Intellectual shield

David Barsamian, with Noam Chomsky, Ervand Abrahamian, and Nahid Mozaffari


Intellectual shield
by Danny Postel

Targeting Iran, by David Barsamian, with Noam Chomsky, Ervand Abrahamian, and Nahid Mozaffari. City Lights Books, 2007, 144 pages (paper), $11.95

Targeting Iran is a collection of three interviews conducted by Alternative Radio founder David Barsamian with the Iranian scholars Ervand Abrahamian and Nahid Mozaffari, and Barsamian's most frequent interlocutor over the years, Noam Chomsky. It is a valuable book in that it covers, in less than 200 pages, many of the essential questions regarding the geopolitics of the Islamic Republic and the ominous specter of a U.S. military attack on Iran.

Abrahamian is one of the preeminent historians of modern Iran . His 1982 book Iran Between Two Revolutions is widely regarded as a work of monumental significance. (The Fellowship of Reconciliation [FOR] uses this book as a key source for preparing participants in its Iran delegations.)

In Targeting Iran, Abrahamian offers useful insights into the folly of U.S. policy toward Iran . On the Bush administration's double-talk about sitting down with Iran, he observes that "you really can't go into a negotiating room with a gun, saying that you're going to shoot at the first opportunity. The other side probably will come to the room with the same type of weapon, and you're more likely to get a shoot-out than negotiations." He notes the very real danger of the rhetoric currently emanating from Washington . "The rhetoric itself can determine policy, speed up the tempo, and lead to further escalation."

One of Abrahamian's most illuminating observations has to do with Ayatollah Khomeini's doctrine of Islamic government – a "twentieth-century invention," says Abrahamian. Contrary to conventional wisdom, "it's not deep rooted in Shia theory going back centuries." He regards Ahmadinejad as "not very different from Bush in terms of style, rhetoric, and mentality."

Chomsky offers his familiar array of arguments about the mendacious and distorted picture of the world generated by the U.S. government and reinforced through the major media, but with specific reference to Iran . The points he makes in this volume echo ones he has made for many years now. For someone who has never encountered Chomsky, this section would be helpful; for those familiar with his work, however, there is little new or surprising here.

The biggest surprise of this book – and a pleasant one – comes in the final section, in the interview with Nahid Mozaffari. Mozaffari is the editor of Strange Times, My Dear: The PEN Anthology of Contemporary Iranian Literature (2005). Although it is plenty political, Barsamian's interview with Mozaffari paints a multidimensional humanistic portrait of Iran today, touching on poetry, intellectual life, the literary world, and the women's movement. Mozaffari notes the amazement of many of her Western friends that tens of thousands of people showed up for the Tehran funeral procession of the poet Ahmad Shamlu.

Those of us lucky enough to have voyaged to Shiraz can easily picture this image. In March 2007, I and other FOR delegation members witnessed first-hand the devotion and reverence Iranians have for their poets when we visited the tomb of the great 14th-century lyricist Hafez, a site to which many newlyweds pilgrimage on their honeymoons.

Mozaffari evocatively and compellingly describes the uphill battles in which campaigners for women's rights in Iran are currently engaged – battles which we should join Mozaffari in supporting, and which stand to be derailed by a U.S. military strike on Iran.

Originally published in Fellowship magazine (

Danny Postel is the author of Reading "Legitimation Crisis" in Tehran : Iran and the Future of Liberalism (Prickly Paradigm Press) and participated in FOR's March 2007 delegation to Iran. He is communications coordinator for Interfaith Worker Justice.



Mr. Q: I have read almost

by anit-Chomsky (not verified) on

Mr. Q: I have read almost all your comments on various threads including the one where you suggested beheading those who did not agree with you. Experience has shown me in the past that debating with such malignantly narcissitic personalities is an exercise in futility.

I find you are on a huge ego trip parading under "intellectualism ". You sound like a rebelious adolescent. I recommend you read the book "emotional intelligence" to heal your self-destructive tendencies. I feel pity for your family and wife; that is if you have one.


About the existence and permission to exist

by Mehdi Rza Pouri (not verified) on

I don't understand what hell's going on here through the web? Is that something like complo against women? Yeah, I'm sure perhaps it's the modern way to do like that? But as I see in Iran, today and everytime in past, there's no anything around a littlest bit like what you're writing here. I don't know, maybe you've already sued by Human Rights Organizations of Europe Union. But... you know what? Well, if it's gonna go on like that for a time anymore, I swear I'll do my best to prevent this to happen. I shocked when I saw the article by Sima Shirazi about his "boss" story at home, and later that you say something like "Targets on Iran". What is that? What is your pretty problem? Say, and then I come and solve it for ever.


Chomsky did what?

by Q on

anti-chomsky: You are DREAMING. Chomsky never denied the killing fields. He asked why no one was paying attention to East Timor which was going on exactly the same time and discovered the reason: Cambodia makes "them" look bad, so it's OK to emphasize it and exaggerate it. East Timor makes "us" look bad, so it must be swept under the rug. In addition, our own role in Cambodia is forgotten.

I would debate you if I knew your real name and you agreed to basic decent ground rules. Otherwise, what's the point? I debate people all the time and they either change the subject or change their identity when they are losing.

I challenge you to find a direct statement of Chomsky that proves "Chomsky claimed the killing fields to be a lie".

If you can't do that, any debate with you is out of the question.


I'm willing to debate with

by anit-Chomsky (not verified) on

I'm willing to debate with anyone, lefties or not, so long as they can present their views evidence in an intelligent manner without resorting to vulgarity, which immediately undermines them and their arguments.The problem is that the tyrannical left's arguments are not in good faith. They already have a well-established point of view, and it's pretty much that of the mullah's regime. They are content with parroting official Western lefties and theocratic doctrines and indoctrinations. Reasoned argument and evidence means nothing to rabid left if it doesn't corroborate their self-serving view of things.

And, no, leftism isn't courageous. Just self-inflated. It wasn't courage to look the other way when Stalin slaughtered millions, when Ho slaughtered millions, or Pol Pot in the killing fields. Chomsky claimed the killing fields to be a lie as the evidence was mounting, just as the leftists denied the genocide against the Ukrainians no matter the evidence. I've read too much, been alive too long, to fall for that.


Thanks for this review

by Abarmard on

This is a great book and Iranians should try to read it. Thanks very much Danny for going through troubles and writing a review for us.


Anti-Chomsky throw in the towel

by Fred (not verified) on

anti-Chomsky you can rattle off fact after fact, but you can never ever succeed. The cardinal rule of the lefties is unconditional love for their demigods. Remember Kia-nouri, his treachery is undisputedly documented via released KGB files and yet the toudees still worship him. So goes Chomsky and his shameless approving nods towards the IRI and the “reformist” bunch in the Islamist Republic who worship him.



by anti-loser (not verified) on

you are pathetic. This is all you found after all your research? What are you 15 years old? $2M for professor with 50 years of service, the inventor of modern linguistics, one of the top-10 most quoted humans in all of History? the most important intellectual alive? You can't even buy a House in Boston for that amount.

You really are lame. Chomsky has said many times that he is no fan of the "islamic republic", but that he is against US intervention in the region.

Why don't you go show your chicken face on the fascist blogs or "frontpage Magazine". It's only fair since you plagiarize their material.


Chomsky, Closet

by anti-Chomsky (not verified) on

Chomsky, Closet Capitalist

""One of the most persistent themes in Noam Chomsky’s work has been class warfare. He has frequently lashed out against the “massive use of tax havens to shift the burden to the general population and away from the rich” and criticized the concentration of wealth in “trusts” by the wealthiest 1 percent. The American tax code is rigged with “complicated devices for ensuring that the poor—like 80 percent of the population—pay off the rich”

But trusts can’t be all bad. After all, Chomsky, with a net worth north of $2,000,000, decided to create one for himself. A few years back he went to Boston’s venerable white-shoe law firm, Palmer and Dodge, and, with the help of a tax attorney specializing in “income-tax planning,” set up an irrevocable trust to protect his assets from Uncle Sam. He named his tax attorney (every socialist radical needs one!) and a daughter as trustees. To the Diane Chomsky Irrevocable Trust (named for another daughter) he has assigned the copyright of several of his books, including multiple international editions.

Chomsky favors the estate tax and massive income redistribution—just not the redistribution of his income. No reason to let radical politics get in the way of sound estate planning.

When I challenged Chomsky about his trust, he suddenly started to sound very bourgeois: “I don’t apologize for putting aside money for my children and grandchildren,” he wrote in one e-mail. Chomsky offered no explanation for why he condemns others who are equally proud of their provision for their children and who try to protect their assets from Uncle Sam. Although he did say that the tax shelter is okay because he and his family are “trying to help suffering people.” ..."


I'm trying to find an article writeen by Chomsky about 5 years ago criticizing the Islamic Republic and referring to Iranains in a racist tone. However, I think after careful consideration, I think he realized that the mullahs are the best things for the enemies of the jews; being jewish himself. Can someone help me with that?


Calm down Mr./Mrs. "Anti-Chomsky"!!!

by Payam Shahfari (not verified) on

Take it easy brother/sister. It's interesting how your genocidal rhetoric in the beginning of your comment is accompanied by a Martin Luther King quote at the end.

By the way, I would appreciate it if you were kind enough to provide some evidence for you claim that Chomsky has "millions invested in the stock market." The reason for this request is not in anyway to discredit your knowledge, but merely to enhance my own, since I read Chomsky often and find his ideas interesting.

Peace and Solidarity,


Dany Postel et al and

by anti-Chomsky (not verified) on

Dany Postel et al and Chomsky: May your offsprings find themselves stoned, tortured, kidnapped and under Sharia laws in Evin prison in the future. How dare you think you can play with the future of millions of Iranians? Don't you think we brown people deserve to have anything better than the mullahs?

We will remember parasites like Chomsky who has millions invested in the stock market sitting in his comfortable house spewing inanaities and turning a blind eye to suffering of more than 40% of Iranians.

Politicizing human suffering and pain are unethical and immoral.

Justice delayed is Justice Denied"--William E. Gladstone

When it comes to separation of Church and state, We will stand divided, Will Fall United--Thomas Jefferson

“In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”--Marin Luther King


Tortured Confessions

by Fred (not verified) on

The Islamist enamored by Abrahamian’s work should not skip reading his Tortured Confessions; there is one in a gazillion chances that it might open their eyes to what they are so recklessly defend.


Thank you Daniel Postel for informinng us of this must read book

by Arezu (not verified) on

For those of you who have not had the opportunity of reading and or knowing Dr. Ervand Abrahamian, he is truly an imminent scholar on Iran. His vast knowledge of Iran's history, the Iranian Revolution of 1979, and the role of the MEK in destabilizing Iran brings a magnitude of knowledge to readers.


I have had an opportunity of reading Naom Chomsky's various books, and always interested to hear what he has to say.

I am also quite interested in seeing how Ms. Nahid Mozzafari views the ordinary Iranians and their love for the arts, poetry and literature; and how these factors have influenced the development of the Iranian attitude in shaping Iran today.


Chomsky is an intellectual giant,

by Cam Cordesman (not verified) on

he does not "endorse" any government. But many small minded fools accuse him of false things when he does not toe their line.


lost respect

by MRX1 (not verified) on

for chomskey long time a go. just because he is a disident or he wants to be, does not mean that he has to approve and agree with all sort of despots out there including our own islamic sewer republic.


Anything with Chomsky....

by DOOSTET (not verified) on an indispensable read. The man will stimulate and enrich your thinking.


Utterly redundant and

by anti-chomsky (not verified) on

Utterly redundant and skewed. Chomsky endorses the immoral Islamic Republic government. With friends like him we don't need enemies.



Insightful Review

by Omid Memarian (not verified) on

Danny, It is always good to hear from you and your work. Nice and smooth review. I was taking a few notes from your other Book, as usual there lots of interesting points to consider... Your accurate observation has made something original for the Iranian community. God Bless U!