توطئه قتل ولادیمیر پوتین

هفتاد سال ما ایرانیها را از کشور همسایه جدا نگهداشتند


توطئه قتل ولادیمیر پوتین
by Jeesh Daram

عرض کنم به حضورتون که ما دیشب یک مقداری آلو خیس کردیم و امروز صبح سحر اومدیم کاسه آلورو بریم بالا که دیدیم تلویزیون داره خبر نقشه سوء قصد در ایران علیه جان آقای ولادیمیر پوتین رو میده!

طبیعتاً خوب ما کمی جاخوردیم ولی نه آنقدر که فرض بفرمائید در خوردن آب آلو خللی ییش بیاد. البته معلوم شد که شایعه ای بیش نبود و هدف همان بالا نگاهداشتن قیمت نفت میباشد. روزی که احمدی نژاد به نیویورک وارد شد قیمت هر بشکه نفت به بالاترین سطح خود از از زمان انقراض داینوسرها تا امروز رسید. آنوقت باز بفرمائید شاه خوب بود!

جریان سوء قصد هم این بوده که میخواستن توی بطری ودکاش مخلوطی از چرک گوش و آشغال سیگاربریزن که همانطور که مطلع هستید بعد از خوردن چنین معجونی فرد شروع میکند بدور خودش چرخ زدن و مثل یک مگس کلافه شده و شروع به وزوز میکند تا آخرین نفس و سرکشیدن ریق رحمت. روی هم رفته مرگ فجیعی میباشد و مخترع آن بچه های پائین کافه شکوفه نو بودند برای مبارزه با نهضت آزادی.

این دیدار آقای پوتین اولین دیدار یک رهبر روسیه از کشور همسایه ایران از سال 1943 میلادی (مطابق با هجده جمادی الاخر یکی از همان سالهای هجری) یعنی از زمان دیدار جوزف استالین تاامروز میباشد. ملاحظه بفرمائید که چگونه کشورهای غربی (منظور آمریکا و انگلیس) هفتاد سال ما ایرانیها را از کشور همسایه جدا نگهداشتند و مترسکی بنام کمونیسم دلیل جهل ملی ما گردید و بعد هم دودستی مارو تحویل اسلام سبک خمینی (خمونیزم) دادند. باز بگین شاه بد بود!

وقتی هم که استالین سرشو گذاشت زمین و از دنیا رفت لات و لوتهای حقوق بگیرسفارت انگلیس مردم را در شهرهای ایران تشویق به دادن شعارهائی از این قبیل میکردند:

استالین مرده به کیرم

زنش رو خودم میگیرم

آخه شما فکرش را بکنید مثلاً ساعت دو بعداز ظهر میخواستی یک چرت بزنی و ناگهان بچه ولد زنای همسایه از ته کوچه سینکی فریاد را سر میداد که:

استالین مرده به کیرم

زنش رو خودم میگیرم

خوب شما خودتون کلاهتون را قاضی کنید و بفرمائید در کدام کشور دنیا (بجز ایران) یک کودک پنج ساله زن سالمند و عزادار رهبر کشور همسایه را تهدید جنسی میکند؟

حالا ملاحظه فرمودید چرا اینگونه اخبار دیگر بر ما اثری ندارد؟


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more from Jeesh Daram

The article is funny and the

by Sarhang (not verified) on

The article is funny and the funniest part is about what Iranians (including kids at that time, Stalin time) use to sing along after he died, they'd say (in farsi):

Stalin morde be kiram
Zanesho khodam migiram


To Anonymous343434343434343

by baba bozorg (not verified) on

Vazifeh meli shomast ke zabaane farsi ro ke zabaane madar pedari shomst yad begireed. javid iran.


god damn persian font akhe

by Anonymous343434343434343 (not verified) on

god damn persian font
akhe ma bad bakhta ke savade farsi nadarim chi? ma adam nistim? nemishe ye tori benevisid ke first generation immigranta ham bekhunan?


that was funny

by MRX (not verified) on

very funny indeed. keep up the good work.



by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

Please accept this as answer to you question:
Because uncle sam does not want us to! Of course he would like to do things against us because we do have developed relationship with our neighbours but he is tooo weak. Unfortunately he is not idiotic enogh no to know that he is tooo weak. Otherwise he were allready dead. Yes our old nice poor uncle sam will go through a very prolonged death. the count down has allready begann. Greetings


Good Job!

by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

So you mean they are all liers? Do you know that a lier is the enemy of God and his Prophet(s.a.)? Let us neihter read their lies nor listen to their lies from now on. Greetings



by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

Please let us be logical: If it ever had been possible to kill Putin in tehran, so were at least one iranian politician killed allready in a terriristic action. this is not the case.
The psychologie teaches: If somebody speaks for exampel about danger of life for Putin if he goes to tehran, so he wishes his death in tehran. Of course he does not want his wishing to come out. so he makes rumor abaut the subject. any way i think we dont need to worry, we can all be happy. Greetings


haftaad saal..............

by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

Thanks God those days are over. since 1979, February first the iranian nation decides self with whom it wants to have political, cultural and economical relations. the nation has said allready these are:
First: Other Moslem nations.
Second: The naighbours.
Third: All other countries.
What the childeren had song on behalf of Stalins death had a copy. Afew days after 28.Mordad there were hures in tehran driving in taxis and shouting: Mossadegh is dead BE my fart, KIRE Shah to my.........!Well in farsi it reims.You see, these songs come all from one origin!
You have written all but the truth. And please dont be disappointed if somebody makes unappropriate comments. We all know how jealous the western are. As they are in Politics, so are they in personalrelationships. Never mind. the Party is since long over for hegemonists. greetings



by JeeshDaramToo (not verified) on

Manam jeesham gereft enghad khandidam.lol


Israel Lobby real murderes

by gol-dust on

You're right he shouldn't criticise America as much. Instead we should concentrate on the Middle East's real enemy Israle and their friends in washington! Read the books, "The Israel Lobby" by Harvard professors, and "Target Iran" by Scott Ritter. You would then see that the zionists control the US congress who want to invade Iran and have caused all these wars in middle east in the name of poor america! america is sleep! AIPAC sure has the blood of millions on their hands! This is a real crusade! So sad, how these animals are. they are worse than hitler! Ghangis khan was better than them!



by Mazloom on



Kash Ghaleme pash meeshkast!

by Pars (not verified) on

He talks? Ha? I hope he stops talking forever.You don't know anything about neocons.
Have you ever read the books written by Neocons? They know so much about what is going on in the world. This is just a negative propaganda spread arouund by the Europeans And unfortunately people like you fall for it. It seems like it is so fashionable to be anti America these days! rediculous!

Manoucher Avaznia

Good Job!

by Manoucher Avaznia on

Those who attributed weapons of mass destruction to Saddam and claimed he could hit the tiny foggy island of England within 48 hour are capable of spreading lies in order to keep the oil price go through the roof.  They have lied in the past and lie now and will lie in the future. 


Very very funny

by Saggezard (not verified) on



ghatle potin

by ali (not verified) on

dar keshvari ke mardanash fekr mikonand ABE AALOO
khasteye sexishan ra bala mibarad,farzandaneshan az zane piire azadare roosi ham nemigozarad.hala bazam begin honar nazde che ahmaghani ast va bas.


Well .........

by Foad on

I really think assassination plot rumor is  CIA, neocons and their collaborators dirty works. I am suspicious of Mr Putin's intentions but at least he is talking. Foad



by Mehdi on

I wish we did develop relationships with Russia. Why shouldn't we?


cool man. very funny.....

by Anonymous90898 (not verified) on

cool man. very funny.....