
Milad Tower -- for a price

$4 million per square meter!

[LARGER IMAGE] Newspaper ad announcing "Unique Opportunity" offering 40 and 50 square-meter office space on top of Tehran's Milad Tower. Price: "Only 4 billion tomans (appx four million dollars) per square meter." The 435-meter tower -- the world's fourth tallest free standing structure -- is due to open sometime in 2009. [LARGER IMAGE]


American Wife


by American Wife on

I wasn't arguing or discussing the politics or economy of Iran... I wouldn't know jack-shit so I'd never dare make any assumptions.  I was talking specifically about the building and it's function, practicality and expense.  I'm sure it's a wonderful testimate to the engineers and contractors in Iran.  But I still ask the question... who's going to benefit from this monstrosity?  IS the economy in Iran so great that there is a waiting list for business' to pay 160 MILLION dollars for 400-500 SF.  If not, then wouldn't you agree that it's yet another abuse of power when there are obviously more important social issues to be dealt with?

Anonymous Observer


by Anonymous Observer on

OK, there were homeless under Shah as well.  What's your point?  Didn't we have a revolution thirty years ago to get rid of that "injustice"?  Why do still have (more) street children?  Comparing the failures of this regime with Shah is a red herring and is illogical.  Come up with a better argument.

Also, for you and "Xrexes", here's the objective and real picture of Iran's "great" economy (at least for those who don't trade with Japan!!):


Persia is Eternal.


Abbarmard,,you really don't

by JUST ME (not verified) on

Abbarmard,,you really don't have clear stand on many issue that post in this site. your thoughts are disjointed..,,,you just rumbling on words...let me tell you one thing..there is no comparison of shah ear to this Ayatollah regime...i don't know about you and your wealthy family that treading in japan ( which getting trade permit needs to kiss some authority's ass ). i came from poor and we still struggling..if you're rich than you can't see the differences between then and now but for us as a lower middle class is struggle..i remember my dad used to make 1200 toman a month and we had every basic things in life including food,shelter cloths and also my dad used to take 3 moths summer holiday..but tell me what middle class in iran now or even upper class Iranian can be compare to my dad life style in 1973..this tower is nothing but cover up for the regime incompetency..speaking of economy me economy is GDP not the make up of the city when under beneath is rotten and discussing...Also the tower is financed by the city of tehran..Beytolmal..


Anonymous Observer

by Abarmard on

I lived in Iran during the Shah too. There were many baggers with kids and kids who sold gums or cigarettes on streets. We had a large number of homeless and poor all over the city and street kids (bach haaye khiyaabaani). You are dreaming if you think this is a new trend in Iran. Those kids were all over 24 esphand (Enghelab) going to Shahyad (and azerbaijan street) down either way.

What are you talking about? Iranians were always poor. Things began to look better after mid 70's because of Oil prices with a small population and not developed country: IRAN yes. The better economy worked for a small group of people, not everyone. I remember that when we had to travel north to south, there were no roads. Villages were scary in the southern part. Still not great, but please be realistic.

What we could be if Shah remained is not a good discussion. If people thought that he was reformable then we would not be in this mess. What are you going to do about it now?


I am not making excuses

by Abarmard on

For the regime, but some of you go too far at times. American Wife, there are political things that I disagree with, but Iran is a capitalistic system in its core. Corruption is not exclusive to one or the other in the region, look at the powerhouse above Iran, Russia!

But who will benefit, that's the question you may ask anyone, anywhere in the world. Not too different.

Let's say that the poor of any society and the rich of any society are positioned similarly anywhere you go, and the level of the middle class dictates the well to do countries vs the other, then there are a few options open from the economic aspect. The opportunity to do business in Iran has not changed since the Shah, and if you think that the"newly" and it is correct to say newly, developed Middle class during 1975 was Iran and was going to be Iran, I would argue against it.

Would we be better off? Absolutely

Would we be much better off? Debatable.

Yet it's silly to think that all rich people in Iran are pro IR or getting money from them. My family do trades with Japan, China and other countries, and are well to do. They are against the government of Iran. They are capitalist and function well in that society. Many of you are totally at lost when you think about Iran or well to do.

Actually the poor are pro the system not the rich. if the investor has to deal with the government to get permit, or whatever else....So? Name one country different.

Do you need to ask the city for a mega projects, where ever you live?

And in regard to the price, the price will always adjust itself based on demand. Are you going to go against the economic law and tell me otherwise? That point, price, is irrelevent to this discussion and anyones hate to the regime.

This is still an amazing Iranian project, without a doubt. Check the level of Iranian know how 30 years ago compared to today and name our neighboring countries that locally could make such project, then we'll talk.

(30 years - 8 years war) + Sanctions

Governments' fault? Yes...(still debatable and not absolute), but still does apply to my point.



They aren't selling any units in the tower

by Anonymous1 (not verified) on

The ad is a scam and fake;
Only renting:
قاليباف درادامه در پاسخ به اين سوال که برخي از آگهي‌هاي تبليغاتي براي فروش بخش‌هايي از مراکز تجاري برج ميلاد ديده شده است ، گفت : 13هزار مترمربع بناي بالاي برج هيچگاه به معناي واگذاري قطعي به فروش نرفته است و ملکيت آن براي شهرداري تهران است، اما مغازه‌ها و برندهايي که متقاضي حضور در اين مجموعه‌ از برج هستند، مي‌توانند براي مدت مشخصي آن را اجاره کنند ، علاوه بر اين عمده اين فضاها متعلق به بخش‌هاي فرهنگي و هنري است و فقط لابي پايين برج مي‌تواند براي مدت دو تا 5 سال اجاره طولاني مدت شود ، اما هيچ فروش متري در اين محدوده برج صورت نمي‌گيرد.


American Wife


by American Wife on

Profitable for who though?  Even if there's a typo or a misprint and a 400-500 SF office space doesn't cost $160,000,000.00, which in itself seems almost criminal, WHO is going to benefit?  Who do you think is going to rent it?  Who is the rent being paid TO?  Did your brother or cousin have a steady job working during construction of this monstrosity?  Did your family benefit in any way from the billions of dollars it cost to build it?  Or are they going to be stuck with the inevitable financial burden when this building sits empty for a few years... not unlike the friggin' mess we're in right here right now!  Is there a demand for this kind of structure... and by whom?  What business' can support such a rent?  Business that deal with the average Iranian?  I just don't see how it's going to be good for anyone.

Anonymous Observer

Xerxes, Vaghean Keh....& You Also, "Abarmard"

by Anonymous Observer on

...never mind...First, "Xrexes" please change your screen name to "Abolfazl" or something.  You are insulting the memeory of a great man who worked hard to create our identity and our nation....a nation that has been taken over and ravaged by a bunch of un-Iranian Islamo-Mafia, Arab worshiping, "Abolfazl" is a much appropriate name for its supporters.  It is, after all, someone that they revere, as opposed to the real Xerxes whose memory they want to replace with that of a bunch of desert Arab hoodlums.

Secondly...yeah...the IRI has achieved great economic advances.  Abarmard, weren't you in Iran recently?  All it takes is a short trip to Iran to see children, 7, 8, 9, 10 years old selling flowers at intersections, cleaning graves at cemeteries, sitting next to a scale on the, that's criminal.  What kind of future will these children have?  Are they not sons and daughters of Iran?  I know they're not from North Tehran, but don't they deserve to live like human beings?  And in light of all that criminal neglect, you Islamist cheerleaders are applauding the construction of an overpriced phallic symbol in Tehran so that some Arab blooded seyyed son of a halva eating, Iran hating, Hazrate Abbas loving, deshdasheh wearing akhoond can pay millions of dollars for so that he can impress his "sigheh" prostitutes.

Payandeh Iran Iran without this menace!

Persia is Eternal.


Tooman not Rial

by Sia.A (not verified) on

Dear kamran m

You made a little mistake on you calculations, the prices are not RIALs, it's TOOMAN. yes you should ad another zero to all your calculation, it's $200. million dollars for a small 50 meter office.

It's insane, even Wall street offices are not that expensive.

Cheers buddy



by Abarmard on

I am glad that they are going to finish this great project. And I disagree with those who take the achievement away from the Iranian architects and engineers.

I hope they rent/sell it, they certainly deserve it. If they can make a lot of money then these kind of projects will become norms, since profitable.

Good job


for His Imperial Majesty the Xerxes!!

by Anonymous500 (not verified) on

This is for that character who abuses the name of the Achaemenid King, Xerxes at the same time that he/she is rooting for this pile of Goh that has ruined our country beyond recognition:
پاسداراحمدى نژاد بايد به مسئوليتهایش در قبال كرات دیگر نیز توجه داشته باشد!
9:30:27 AM 1387/7/10
پاسدار احمدي نژاد

رسانههای حكومتی، با عناوینی نظیر درخواست مریخیها از احمدی نژاد وی را مورد تمسخر قرار دادند و نوشتند: احمدی‌نژاد پس از بازگشت از نیویورك گفت: باید به مسووليتهای جهانی بیاندیشیم. بر اساس برخی از شنیدههای تایید نشده یك گروه موجود فضایی از كره مریخ از رئیس جمهور خواسته اند به مسئوليتهایش در قبال كرات دیگر نیز توجه داشته باشد.
یكی از كارشناسان اقتصادی هم گفت: با توجه به ساختار اقتصادی درهم و برهم كشور و سختی انجام اصلاحات در آن و با توجه به آنكه ایران داخل جهان است، كار راحت تر آن است كه ما ساختار اقتصادی جهان را اصلاح كنیم، زیرا بدین ترتیب ساختار اقتصادی كشور هم اصلاح می شود.



by kamran m (not verified) on

Utter nonsense. for that kind of money you can buy the whole tower. Even 4 billion Rials would not be right. At 4 billion Rials per sq/m it would still cost about £10 million Pounds Sterling or nearly 20 million US Dollars for a 50 m2 office. Even in London's Canary Wharf you can buy a whole tower for that amount.


To: Xerxes, what's the priority..

by Live From Tehran (not verified) on

First of all my brother was one of the many engineers building that tower.According to him and many other witnesses if it wasn't because of french engineers that tower wouldn't be standing by now,,.I wish that the stupid Iranian Government would use the money for a more useful project ve bejayeh Bazak kardaneh shahr to cover their incompetency. Their priority should be to bring down inflation,create job opportunities for young people.. Secondly, What's the use of that tower when so many children under that tower go to sleep hungry.

Yeap, Zendeh bad Iran..
Open your eyes and see the reality..


metri not metre

by maz2 (not verified) on

metri not metre morabbahei.

i guess they mean one meter by 20, or 50 or 100.

who wants to travel so up to buy water mealon. good luck


Two questions raise

by Hajminator on

1- Who can buy an office there?

2- Where goes the money (in whose Akhoond pocket)?

Finally the price can also be a bug, else they have to build more towers like that ...


the tower was actually set

by !!!!!!!! (not verified) on

the tower was actually set to open october 1, eyde fetr. and I do believe its a error 4 million dollars/meter. because and average commercial office in tehran is about 40-50k/meter. milad tower can't be 10 times the average.


Iran e man

by Majid on

داستان اون کوره رو شنیدی نشسته بود با چیزش حساب کتاب و خیالپردازی میکرد ؟

یک داستان آموزنده برای کور‌های خوش خیال!



Iran e man

by XerXes (not verified) on

Zendeh baad Jomhuriyeh eslamiye Iran. Payandeh baad Iran.
ajab kaareh bahaali mohandesaayeh Irani anjam daadan.

Long live Islamic Republic of Iran. The enemies are drowning deeper and deeper daily as we succeed in every areas in that we put our foot prints.
Amazing Iran.



by Appalled (not verified) on

Oh Yeah...........Iran has changed a lot! Back in 1979, seven tomans was worth one dollar, now it is 1000 Tomans!!!!! Not to mention the official 30% inflation rate. Some Progress! Huh!


I need more office space

by #1 Mostazaf (not verified) on

I take two 50-meter offices. Rahber said I can have them at a discount price.


Don't worry

by MRX1 (not verified) on

this place will be occupied by ever degenerate islamo facist mafiasos who are sucking billions of dollars eveyday from the national treasurey. After all these folks are the real mostazef!



by Negin (not verified) on

It says 4 Billion Tomans, miliard is billion.



by aaminian on

That doesn't make any sense! Probably the whole tower cost $160,000,000 to build. It has to be a misprint!

Kaveh Nouraee

WOW indeed

by Kaveh Nouraee on

Given the current economic status in Iran, it's safe to say that the only people capable of affording such high office are those who are perhaps very well connected to the IRI.

This is strictly what you call a "trophy office space". But if it makes someone's day to lay claim to having such space, good for them.


And some insist Iran hasn't changed

by Mehdi on

When I left Iran, all of its land wasn't worth that much!



by Majid on

$160-200.000.000 for an office space?

One wonders what kind of businesses can fork that amount of money!