
Shojaee and Jazee

Juvenile offenders scheduled to be executed

Stop Child Executions (SCE) was informed that Behnoud Shojaee is scheduled to be executed on Wednesday June 11. Saeed Jazee's execution is set for Wednesday June 25. This is their last chance before execution. You can help: Click here


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Darius Kadivar


by Darius Kadivar on

Given the urgency of the predicament of these two youngsters. I believe that they should be in the spotlight upto June 11 at least and June 25th at most ...

Everyone should do what they can in their own capacity to draw attention on their case in the hope of a suspension of their execution.

I am sure it would be appreciated by their families too.

Is that possible ?


Darius Kadivar

Thanks Mitra Jaan

by Darius Kadivar on

Your Lips to God's Ears Mitra Jaan,

Indeed I think that the Key is to Enforce Civil Society in Iran by all means by giving voice to all who need to be heard.

I think the Diaspora Community can do a great deal given that we have the privaledge to live in Free Countries and don't need to fear.

We should stop being afraid of one another and help develope channels of communication and influence or force the IRI to comply to the International Laws.

This can be done in a Civic and non violent way. Who knows it can even develope into something similar to the Solidarnosc Solidarity mouvement in Poland.

It is first and foremost a Human Rights Issue that transcends political and ideological differences.




Mr. Darius Kadivar I agree

by Mitra from khuzistan (not verified) on

Mr. Darius Kadivar
I agree 100%, that is the only solution.
We can accomplish so much, If we all come
together. That is why IRI can do what they do, because we are not united. They continue to with their satanic ways.
Thanks for all your suggestions because I can not take it anymore! MITRA
I am going to shout and then sign the petition and call all my friends to do the same.

David ET

I have two choices

by David ET on

Either to accept the international standards  and laws such as the international conventions which is accepted by almost the whole world which determines the age of adulthood at 18 or go by the man-dar-avordi laws of Islamic Republic who has no respect for life (adult and children) or listen to a an unregistered commentator on who gives me the 14 century options of either killing these two juveniles or to immediately letting them roam free in the society as if there are no other options available!!!!!!!!!!!

 I, along with billions of people on this planet of ours choose to follow and promote the international conventions who do not approve of death penalty or life sentence for juvenilles.


To 17

by ImtheKing (not verified) on

Killing a murderer below or above the age of 18 is not the solution. "Vaghti sagheh pato gaz ghuereft, agar bara ghessass to payeh oono ghaz beguiri, too-am saghui", Capici?



by Anonymous00009 (not verified) on

if they are old enough to vote then they should be held accountable for murder.

Azarin Sadegh

to Question for you guys

by Azarin Sadegh on

You would find most of the answers to your questions in this document: //

You've also mentioned that you're for the death penalty only in exceptional cases (like mass murderers or serial killers or serial rapists I assume), but how you would qualify Shojae and Jozi as serial killer, rapist or mass murderer?

Plus, if you truly believe that living for life is worse than death penalty but still you prefer the death penalty because of its operating cost, then I would say maybe it is useless for you to read Amnesty International’s report...



It must stop

by Amir Nasiri (not verified) on

The IRI barbaric regime has killed and continues to kill our young men and women, the jewels and the futures of our nation.

They have to stop and stop NOW.

These acts of barbaric and inhumane treatment of our people must STOP NOW.

This regime must be brought to justice and audited for the crimes against humanity and the Iranian nation.

The lives of these two young men must stop NOW. The Iranian governmnet has no right of killing our people.

The rulers of Iran are not Iranians and have no jurisdiction over the constitution, law and Iran's current affair.


Question for you guys

by Question for you guys (not verified) on

"17 is an adult? Seventeen is not an adult and you know it. "

JJ now what determines "adulthood?" Is it some arbtitrary line at 18 or biology? Last time I recalled according to Jewish theology you are a man when you have your bar mitzvah which is 13 years old!!!! It is the "modern" world that is contradicting nature and biology by setting the age at 18 nowadays. Either we are against execution or we are not. However we must realize that by allowing certain criminals to live we are actually putting society in danger. I am against Amnesty International being TOTALLY AGAINST executions.

I believe they must be reserved for extraordinary circumstances still, such as serial killers, a man who has raped several woman, war criminals like George Bush, etc.

If things are not black and white, then why do some take a black and white approach and want executions completely abolished.

Plus David, US has 1% of its population in prison and most of them happen to be minorities. Personally I rather be executed than rot in jail for the rest of my life. A life sentence is way worse if you ask me. Death Penalty is quick process and doesnt waste tax money having these people on death row in jail. Even people on death row in US are wasting our tax money. I dont know why it takes so long to just execute somebody.

P.S. JJ since when does US have democractic system? Last time I recalled we lived in a monarchy where families reign such as the Bush's and Clinton's. Indeed US should learn from Iran's revolution and dethrone the royal famili(es) hehe

Anyway, the bottom line here is why is everyone on the side of the CRIMINAL HERE, even though he is a "juvenile" according to you guys. What about the victims family? Do they have NO RIGHTS? Do they feel safe to have this kid roaming around society? If he committed murder than thats life sentence in every country. What's the difference between life sentence and exeuction? Your pretty much dead in both cases.

Darius Kadivar

Suggestion to PARSA & Beyond Persia & NFF& Ross Mirkarimi

by Darius Kadivar on

I was wondering it it would be possible to consider the help of PARSA & Beyond Persia, Noor Film Festival ( in LA )  and the San Francisco City Hall Representative for Iranian community Ross Mirkarimi to bring full Support to Nazanin Afshin Jam and her SCE Campaign ?

It could be a good start to rally support for this noble cause and at the same time involve the people in the Bay Area and gradually other towns in the US ( but also in Europe where the Iranian community is present to bring their support for this cause).

All the more that the people in these organizations are promoting the ARTS and community work and by officially helping Miss Nazanin Afshin Jam they would also be informing prominent people in our community

I was thinking for instance that it would be good to do a similar video as for the excellent Act of Peace Video here by Schauleh Sahba ( I am actually surprised he did not ask Miss Afshin Jam to participate ? ) :  


Just a suggestion, But I welcome other ideas if you wish to brain storm.



David ET

To: "Death Penalty"

by David ET on

If you quoted :""As of 2005, at least 20 of 38 states with the death penalty had permitted its application to offenders less than 18 years old"" , then I am sure you also KNOW that US Supreme Court made child executions illegal in 2005. That is why YOUR stats stopped at 2005! At least have the decency to tell the whole truth. Anyway US and most conutries in the world no longer practice child executions. Today majority of the world governments don't even practice adult executions.

Islamic Republic proudly holds the number the one title in child executions. Few other Islamic governments such as Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Sudan have practiced it but in rare occasions.

Iran is the ONLY country who openly, officially  and widely practice this violation of international law despite its signing of the UN conventions (for PR purpose only). More than 100 juveniles face execution in Iran, some for alleged crimes at the age of 13 !!!

In Iran at 13 you are not adult enough to have the right to vote but you can be put to death.

in Iran at 15 you are not adult enough to own a property but you can be put to death.

In Iran at 17 you are not adult enough to hold a passport but you be put to death ! 

In Iran at 19 you are adult enough to do all of the above but you are not mature enough to express your opinion against the supreme leader or you can be out to death.

These are the Sharia laws implemneted by the Islamic Republic ! 


Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

17 is an adult? Seventeen is not an adult and you know it. And just because kids as young as 16 can be executed in some U.S. states does not mean it's ok for Iran to do so as well. (Since when has the U.S. become a model for Iran? In addition to executing child offenders, will Iran also copy other things from the U.S. and change from a theocracy to a democracy? Implement the separation of church and state? Defend freedom of the press?...)

As stated by Amnesty International, "As a state party to both the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), Iran has undertaken not to execute juvenile offenders, those convicted of crimes committed when they were under 18. However, since 1990 Iran has executed at least 28 juvenile offenders, six of them in 2007..."

Now stop it!


He is not juvenile, he is ADULT! and he killed somebody!

by Death Penality (not verified) on

He is 17 years old. And he KILLED somebody. What about the victims family????

Plus You do realize in US it is acceptable to be subjected to death penalty at the age of 16! It is not considered against 8th amendement "cruel and unusual punishment."

"As of 2005, at least 20 of 38 states with the death penalty had permitted its application to offenders less than 18 years old"

Now in US under 18 is not ADULT. But in IRAN it is. If you can vote get married and work then you must have responsibility.

Darius Kadivar

NIAC, Pahlavi, Googoosh, Aghdashloo,Satrapi Where are you ? ...

by Darius Kadivar on


We all need to be united on the issue of Human Rights regardless of whether we agree or disagree on the correct approach towards Iran's clerical regime or regarding the Future we wish for tomorrow's Iran.



Nazanin Afshin Jam and the people at Stop Child Execution can be much more effective if the Iranian Civil Society and by that I mean : ALL OF YOU support her campaign and express your concern and submit suggestions on how to deal with the rising rate of executions and human rights violations in Iran.

I would like to see more people in the Public Eye support this campaign in any capacity.

We can agree to disagree on many issues BUT NOT ON THIS.

My Humble opinion,





SCE Campaign


by SCE Campaign on


This is their last chance before execution. To help save their life please visit the following links:

To Help Behnoud: //

To Help Saeed Jazee: //


How you can help: //


Thank you!

Stop Child Executions Campaign