Give diplomacy a chance

Say no to military conflict!


Give diplomacy a chance
by admin

We, the undersigned, represent the views of a diverse grouping of Iranian expatriates in the United States, the UK and elsewhere in the West.  Some of us have vastly different views regarding the current government in Iran; we are individually members of many different political parties; we do not all agree on how best to reach stability in the Middle East.  But we all feel a connection with both our homes in the West and the finest core values of the societies in which we are living, and with the country of Iran and its cultural traditions, whether we came by these ties by birth, heritage or friendship.

Moreover, we are united in our firmly-held opinion that military confrontation will do nothing to solve the problems that exist between Iran and the West, but rather that such an approach would create a ghastly long-term dynamic in the region.  Assaults, invasion, bombing, cross-border raids or destabilizing acts on the part of any of the players in the situation will mean that the present troubles will be eclipsed by far more destruction and loss-of-life than we have seen to date in the region.

The way forward must be through serious and genuine dialogue.  The rhetoric of mutual demonization, reckless threats and brinksmanship must be left out of that dialogue.  Negotiations must be based on the recognition of the legitimate concerns of all parties for physical security, economic security (including energy security) and national sovereignty. 

Just as stability and recovery in Iraq will not be advanced by sectarian strife that is a proxy for wider conflicts, neither will advancement of civil society in Iran be furthered by outside intervention.  Whether done with sudden, overwhelming and devastating force, or in a gradual, step-by-step series of increasingly invasive actions, a military assault on Iran would have catastrophic and long-lasting impacts on the people of Iran and prospects for democracy there, on the security of its neighbors including Israel, on US armed forces in the region and on US national interest and global standing, and on relations between the Muslim world and the West – already at an historic nadir.

We urge the leaders of the U.S., the U.K. and Iran to set aside all pre-conditions and resume direct and open negotiations on all issues of dispute, to bring about a lowering of tensions, to create an opening for meaningful progress toward understanding, and to envision a Middle East in which all its residents can coexist and together address the common problems of violence, poverty, illness and environmental degradation. 

We urge the people of the US, the UK and all countries in the Middle East - all men and women of conscience and character -- to press their leadership to be responsible and statesmanlike during this time of great danger, for it is the children, the innocents and civil society that always ultimately pay the price of our failure to do so.

For singing this statement as an organization contact:






To Caspianseamermaid

by yes! (not verified) on

The intelligent Iranian youth you're referring to are leaving Iran in droves. The rest are too fed up and disorganized to do anything real and your humanism and peaceful retoric and our chats and talks about this issue will not solve anything. The situation in Iran is way out of line, to be dealt with romantic ideas of peace and love. If the Shah regime was ousted is because of an international conspiracy against it not because of a revolution. A real revolution wouldn't have taken us here.

The Iranian people need help, that's true, but this help needs to be practical, very severe economic sanctions with the possibility of military air strikes against the religious mafia's infrastructure both in Iran and outside, will help. The mullah regime has simply expired and it's matter of time it collapses, but why has it expired now and not later or before? simply because those who brought them to power, their masters want them out (and they are not the Iranians) You've to be more realistic and less romantic about this very serious situation in Iran.


Islamists made Iran an “Apartheid State"

by name matters? (not verified) on

For thirty years, the most brutal Islamic clans are in power in Iran. They made Iran to an “apartheid state" where discrimination against Iranians, women, and minorities became laws of our nation. We have witnessed atrocities that these rulers gladly gifted to the Iranian citizens.

For stopping war on Iran, we all know deep in heart that this “Apartheid State” must be brought down and replaced with a democratic secular system.

Why can’t groups listed above to unite for this goal?


to poster name 'Yes'. You absolutely airhead

by Caspianseamermaid (not verified) on

Bomb the regime and replace it with what? Do you absolutely not learn from history at all?
You have no idea what faction might take over. Remember the days when that murderous evil shah was ousted....
AGAIN. For f'ings sake. The mullahs are an atrocious murdering lot, BUT there is a huge population of youth in Iran, who are absolutely not stupid. Let them take movements forward WITH YOUR HELP, but never imposing your ideas. It is THEIR territory.

I have zero connections with Iran. I am a pacifist and humanitarian.


Culture or Infrastructure! Pick one

by Yes (not verified) on

To all romantic Iran lovers:

Why Iranians haven't been able to get rid of the islamo-fascist anti-iranian regime, after 30 years?

Where were you 'Iran Lovers' living in the west when my city (kermanshah) was bombed on daily basis, for up to 8 years?Where were you romantic hafez readers, when the name of my childhood kindergarten was changed from 'niniland' to 'ya zahra'?What have you been doing during the last 3 decades when the mullahs and seyedds have slowly but surely brainwashed the iranian youth, starting it in the early years of the elementary school?Have any of you even noticed how the identity and soul of Iran and our persian culture is being killed by the daily inyection of arabo-muslim crap?
I KNOW the answer, do you know why? because I have been living by your side in the free west for the last 20 years and am familiar with how most 'Iran Lovers' think.

Your ideas are very simple: The mullahs won't leave, even if the leave or are force to leave, Iran is no place to live, it will take decades for it to be a normal country. These are the kind of sentences you very oftenly heare here, and then you guys are against the US bombing (the mafiosi hezbolah infrastracture) in Iran. So what is your solution then? You are against severe economic sanctions, because (Iranian people) mainly your relatives will suffer, you are against military action, because again you don't want people to suffer, so what do you want? Let me tell you this: buildings and infrastructre can be rebuilt, but a terrible
cultural damage, no.
If you love Iran (not the idea of Iran) please note that it's been destroyed three dimentionally for the last 3 decades. I know cheney and bush don't give a shit about Iran or freedom, but that's not my concern now, my concern is to get rid of the arabo-muslim mafia and start from scratch again, this time with much more experience, knowledge and less 'shure hosseini' feelings.


Rest assured

by caspianseamermaid (not verified) on

Just as vociferous.... (to name matters). There's no apology for injustice. Ever. There's never any excuse or reason for the violation of a person's liberty. IN ANY FORM. Never a justifiable reason to violate someone else's property, and that includes their body and minds. NEVER. Never any apology for any injustice.
(The theocrats who believe in teapots in the sky are the worst of the lot. Totally insane schizophrenic paranoid murdering manics. AH and bush in one pot. But never forget AH's history and bush's -grandpapa Prescott Bush finances Hitler...)


Little time left

by Jesus (not verified) on

Be realistic, Iranians are too concerned with the metaphysical world, and too submersed with idealism. The war, if it is ever unleashed will unfortunately be not on our time table, but U.S, and its interest. It is a mute point to continually discuss this. YOu can sign all the petition you want, you can pull all your hair out, but to amass the kind of political power needed to influence American politics is much beyond the time frame of the war, if there is to be one. One can argue that this war is been going on for the last 50 years; it just depends how you look at it.
But there is one thing Iranians can do to prevent war, and that is to work against the regime in Tehran, and try to throw it in the trash bin of history before it is too late. That is our only way out. We have had too much diplomacy already. You have to be practical, at what point is diplomacy dead? When will you say, ok, we have exhausted all we can, and now there is no choice but to fight this regime?
Again, as both an American citizen, and Iranian citizen, I don't want to see the bombardment of Iran. But as an American, I am totally pissed off about the way IR is interfering in the affairs of Iraq, and by all means U.S. has both the power, and economic influence to put Iran in its place. Iran is not equal to America, and certainly its government is made up of bunch of uncivilized barbarians whose death could not come any sooner! Mullahs should not be given a chance to advance their cause in another country. That is unacceptable. If for the last 27 years Bangladesh had called Iran the "Great Satan", and had its elementary students chant "death to Iran", I don't think any of you degenerate so called Iran lovers would have sit idled and said nothing. At the very least, you would have used your expertise in drawing up a petition to condemn Bangladeh, as you have frequently shown when some insignificant cartoon has come out. And at worst, you would have supported Iran to bomb the hell out of Bangladesh, specially if it was responsible for killing Iranian soldiers.
U.S should attack Iranian military installations, government building, and private houses of the mullahs, and particularly Qom, open up Qom for the new silicon valley that will be built in its place. I have no problem with U.S paralyzing the Iranian government.
IR has killed more Iranians than any other identity since the monghol invasion of Iran. The top of this snake (the 80 or so mullahs) have exploited, and stolen much more than any one else in the same time period. It is becoming more and more obvious that we Iranians can not handle our own business, so why not help from others? Are Americans any worse than the Tazi forces of the 7th century?
Many of our ancestory very willingly opened the gates of Persia for the advancing tazis so they could get rid a defunct, mubed-dominated sassanid dynasty. Yes, we already had a zoroasterian version of IR before, and very willingly opened up our country for bunch of uncivilzed thugs who only few year prior were burying their daughters for "fun". Are Americans any worse? Are you kidding?


The people of Iran hold

by alimostofi on

The people of Iran hold Iran's destiny. The people of Iran need to realise that they have an immensely powerful force, much stronger than the Seyyeds or any other nation. The Seyyeds know that they can do nothing if the people of Iran decided that the only way to oppose them was to stay at home in the form of a general strike. This method of opposition is the only civilized way of showing who is the most powerful force in Iran. Nothing can stand in its way. We do not need a dialogue between two warriors to decide our fate. We hold our fate in our own hands. Faith in a peaceful non violent regime change will come only when we can all talk about a national general strikè, where the people will threaten the Seyyeds with halting the economy by staying at home. Nothing will be produced. No one will enslave for the Seyyeds. That is what needs to be mentioned by all Iranian media.

Ali Mostofi



You have your head buried in

by name matters? Only to you (not verified) on

You have your head buried in sand and occasionally you raise it to spew garbage.

Be against war and be as vocal against Islamic Mafia Republic of Iran. Isn't this regime the most brutal regime we have had in our history? DO NOT GIVE THEM FREE RIDE. Again be against war and stop this war, but do not be an apologist for Islamists occupying Iran.

Do not bury your head into sand again.


Stop that , please

by caspianseamermaid (not verified) on

As far as Germany is concerned, please read your history properly and don't type irrational clap-trap. I don't have time to give you a history lesson but let's just start with the fact that the Marshall plan was heavily in US' interest.

As far as democracy in Iran is concerned I'm 100% behind the Nobel Prize winning Shirin Ebadi: "LET THE PEOPE OF IRAN EVOLVE AND DECIDE!" (For the ones with reading comprehension problems: this does not mean that I approve of everything she says....)


Full Support

by Foad on

In my own humble way and love of both countries Iran, my motherland,
and the US where I have been living for almost five decades, I fully
and without any reservations, endorse admin above statement.



by capsianseamermaid (not verified) on

You may want to provide a stronger alliance by providing info about organisations in France and Germany, as both countries' foreign policy has now become quite questionable. It's Merkel and Sarkozy who are making warrior noises at the moment - the Brits are keeping stumm (afterall they've just handed over billions worth of oil to the US in Basrah just now).


"During WWII, Germany

by Your name doesn't matter at all (not verified) on

"During WWII, Germany eventually becomes occupied and Germans worked their way up with free world. Today, Germany is a free democratic society". dow kalaam az maadar-e aroos, Shaalom, yup freedom bombs and murders and destruction, as long as it's not on your head and house and city, you hypocrite.


In absolute full support!

by caspianseamermaid (not verified) on

I'm a total pacifist at heart and with mind. How else can anyone live and/or with themselves? How can someone live over a dead or mutilated body?
I don't want my existence if it means existing over the life of another being. Any conscious being. Of any nationality, race, creed, cultural categorisation or any phenotype.

There are also problems with self-defence. Often they are PERCEIVED as such. I do NOT approve at all with the current Bush administration's concept of 'preventative pre-emptive strike'. It's sheer lunacy based on as much speculation as that of a clairvoyant watching a crystal ball.

No more wars.
Even that blockhead Churchill figured it out: jaw jaw jaw!


Be as vocal against Islamic Mafia Republic of Iran.

by name matters? Only to you (not verified) on

Iran is already war occupied by Islamists. Iranian’s genocide by tribal Arab Islamists started about 14 centuries ago and it is still underway. This genocide has taken much more speed in last three decades. You can not be an Iranian in Iran and sooner than a decade, Iran will become second Pakistan filled with backward Islamic fundamentalists. You have all had your head buried in sand for so long that your vision is so blurry that can not see real road.

Hell with Bush, Cheney, and Israelis. But, against these brutal mafia Islamists, what is wide of the mark with Iranians request an international coalition temporary land in Iran and manage Iran’s affairs with Iranian counterparts? What if Iranians with the help of coalition work for establishing a democratic government respecting rules of law with a constitution to uphold rights of Iranians in accord with international laws?

During WWII, Germany eventually becomes occupied and Germans worked their way up with free world. Today, Germany is a free democratic society.

Isn’t that Iranians need to open a new chapter in their country by first becoming a constitutional secular country and then proudly become a global participant? Do Islamists in power in Iran relinquish their concentrated power with so much money at their disposal?

Be against war of Bush and company. However, be as vocal against Islamic Mafia Republic of Iran. DO NOT GIVE THEM FREE RIDE. As I said, you all have your head buried in sand.


Shah gave diplomacy a chance

by Anonymousss (not verified) on

and see where he ended up...


Democracy & Akhoond...

by Kian (not verified) on

... I don't think so


Dear Kamangir,

by Q on

George W. Bush doesn't care about democracy or the Mullahs or what the people of Iran are going through. Stop looking at this as if it's about Iran, it's about America.


People in Iran who live there and suffer through the circumstances are the ones that have to change their own fate. If you really care about them, go to Iran and join the struggle. We have no right to make life and death decisions for them here in the US.


It's refreshing to see diverse organizations come to gether and mae a statement like this. We have been missing a unified voice agains the war for a long time. This is about stopping bombs raining down on our families in Iran. Please check your political baggage at the door and think about Iran.


So what you say Kamangir, 1.

by Help stop more wars & murders (not verified) on

So what you say Kamangir, 1. blow 'em Iranians up with freedom bombs & bullets? 2. or ?



by Kamangir on

When it comes to current Iran, this beautiful word of diplomacy is for naive progressive-wanna be westerners. We Iranians should know, by now, that the Islamo-fascisct mafia in iran  is a "leprecy" and "virus" that's rottening Iran deep from inside. Are or have we Iranians been able to change the regime? I doubt it.

What are you worrying about? Iranian people or the arabo-muslim bastardas that are destrying our country?

Diplomacy my ass!