Lili Afshar

"Una Limosna por el Amor de Dios"

Lily Afshar performs "Una Limosna por el Amor de Dios" (An Alm for the Love of God) by Paraguayan Composer Guitarist Agustin Barrios on live TV, April 14, 2006 to promote the next afternoon's concert for the Wichita Guitar Society. Courtesy of KCTU channel 5. //



khaily ziba buzy mikonid

by sereen on

: )


Standing ovation...

by Danesh (not verified) on

Cool performance...



Lovely piece

by Monda on

and so beautifully executed. This is my first time hearing of Lili Afshar, I will be looking for her performances on CD.

Darius Kadivar

FYI/'World's longest concert': 639 years

by Darius Kadivar on

A note from a piece by a US composer is to be played this weekend in a German town in what has been called the world's slowest and longest concert.


Ahmed from Bahrain

She looks the part too

by Ahmed from Bahrain on

Beautiful. Bless those fingers.

Ahmed from Bahrain

Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

Muchas Gracias!

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

Muy bien hecho.

Solh va Doosti
