McCain: More wars

Good luck in November!



to: Darob

by Barry Goldwater Jr (not verified) on

I ain't no redneck you Iranian turd but sure will drop a packful of shit on your house when I press the button. Your time is over nancy boy!!


Zionists for McCain!

by IAPAC (not verified) on

Who cares about you Persians and that little old village you call Iran? In Israel we decide who is the president of US.

Under his presidency we will have free hands to attack Iran Unprovokedly (Notwithsatnding what your nut case president utters from time to time)!

I am sure bunch of traiters among you would appreciate that. Iran can not and should not achive any advanced technology just because WE don't like it!
Sincerely yours,

IAPAC (Israeli American political action committee)


Whoever posted the comment - by Barry Goldwater

by darob (not verified) on

To the mother fucker who posted (under name; Barry Goldwater) some shit in disrespect against Iran: you are a twisted piece of Goh and you sure do have red neck mentality. Go to hell you low life. Like many, I too ain’t having any love for IR. But for the love of Iran, I do rip heart of mother fucker like you when being disrespectful towards her.


Obama is NOT a necon, McCain is a Neocon.

by abdullayev (not verified) on

what's so hard to understand about this?


Is Obama a neocon too? Hit

by off topic (not verified) on

Is Obama a neocon too?
Hit Iran where it hurts

Democratic presidential hopeful takes a get-tough stance against tyrant of Tehran


Americans need to come together to confront the challenge posed by Iran. Yet the Bush administration and an anonymous senator are blocking a bill with bipartisan support that would ratchet up the pressure on the Iranian regime. It's time for this obstructionism to stop.

The decision to wage a misguided war in Iraq has substantially strengthened Iran, which now poses the greatest strategic challenge to U.S. interests in the Middle East in a generation. Iran supports violent groups and sectarian politics in Iraq, fuels terror and extremism across the Middle East and continues to make progress on its nuclear program in defiance of the international community. Meanwhile, Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has declared that Israel must be "wiped off the map."

In response, the Bush administration's policy has been tough talk with little action and even fewer results. While conventional Washington thinking says we can only talk to people who agree with us, I believe that strong countries and strong Presidents shouldn't be afraid to talk directly to our adversaries to tell them where America stands. The Bush-Cheney diplomacy of not talking to Iran has not worked. As President, I will use all elements of American power to pressure the Iranian regime, including the power of tough, smart and principled diplomacy.

For diplomacy to work, we need to dial up our political and economic pressure - not just our tough talk. Iran's troubling behavior depends in large part on access to billions of dollars in oil and gas revenue. That is why I introduced the Iran Sanctions Enabling Act last May, to build on a movement across the country to divest from companies that do significant business with Iran. This would send a clear message about where America stands, increasing Iran's isolation and hitting the Iranian regime where it hurts.

The bill works in three ways. First, it would educate investors and pressure foreign companies to reconsider doing business with Iran by requiring the U.S. government to publish - every six months - a list of companies that invest more than $20 million in Iran's energy sector. Second, it would give explicit congressional authorization to state and local governments to divest the assets of their pension funds and other funds under their control from any company on the list. Third, it would give private fund managers who divest protection from lawsuits, while urging the government's own 401(k) fund to create "terror-free" and "genocide-free" investment options for government employees.

This common-sense approach enjoys broad support. Sam Brownback, a Republican senator and presidential candidate, joined me in introducing this bill. A companion bill passed the House of Representatives 408 to 6. The only obstacle now is a single senator who placed an anonymous "hold" on the bill, blocking it from coming to a vote.

This is exactly the kind of unaccountable obstruction that needs to change in Washington. Instead of having a debate in the open, a Bush administration ally is blocking the bill through a secret Washington maneuver - a maneuver that would be banned if a sweeping bipartisan ethics reform bill that I led the fight to pass is signed into law.

Talking tough and keeping our troops in the middle of Iraq's civil war has only served to strengthen Iran's position. It's time to turn the page on a failed foreign policy. It's time for strong diplomacy backed by common-sense measures that pressure the Iranian regime.

Obama, U.S. senator from Illinois, is running for the Democratic nomination for President.



McCain is the ONLY HOPE for a free world

by Barry Goldwater Jr (not verified) on

To all those trash-brained who still have time to appease the Islamic terrorists of Tehran, I have this message:

Tell your folk to pack up and get their sorry asses out of that shit hole called Iran. Their End is Nigh!


fuck mccain...

by laam-c (not verified) on

i say:"fuck mccain and the horse he rode in."
or did he come in a boat.
i hope he is elected as president and attacks iran.
i will personally shoot the fuck out of him.


McCain belongs to nursing house, not white house

by Bijani (not verified) on

Folks, let’s not even contemplate the possibility that this dinosaur jackass will be elected as president. Considering his age, he ought to consider nursing house rather than white house. The man does not have the right political engine for the job. At least other candidates do explain to some small degree in details what they are running on. This jackass just talks about national security issue which by the way he and his republican buddies have proven to be sucks at it every time they made decision in this specific area. Republican has no chance in November, especially now that McCain is their chosen man. These groups of politicians on the republican side have caused enough damage in this country and around the world and in November they will be served with pink slip. Having said that, Democrats are no better, as they too are under influence by Israeli lobbyist. In nut shell all the hoop la about this old and dilapidated nitwit warmonger will end in zero degree hope as his hunt for presidency will be dashed for good.


Just Another Hater

by 10000 (not verified) on

Your warmonger mentor's Regan, Bush and Cheney didn't have the guts to bomb Iran you motherf@$%er. You've got long to go to even have enough guts of an Arab lizard eater like Saddam... who ended up hiding in a f#%$ing dog-hole for months.


go get job man

by haji (not verified) on

این امریکائی های بی سواد رو بین واین شو های تلوزیونی که یک ام عقب افتاده مغزی هم جواب رو مدونه اما اینها باز عاجز از دادن جواب درست


"concerned Iranian" my A$$ !

by ZERESHK1 (not verified) on

You call yourself concerned Iranian?!
Are you just dumb or that stupid that think we
are dumb?!

All you are concerned about is McCain!
Be ashamed of calling yourself a concerned Iranian when you don't give a damn about the "bomb bomb ..Iran" and keep giving rest of us advice on morality!!

...and that crap about old men being wiser!
Now I know you are really dumb!!
Just tell us what connects you so dearly to Bic Mac we figure out the rest ourselves!!

You have two choice Obama or Ron Paul!


Why are we criticizing McCain's age?

by Concerned Iranian (not verified) on

I do not see why we are picking on Mccain. Remember that asside from his miltary credentials, he was also a pioneer in the Immigration Reform Bill. He wanted to help milions of illegal immigrants to become legal. He put his name and position on the line to help immigrants. Yes, one can always be cynical and say that he had a different agenda. But so far no one has alleged that he did. Also, it is disheartening that some postings make fun of his age. First of all, he is very brave to take this gamble at this statge of his ife.Remeber only six onths ago he was struggling to even survive. We should give him great credit, not criticize his age. Besides, throughout history old and older men have been the wisest. Do you want some younger inexperienced person? McCain is much much more qualified than many other politicians.


It's the social security stupid!

by ZebelTheRebel (not verified) on

This old man who is obviously suffering from acute alzhimer would have been retired by now if it wasn't for the broken social security system in this country!! ;-)

He should be put in nursing home instead of having to run for the presidential office!

I am just baffled how a coutry who has the best and most prestigous universities in the world and can claim the best and brightest lets people like this run for the highest office?


McCain is wrong man for wrong job

by Shiela (not verified) on

McCain is everything that America will have to avoid as leader. When people truly get to know him, there's no possibility they'll consider him for president of the United States.

Joe L.

I got a message for McCain

by Joe L. on

Bomb yo mama you old rag. America wants peace.


this asian dude at work likes McCain cuz he is a Christian

by Al Sefati (not verified) on

I swear Christianity is just as hardcore as Islam (if not more).

This Asian dude at work that barely speaks English likes McCain simply cuz he is a Christian.

If there was a single truth in all these religions, they would find common ground to bring peace to this world not wars!


we can't afford another reckless President

by Anonymous8 (not verified) on



by OBAMARAMA (not verified) on


Hit Iran where it hurts

Democratic presidential hopeful takes a get-tough stance against tyrant of Tehran


Americans need to come together to confront the challenge posed by Iran. Yet the Bush administration and an anonymous senator are blocking a bill with bipartisan support that would ratchet up the pressure on the Iranian regime. It's time for this obstructionism to stop.

The decision to wage a misguided war in Iraq has substantially strengthened Iran, which now poses the greatest strategic challenge to U.S. interests in the Middle East in a generation. Iran supports violent groups and sectarian politics in Iraq, fuels terror and extremism across the Middle East and continues to make progress on its nuclear program in defiance of the international community. Meanwhile, Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has declared that Israel must be "wiped off the map."



by Azadi (not verified) on

I was watching the Larry King Show interviewing John McCain the other night and McCain said something that really was out of touch. Larry King asked him about torture and he mentioned that he is against torture (so far so good) but then he said; "countries like Israel never torture". That was such a B.S., I mean com on if the Israelis are good at one thing it is torture, this is well known to the entire world!!

Kaveh Nouraee

There won't be any war...

by Kaveh Nouraee on

It can easily be understood by some people that John McCain is in favor of going to war against the IRI. You are thinking, well, let's see, he's older, a Republican, he was already in one war as a soldier. The list goes on.

And let's not forget the really lousy karaoke singing with the "bomb Iran" chorus. Yes, I know, he makes William Hung from American Idol sound like Luciano Pavarotti (may he rest in peace).

But there is no danger of war against Iran. The U.S. military does not have the means to fight an outbreak of genital herpes, let alone the personnel or the equipment needed to strike Iran or anywhere else. 

This is all a public relations thing right now. The IRI talks the talk, but they won't walk the walk. The U.S. talks back, but they won't walk the walk either. These two are like two former spouses who can't leave each other alone. Can't live with each other, can't live without each other. So, like spouses, they bitch at each other like they do, making themselves horny for each other at the same time. And so it goes. There is a greater likelihood of all four Beatles reuniting than of U.S. military action against Iran.

I would be more afraid of a Democrat in the Casa Blanca. If they are perceived as anti-war domestically, what do you think potential aggressors think?

Remember, Al-Qaeda bombed the two U.S. Embassies in Africa and successfully planned 9/11, while the Democratic president in office was busy getting a blowjob from a fat chick. And let's not forget that all of the terrorism we see today can be traced back to Jimmy Carter, another Democrat, who was busy with his head up his own ass.



Jackass after Jackass!

by Kamangir on

Why do they keep bragging about their military might? Why do they still threaten Iran by mentioning the military possibility? Why don't they attack? What are they affraid of?

They haven't got the balls to do so, that's the only reason. So my message to to McCain is: Shut the fuck up! Jackass!


10,000 years... YEEEEEEHAAAWW....

by cowboy (not verified) on

10,000 years!


It's sooo much fun to kill

by Against wars (not verified) on

It's sooo much fun to kill people and ruin their countries (for some)

"A person with such a history does not lightly mention the word "war"."

And nor does such a person ever never ever sing "bomb bomb bomb Iran" lightly and with a chuckle.

He's Bush Junior 2, the Sequel (or at least, he wants to be). At the end of the day, the majority of these politicians are all the same when it comes to standing up for the interests of the people and the country. The powerful special interest groups rule the country. Hope it well change, at least just a bit.

They (the politicians) just try to look good and be very "serious" when speaking on "issues" in front of the camera when broadcast nationally. Well, not in this clip (which wasn't meant for national broadcast on TV), McCain became let's bomb, "light" "hee hee".



by Wendy (not verified) on

John McCain is a senile 2 faced warmonger. He is not antiwar, he is prowar. In fact, there are no anti-war candidates except for Ron Paul.

Everyone else running for president wants to keep everything just like it is. Hillary Clinton and John McCain want to attack IRAN..another country that is not a threat to us, has not done a thing to us, and does not want to go to war with US. Barack Obama didn't have the balls to show up to vote on the resolution giving GWBush authorization to invade and attack IRAN. He was afraid of what the Jewish Media moguls would say. Do we really want a pussy like this as our president.

What we have are identical democratic and republican wings of the WAR PARTY.

Barack Obama is a fence sitter. No one has a clue as to where he stands or what the details of his policies are. He is the candidate of NO change.

In short. America is phucked.


grandpa dinosaur

by Citizen (not verified) on

Mr. Antibullshit, for crying out loud what are you saying? Do you think this grandpa dinosaur is really the most anti war candidate, because he was POW and seen atrocities? I think not and respectfully disagree with such a notion. Please get your IQ exam for making such favorable remarks on this candidate. If he is going to be elected, then he will just be as if the current one would be elected for third term. Deep down with regards to foreign policies, there is no difference on issues between these guys (Republican or Democrat). They are all united in telling the rest of the world one common hypocrisy, “Do as I say, not as I do”. McCain is the wrong choice, not only for America, also for the rest of the world. Many will be very disappointed if he is elected.

Mohammad Jahan-Parvar


by Mohammad Jahan-Parvar on

So from what I see here, we are already in Obamaland. Last time I checked, senator McCain was still a war hero who had endured over five years of brutal communist Vietnemese solitary confinement and torture. A person with such a history does not lightly mention the word "war". Now you put his picture next to some high on MJ, two bit "peace activist", commune dwelling, good for nothing bum and expect to be taken seriously? This type of lame attacks on his record is just not going to do it.

 It is perfectly OK to cheer for senator Obama. Good for you. But a friend of mine, who is actually a former city of Chicago prosecutor and an attorney to Gore and Kerry presidential campaigns as well as Obama's senatorial race told me that there is great unease about his candidacy among heavyweight democracts since he is so inexperienced. He voted for senator Clinton and hopes she gets the nomination. 


ummm. what are you smoking?

by Anonymous jaan (not verified) on

ummm. what are you smoking? I sure as hell don't want any of that shit Mr. antibullshit.


Not so fast.....

by Antibullshit (not verified) on

Actually McCain having been a Vietnam war veteran and a POW is probably the most anti-war candidate among all. He has seen the atrocities of war and the ugliness. However he can not act like a typical left coast hippie....
