
Beautiful bride getting ready for her wedding to Nader Tafty in Beverly Hills

Nicely put together:


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Money, Money, Money!

by A B (not verified) on

I can smell the money from here! The question is: what is gramps smelling?


Beautiful bride

by Nanaz (not verified) on

but,the age differences,vow,she seems so younger .


When I married my husband 27

by mother of two (not verified) on

When I married my husband 27 years ago we just owned small truck and small wedding. Now we are doing oK!! We do not live in Beverly hills!!!

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

Desi - this is a second wife I betcha

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

I don't mean that in a bad way so don't anyone attack me. Sometimes I see couples and I get a vibe of "that's the second one". You can tell by the man. This is a slideshow and a little harder to tell, but I think she's dovomi. 


Is it  me or does there

by desi on

Is it  me or does there seem like a huge age gap?  Sweet in any case.

Party Girl

Dear Ali P.

by Party Girl on

When I look for Iranians and things related to Iran and Iranians, I find all kinds of things.  Fathers taking their kids to the park, babies laughing for the first time, college roommates pulling pranks on each other, people dedicating their love to one another, memorial tributes to deceased Iranians, and wedding clips, among other things.

I don't know Mr. Tafty, so I can't answer your question.  I also don't know about wedding video trends.  I know what I can see and read from the clip description and the YouTube channel which has published the clip.  In this case, I picked up the names from another clip on the channel.  I also learned that though very beautiful and youthful looking, the bride is 31 years old, for example.

What was interesting and worth sharing was how well the pictures had been put into the slideshow.  The hope and the promise of a bride getting ready to step into a marriage is also a beautiful thing to me.  You are right, maybe my language is not politically correct, but it's my language and my name is signed to it, too.

Thank you for taking the time to watch it and for sharing your observations and thoughts.  You are a good one Ali P.  Don't forget I also found one of your productions on YouTube a while back!  Have you made any new ones?


Congratulations to the happy couple

by IRANdokht on

Ali P. jan

I believe the bride's name is Victoria Tafty now.

PartyGirl jan

This is a beautiful video of a stunning young bride which is very well made, I love the song too.

a nice one again


Ali P.

Get Ready for Ali P's Innocent Questions

by Ali P. on

PG jaan:

  Is Nader Tafty a famous name? Why is he mentioned by name and she only as "Victoria" and "beautiful bride", the feminist in me wants to know.

Also, is this "getting ready" video a new trend, initiated in CA, soon to sweep the rest of the nation?


Very nice.

Congratulations to the happy couple! :-)