Vanecha Roudbaraki (2)

PART 2: Focus on artist at Florence Biennale 2007

A piece in two parts (1) (2) (dialogue is in French, but interesting just the same). She is young and beautiful. Featured in last year [see "Endless Energy"]. Roudbaraki was born in Rasht, Iran on November, 18th 1966. Given her environment and her life in the wild she was seeking, while pursuing her primary and secondary studies, for "something" that would answer the great question she kept asking herself since her childhood: The relationship among Man and Nature and his existence in its very relationship with nature>>> Part 1


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I really didn't get it! I do

by painter (not verified) on

I really didn't get it! I do understand French fully and just heard this artist talk about herself too much. I have seen her paintings and do not think they are very special or deserve such high-brow treatment. She is a good painter, but unfortunately suffers from grandiosity.