Yazd & Chak Chak

... where "history of Zoroastrians weaves goodness and humanity that bonds earth"

Part 1:

Part 2:


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Mona 19

He's a great personage

by Mona 19 on

Once in month we've a gathering in our house, and I invite friends and neighbors to come over for prayer...I've collected many passages/quotations from different Holy scriptures.My guests usually pick one or more and read aloud in the group.
Among my collections there are some quotations from Prophet Zoraster...as a result of that my neighbors who had never heard of this religion before, not only know who this "Great" personage is but also read from his writings.

here is one of my favorite passage.

I worship you in every religion that teaches your laws and praises your glory. I worship you in every plant whose beauty reflects your beauty. I worship you in every event which is caused by your goodness and kindness. I worship you in every place where you dwell. And I worship you in every man and woman who seeks to follow your way of righteousness. ~ Prophet Zoraster

Dear Party Girl and Mihanyar,Thanks for sharing.

Regards,Mona ;)



by Anonymous77 (not verified) on

a religious shopping mall.

Prophet = profit.


یک نگرش پاک، یک حرکت راستین، یک انگیزه

mihanyar cybercyz (not verified)

Merci Party Girl for sending my doc. video to iranian.com

از تبار آفتاب نشان‌های یزد

یک نگرش پاک، یک حرکت راستین، یک انگیزه

پر مهر و مهرانگیز

نجات از کویر خشک خرافات با شعر‌های زرتشت

مستندی دیگر از میهن یار



Informative with beautiful images

by Yazdibeik (not verified) on

love Mehrangiz a true Yazdi Zoroastrian.....


God save them for what is left of Iran!

by samsam1111 on

According to Zororostrian beliefs God will send a messiah to earth every 1000 years..I strongly believe Cyrus the great was the 7th one..We are in the 10th milenium waiting for the next messiah Of Iryeh Vejou to land and slap the hell outa ?

Karet dorosteh PartyGirl.!

Shad-zie va Mehr-Afrouz