day”, come on, what’s going on?


Why so angry?!

by Arj on

This guy is so hacked, he can't even regulate his tone of voice, as if he is in a street protest -- wielding his fist in the air! But then again, one can assume the likes of this guy are there to cancel out the mouth-foaming, rabid warmongers out there! In a way, it's nature taking its own course! Perhaps that's why they gave him the invite!


Agree with you AO

by MRX1 on

couldn't have said it better myself. it's a big alliance of all the cockroaches from shiek o omati crowd to anti semites, 1970's commis and islamists, go figure!


Same old rhetorics

by hooshie on

This guy cannot let his Fedaeiyan Khalgh background go? He starts off by saying: Comrades!!


AO: Just follow the petro Dollar trail....

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

For answer to your questions.

Also there are many true, anti war voices who see the preventation of war through removal of the main cause of the war; the islamist regime.  These voices are seldom, if ever  heard on this site... 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

Anonymous Observer

Needs to be deported from the UK

by Anonymous Observer on

where do these viruses come from?  The poor Shah had five supporters who abandoned him at the first sign of trouble.  These guys are like mushrooms.  There are a million of them all over the world propagandizing for the IR and pushing the IR line.  It's like losers united.  Former communists, Shah haters, West haters, Israel haters, the Palestine obsessed, Islamists, Islamo-supremacists, anti-Semites,'s the proverbial "big tent" of lunatics!