Parisa Montazaran

MTV reality show star recording music album

Parisa Montazaran, 22, an Iranian singer in New York. The clip description says: "Parisa from MTV Real World works in studio with "legendary producer EZ-moBee"


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Parisa hooked up with Will from RWHollywood

by Wonder Light (not verified) on

That was on their Facebook profiles and posts Parisa made on a RW site....this was after RWHollywood season aired...are they still together now? I was reading her recent posts and she doesn't mention him anymore...they used to post pics of them together and looked very happy...


Guys she is not with any

by Persian Power (not verified) on

Guys she is not with any black guys. She likes white dudes she hooked up with on australian dude. Thats just the producer. She is too white washed.
Besides who cares if persian girls like black guys. If anything more persian guys go after other races. I personally would never data a persian girl, because I am married and they are to materialistic. I cant stand them but one thing people need to realize is that black man are not superior to any man. If any man can make a claim in superiority as in strenght, size and power then its the russians. They are taking over boxing, MMA, UFC, and other sports.

Michael Mahyar Hojjatie

Sad stuff, people.

by Michael Mahyar Hojjatie on

What is this arguing accomplishing?? "Oh we're this and that wannabe this insecure that..". You pick your battles. If you're an adult, the choices you make are yours. Dwell on your past and all other regrets all you want and ruin yourself, or look forward and progress. We've been around longer than just about any other civilization and have more than enough to be proud of!


> enough tarof

by Another lost iranian in France (not verified) on

Now that we all had our share of tarof and roo darvasi on the subject, let me clarify some points.

Regarding iranian girls/women attracted to black men , one thing they have in common is a lack of self confidence and a strong feeling of insecurity. Let me explain, what comes out from their explanations is a deep need of manhood, security , ''coolness'' and ... sex (let's be honest girls).

Now I agree that many hamvatans around the world are cheezy and in fact very javad ( y'all know what I'm talking about : hairy, skinny, stupid hairstyle, wannabee italians, ect...).

What's really pathetic is the fact that many of these iranian girls have been raised in exile by courageaous parents who gave up everything back in Iran, in order to provide the best for their kids. And ultimately, these ignorant kids end up with some uneducated, abusive, thug .

Vaghan heyf.


Roya7891. You come out at

by Kourosh34 (not verified) on


You come out at the top swinging and give the imperession that you are so different from all other iranian girls, and you do as you please. Then at the end, you ruin everything, even though you stress on "most" iranian men.
I don't think it is wise for any girl to listen and take to the heart (as you seem to have done) the advice of bunch of women with some bad experiences with iranian men! For one thing, How do you know what really went on between they and their iranian spouses or Bfs? ESPECIALLY given the fact that you, yourself have not had the chance to be around some! And to caution iranian men to start treating women better? Wait a minute , here. All this based on some aDvice???


> ok I got it now, sia is cool

by Another lost iranian in France (not verified) on

I think I got a precise answer, specially from Roya UK.Thanks

Now can anyone define what is being cool exactly all about ?


cute girl...

by observer (not verified) on

She is a cute inexperienced 22 year old at awe with hustle and bustle of the big city and obviously desperate for hitting the charts as she is clearly brown nosing in a profund manner in this clip.

And why is it bad for anyone to assume she will be doing more than brown nosing? After all this is the entertainment industry she is mingling in, not to mention she is an R&B hopefull who is putting her faith in the hands of a hip hop producer whose big fame artists were taken off the street to promote the rap culture, and more importantly about all the big name stars he mentions in the clip have been shot dead.

Regardless of weather Parisa khanoom has made good judgement in picking her business partners or otherwise, I think we should follow the lead of the politically correct in this list and be supportive of her. In fact I invite all of you to waive your hands in the air and sing along: Come on Sing with me now, Everybody say, Ho... Ho... come on sing supportive.

To Parisa's stardom.




by Ye pa Do pa (not verified) on

Your previous comment just goes to show your inadequacies. I never made it a US vs. France thing but you did, by doing so you just proved that there's something underlying your bitter comments and it has nothing to do with this Parisa girl. Hey, you live in France, healthcare is free for you, seek some counseling and get to the root of your bitterness. I'm sure there's medicine for it.

Viva la france!


To Another lost iranian in somewhere

by AnonymBemoon (not verified) on

You got it now? it's a matter of kindness and size


These people are not going

by Anonymous1 (not verified) on

These people are not going out, stop freaking out and making things up.


Black guys are Hot!

by Roya7891 (not verified) on

As an Iranian girl who was born and brought up in the UK i'd like to say that i and many of my Iranian friends find black men attractive - actually when i was 12-15 years old i only liked black men, i didn't like any other race - i don't know why maybe because i got the impression that black men were cooler?! Since then i've changed and have found men from a wide range of races attractive - but the point is that black men have this effortless ability to be cool while most Iranian, middle eastern and asian men are wannabes - note i said most not all!

Also as an Iranian girl who has not met many Iranian men i have been advised by many Iranian women to avoid them and not date them for they seem to have a bad reputation! Perhaps Iranian men should consider treating women with more respect.


Ye pa do pa

by Hajminator on


You're Ugly and jealous of us frenchies who go to "Moulin rouge" when we want, hear good musics and eat much other things than fat hamburgers. Ok we have also a head to think but that's not your fault...


The Genre of music is all wrong...the look and music must match

by John Carpenter III (not verified) on

Look, she doesn't look R&B.
R&B people dress a certain way.
She has the hair color of Joan-Jett back in the early 1980s. If you ask me, she should try classic rock. As for her manager. I have never heard of him. I have heard of Don King the boxing promoter and Russell Simmons the R&B,Rap promoter.

I remember a couple of years back Princess Shams Pahlavi's daughter tried to get into Country music in a reality television show. It was so unrealistic that it only lasted several episodes. She should have chosen "Britney Spears" pop music. She would have had better luck there.

Suppose this individual enters the R&B music industry what are her odds of becoming a non-African American R&B singer? Highly unlikely. Even in rap music there is one Eminem. There was Vanilla ice...but what happened to him. Eminem showed up and the quota of one white rap singer was taken.

I wish her the best of luck. But, I just don't see success in this story. Maybe, she'll be a one hit wonder.

As an Iranian American I applaud her perseverance in following up with this music business.


so why do we feel this way?????

by Mensa (not verified) on

First I would like to congratulate Parisa for her success and beautiful voice....guys lets not be haters...if you think you can sing better then her go on and sing.

Secondly, just because someone is sitting next to someone does not mean that they are intimately involved or are dating or some other BS. This guy is the producer.

Now in regards to dating black, indian, arab....I have no problem with that, however, I do have a problem with people of my culture dating LOSERS, no matter their race or ethnicity.

Unfortunately due to the poor socio-economic living standard of most blacks in this country and the subculture that is created by their environment...Most blacks fall into this uncultured, thug, LOSER category. Now hear me out I am not saying all Blacks but a great majority. If I have a daughter I would not mind her marrying someone like Obama...but please keep the ugly toothless, ebonic speaking thug on this video away from you see I am not a racist...maybe an elitist but not a racist.

elitism is a protective mechanism. Because the harsh reality is that we are a product of our environment and so we can not be naive and think that everyone will have the same moral and ethical intentions as us. Just like most arabs and for that matter moslems in general (I am an Iranian moslem) are born in a chauvanistic society, therefore unless they are educated and cultured, you face another set of problems with this group.

So you ask then who is good answer is descent people exist in all colors and shades and ethnicities, unfortunately more so in some groups than others due to social or economical constraints.


To the French contigency:

by Ye pa Do pa (not verified) on

Stop being jealous drama queens. No where in this clip is there an indication that there's something going on between the two. I can only think that you are either extremely insecure and have had a previous love interest leave you for a non-white person, or love to make a mountain out of a mole hill (drama queen)...which is it?

As for her voice, don't hate, it just makes you look ugly.


nice voice

by nanaz (not verified) on

I like her voice, more practice, she will be fine.

In addition, why people talking about her and that black man.
I have seen persian man with black women, and i have seen so many of persian man with oriental girls, specially south east asian, why not question that,lastly not all persian women are into black man, it all depends to indiviual personality.


What are you guys talking

by Anonymous123564 (not verified) on

What are you guys talking about? Her voice is amazing! We should all be so proud of her and support her as much as we can...


Beautiful Girl + Ugly Guy

by Hakim (not verified) on

OK, Here we go: To me, it does not matter if any Iranian girls date a Black guy, White Guy, Asian guy, Latino guy, or Iranian guy. In fact, who am I to say something about it? But as people always talk, after watching this video clip, I can say that, 1: her voice is not that great and 2: the guy looks druggy, like he is on something. I am sure she can find somebody better, as she looks very nice. Good luck!


What the hell you guys are talking about?

by 135 (not verified) on

The woman is an Iranian whom achieved a goal that we baboo's can't even dream of? He is her producer. Listen to her music first. She sings R&B. A white or an Iranian man is the last thing we need in R&B!!?? It's like Iggy Pop singing in Se-gah Dastgah

The story here is about her achievements, not who she is sleeping with. Why didn't you treat the scientist lady the other day, as you do here? she was also on various occasions next to a same non-Iranian man and nobody seems to be bothered? You Kolah-makhmali scenario's.

Actually Iranian men aren't the only males having issues with black guys. Since a few decades, all non-black males are suffering from this symptom. Admit it guys; we're jealous.
Since centuries, this is the first time that black males are receiving a bit of recognition.

Put that eslam and chauvinism, aside. Think as real Persians. In Parsi poems we put women next to god. After eslam, poets were forced to revise their poems and the geniuses they were back then, decided to interpret; the Beloved IS The GOD!
They are our sisters and above that a Parsi, and have the absolute right to enjoy their lives as they wish.
Despite believing in pure Persian blood line(might sounds racist), the evolution ladder sometimes requires some adjustments and modification; physically, mentally and spiritually.

I am proud of her as a Parsi. Our society needs them all; singer, scientist, doctor, waitress, nurse, lawyer, cleaner, artist or even hooker.


> ye javab

by Another lost iranian in France (not verified) on

Observer, I fully understood the whole dialogue, and I probably speak more languages than you think btw. anyways, my point was, why is that so many iranian girls outside the coutry (more than you could imagine) are attracted by black men ?

I think I should leave a few indications in order to prevent some 4 pages comments :

I am not racist (even tho some of you are already typing another ''I have a Dream'' type comment).

I've been to the US many times, actually lived there a couple of years (unfortunately).

This question came up to me from what I've been observing around the iranian communities in DC, LA and Europe.

I do have black friends ( salut Jean ,comment ça va vieux ?)

I do have a sexual life, I'm not a geek aight.

Be salamat

= )


Lost iranian in France joon

by Hajminator on

ابرومونو نبر این وسطه; سيا و سفيد نداریم دیگه

گفتي كه پس از سياه رنگي نبود
پس موي سياه من چرا گشت سفيد

I just didn't catch a damn word of what the man said in the clip and I largely prefer Pardis voice to Parisa's one.


I didn't see black or white.

by Assal (not verified) on

I didn't see black or white. I saw a girl who is getting a chance in the music industry where the biggest producers and people you need to know do happen to be black. So what? Good for Parisa...I loved her on Real World and am glad her dream is coming true...

Hopefully she'll bring Isaac, Cohutta, and Dunbar in for a music video!! That would be awesome!

Congrats Parisa!


you go girl.....

by Anonymousa (not verified) on

Right on, I think in this day an age persian ladies are becoming more bold than men, be it in arts, sciences, human rights, etc. I am so proud that you are following your dreams. I support you 1,000% - Follow your dream and people will follow you.

God Bless


weed and

by pesar pashmaloo ghad kootah (not verified) on

Chocolate milk is good for voice


Dear Lost in France

by Observer (not verified) on

What in this video made you think that she has something going on with that dude?!! He is making her an album, that's all. I suppose you didn't understand the English dilogue between them very well.

Most Iranian-American girls I know hang out with white American men. I believe the reason is that Iranian families usually live in middle class and upper middle class neighborhoods where their children grow up with more white classmates than other minorities. This is not good or bad. It's just the way it is. So, I don't know where the other generalization you made comes from.

A man and a woman like each other and they start a relationship regardless of their race and ethnicity. Simple as that.


Re: ye soal.... La réponse

by ThePope on

Ça ce peut que ça soit une question de proportion seulement, peut-être!!?

Non, mais vraiment, on n'sait jamais avec les femmes...


Ye javab

by Kourosh30 (not verified) on

Lost in france jaan.

what kind of explanation do you expect? Sister sees something she wants, and the Brother delivers what she wants! It is that simple. try and do that with an iranian guy!!!
Definitely no offense to my iranian brothers:)


ye soal

by Anonymously (not verified) on

And what is wrong with Persian girls and black guys? unless some of us happen to be a bit of a biggot.


She needs more voice lessons.

by Anonymoush (not verified) on

She needs more voice lessons.


ye soal

by Another lost iranian in France (not verified) on

what's up with iranian girls and black guys ? can somebody explain. mamnoon