Persian music in Israel

Persian Jewish family in Israel jams together to make Persian music

They are singing an old ballad, Parastoo Jan, originally performed by Manoochehr Sakhaei. Though the audio isn't perfect, the images and the atmosphere are amazing and so revealing of the spirit of that house. I love it!


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this is so sweet!

by Monda on

Thank you for sharing it.



by D'Israeli's Aide (not verified) on

The fmr. Prime Minister of England during the reign of Queen Victoria, D'Israeli, was asked what he thought of his Jewish heritage. He said that when Jews go into a society, they become more identified with the culture of that society than the natives themselves; ie, more British than the British; or, more German than the Germans, etc.

This is a classic example of Jewish people being more Persian than a lot of other Persians that we know.



God give them health and power

by XerXes (not verified) on

They really made my day :)



by Milan (not verified) on

Maybe the Tombakee was a bit too close to the mic, but the whole scene was delightfully nostalgic--Parastoo was my father's favorite, as he was Manouchehr's classmate in Tehran's Sharaf High School.
Thank you!
ps--To Sadai...please don't be such a Zedd'eh Haal. Save your political views for the appropriate post.



by Sadaia_qesa on





Party Girl

by Kishmish (not verified) on

Party girl, you always have the best photo/video posts. I'm always impressee by how do you find them. Thanks for posting everything you post.

ebi amirhosseini

Thanks PG

by ebi amirhosseini on

There was a rumor that " Parastoo" here referes to his late brother," Colonel Sakhaee",who was killed in kerman after 28 Mordad,coup.


Another clip from the same household

by maghshoosh (not verified) on

Party Girl

Dear mrlayl

by Party Girl on

Thanks so much for your comment and for the correction.  Of course, you are right and I stand corrected!

Yes, the music is normal, though the family band leader (on santur) seems aware of the mistakes and tries to lead others to do better!  The family are normal, too.  And that's why this video feels like a gift all of a sudden:  A gift of normalcy in the middle of what appears and feels anything but normal, two nations with so much in common, so at odds with one another through their leaders' angry stances and words.  Hopefully all of this will stop at words and we won't see actions supporting what I'm sure neither nation wants.  Here's wishing the world some normalcy!

 Thanks again.


Original singer

by mrlayl on


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the original was performed by
Manoochehr Sakhaee, rather than Ravanbakhsh.

Anyway, thanks for posting this, brought back childhood memories,
where this was my late grandfather's favorite song.