
Iranian-for-Obama pin



Dear friends,

We are promoting the candidacy of Barack Obama for the presidency of the United States.

We will face objections from two camps:

* The conservatives, who feel that any movement for peace between Iran and the United States implies a capitulation to the Islamic Republic. We believe the exact opposite is true: The American warmongers and neo-conservatives and the Islamic Republic's warmongers need and reenforce each other. Placing the relationship between these two countries on a rational basis will mean an opening up of Iranian society, as the rationale that Iran is under threat of Western aggression is taken out of reaction's arsenal.

* The leftists who believe that Obama is going to follow more or less the same war-mongering policies as Bush & Co. Although we have grave misgivings about much of what Obama says, we believe that an Obama presidency will mean a qualitative improvement in Iranian-American relations.

We look forward to a dialogue with those who disagree with us. We only ask them to respect عصمت قلم--the purity of the pen--and conduct themselves in a spirit of dialogue. Feelings run high on all sides, but we want to generate light and not heat.

Finally, the logo of our group is designed by Ostad Ali Reza Darvish. You are welcome to use the artwork to further Obama's candidacy or purchase buttons from us. Contact us at Iranians4Obama@gmail.com.


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Dear Bikar, here is my

by kofri (not verified) on

Dear Bikar, here is my reason:
Greetings, below is my email to a friend who is not voting for Obama. I would like to share this email to you guys and let you know that Barack Obama has my vote. Best or as we say it in Persian : be salaamati o shadi! Farnaz

Dearest Dia, I pray for all of us. I keep begging GOD to give us the chance to not take any thing for granted. I have in my heart and mind that GOD does great, but not all of us human being! I have a lot to mention however let me share this reply of mine to one of our friends,Jonathan and a cousin and one of my sisters that all started by me sending one of Mccain's ad //iranian.com/main/singlepage/2008/mccain... to them. And Jonathan replied back:

Hi Farnaz,
Interesting. What are your thoughts regarding the ad? For me it shows that, aside from the issue of what US policy towards Iran should be, when you're heavily in the public eye as presidential candidates are, almost everything you say is documented. If you say seemingly contradictory things, it may come back to bite you in an opponent's campaign ad.

and later I wrote to him:

Jonathan, what I think about this ad is not as important as what I think about what's happening to this new country of mine! Let me tell you that almost 30 years ago in Iran they did exactly what they are doing it to us in 2008 in America. They introduced bunch of good for nothing to us and left and right got 'elected' as either the prime minister/ president/ member of parliament and .... They were 'from the people, for the people, servant of Iranian nation (in their mind HERD not nation) and how ironic that all these happened after we reached the year in our history that a son or daughter of a school janitor could be also a Harvard or MIT or University of Tehran graduate!! But a society with a lot of layers had a layer that foreign power waited and soaked them up in salt for many years to use them against us (the layer that was ready for CHANGE). A lot of things is coming to my mind. All I have concluded after these process:
1. With the result of 2000 election, my first time eligible to vote in my new country, with the result of it I accused Al Gore to be sage zard baradare shoghale (meaning that he is one of them) and that's why he didn't fight for us all the way. I even questioned the constitution and I didn't want to waist my time any more. I vowed that I wont vote any more! (by the way because of all good things that he has done I've forgiven him)
2. 2008 comes and I 'm not planning to participate in election however I think democrats are making a BIG mistake by not giving this chance to Hillary and choosing Obama who by the way I voted for him in great state of Illinois in 2000. I didn't want him to be the nominee because I didn't think White America is ready for him and I didn't like his softness toward Iran (we don't need Chamberlin we need Churchill and Hillary was him for me) and he is only 46 he will have his chance later. Saga continues.
3. Mccain chooses Palin, I get pissed off. How irresponsible he can be. What if oftadi mordi (you die in WH) you want us to be in hand of somebody who 'work with her hand' we educate our children with the best possible education to dismiss those who are graduate of Ivy league with heart of gold to choose you???? Where is the beef? Who is running this show behind the curtain? The Bush dynasty? Oh my God are they thinking us as 'herd' one more time!! I broke my vow. I will vote for Obama because I have to choose between good and bad not between ideal, good and bad as it was during the primary. I'm voting to make sure that later I'm not going to blame others (I didn't participate in 1979 referendum in Iran at age of 17 my arguments with Ehsan and Zafar, my brothers was I don't know what is this IRI to say NO or YES) and that's why I blame those who said yes to them. Now I know what Mccains are and I want them to be stopped.
4. Pray fo Peace (although I don't think an Iranian blood is less important as those Italian or German during Moselini and Hitler time, Italian and German didn't take care of their evil on their own uprising, foreign troops rescued them. May be one day Iran will be free of these evils by getting an outside help, this time a ture embargo by UN? may be. We shall see. Take care, Farnaz

Dia, I want to share with you all I'm thinking just because I strongly beilive that you and Dennis are two of those with heart of GOLD as well but we have different approch to this election. Lets pray that GOD will keep the blessing on human race, nature..... It bothers me to read and hear Sarah Palin's left and right's lies, majority of her claims doesn't have a true base. To be honest I feel sad for her that somehow she and her family are being used! Ofcourse I will pray for her and her young family. I hope at least either her husband is an excellent parent for these five kids or they have an awsome nanny. I would never allow myself to judge her just because her 17 years old got pregnant but at the same time I think majority of these teenagers go and look for love somewhere else when they don't get the love that they need from inside home. I allow myself to judge her based on what she talks about and her records. I do have problem with both! GOD bless us all. Please forgive me for this long message. Lets not loose faith, hope and love for eachother. Regards to Dennis. Lots of love, Farnaz


its what he isnt saying that is important

by nikoo (not verified) on

To make an intelligent decision about who to vote for, you cant watch the mass media. You need to look past the charm and jargon and look at the people supporting your candidate. If you looked into Obamas circle, you will see he is NOT AT ALL bringing anything new to the whitehouse. How can you if you are associated with Brezinski? For those of you who do not know who he is, he work with president Jimmy Carter, remember him? Remember 15 years ago when clinton was running for pres? CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE!! he spoke so well, i was even taken in by his rhetoric, he totally paved the way for bush. HE illegally wiretapped citizens phones amongst other crimes. Americans should have voted for Ron Paul, only candidate that wanted to bring troops home, Americans have no place in the middle east or anywhere other than US for that matter. But since Ron Paul wasnt part of the "agenda," mass media did not mention him...American values are a hoax. Wake up people, please read! The connections between world events and the corporate elite are ASTOUNDING


The Pin

by Anonymous but Aware (not verified) on

The pin will only further entrench the Zionist and Redneck agenda to portray Obama as a Muslim spy. That is all.


Ah yes

by yinzer (not verified) on

Ah yes, hats off to Cheezaki2 for the Rammstein song. Pax Americana... it would be funny if it weren't more than a little true.

To be honest, the American media has beaten the words "Iran" and "Threat" into the minds of the American people for many years now. So a button that links Obama to Iran in a positive manner is a disaster for Obama. An Obama button that said "bomb Iran" would be a bigger vote getter. Sad but true.

There may be some individuals in Iran that deserve to be bombed. But by whom? Be careful what you wish for, letting others solve your problems is a disaster.

Obama/McCain, Democrats/Republicans... are all far more influenced by AIPAC than they are by any Persian lobby. So it's hard to get too excited by the prospect of either candidate.

The best that Iranians could possibly hope for is a candidate that mostly ignored Iran. An Iran that has no external threats is an Iran that has to face it's own internal problems. That is probably the best bet for peaceful reform.


Obama is best choice

by Zendegi1000 (not verified) on

Go Obama!!! You truly are inspirational. That's what help country most--from ground up.



by Khar on

That is so true!


You can't afford to vote for McWar!

by Khar on

This video have been posted by IranDokht (Many Thanks) in her blog named: No More years!



Herd mentality is still alive and kicking...

by Shalom Goldman (not verified) on

30 years ago Iranian herds followed a charlatan by the name Ayadollah Khomeini, now the offsprings the those herds are following a similar charlatan by the name of Barack Hussein Obama...

Nothing has changed, Iranians are still a bunch of herds...


Iranians for McCain

by mademoiselle (not verified) on


But for the trees!

by Concerned Iranian (not verified) on

We can't see the forest because of the forest. Any candidate who says he will unconditionaly speak to killers and especially child murderers of Iran cannot be very rational or well-informed. He knows nothing about Irand and simly wants to secure a friend in the Middle East. Also, those who don't like McCaine usually don't like him because he reminds of George Bush due to the Party affiliation.
But let's allow some time for both of these candidates. Neither of them is for the Iranian people. OO Baa Maa Neessssst!


Sheikh Mash Hasan from Chase Manhattan

by Democratic-Iranian-American (not verified) on

You said it. You are a wise man.

I can't stand that red neck woman, and the way the old dude speaks makes me want to puke. They are sick people, like the Mullahs and religious bastards all over the world.
The Ayatollah McCain and Batul bimbo are going to finish what's left out of the American empire. We need to kick them out and revive the American livelihood.


All for one and one for All.

by Sialashgar on

We should unite and give Obama our vote.



by bikar (not verified) on

Response to concerned,
Thanks for trying, but what you are saying I should be concern about Iran’s welfare in American election and get all Iranians to vote that way.
Just like in Iran masses vote for ahmadinejad, and then what?


Sheikh Mash Hasan from Chase Manhattan

by Sheikh Mash Hasan from Chase Manhattan (not verified) on

The Islamic Republic has been in existence for 29 years and the Republicans have been in the White House for 20 of those years. And we are talking about staunch, "lets go get them", loud-mouth Republicans like Reagan and Bush. The only time in the past 29 years the Iranian women, students, middle class have had a chance to fight for their rights and aspirations was in the late 90's and during Clinton presidency. McCain's rhetoric and "bomb Iran" humor may excite the Iranian exile community, but at the end of the day, a smart and thoughtful US policy will bring reform and democracy to our beloved Iran.


More Proof!

by Appalled (not verified) on

More proof of this Obama Iranian pin being cooked up by the Zionists and the American Jewish Lobby is the picture of him on the pin. He is looking away, not smiling and with his mouth half open. These are all signs of a person who is distant, not friendly and angry!!!! It is all purposefully designed to portray him as a foreigner and scare Americans and yes even Iranian Americans into voting against him. I hope that I am wrong on this but all the evidence points to a Zionist Conspiracy against Obama. May god have mercy on us all if Obama is defeated and that McCain who is an old and bitter bitter guy suffering from PTSD ( Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) with cancer gets elected.


To Bikar's question

by concerened (not verified) on

This is in response to Bikar's question of what the Iranian heritage is got to do with Obama?
My 2 cents worth of idea about the subject is:NONE. But, voting in general has got to do a lot with our heritage, to list some:
1- Since we are mostly raised in monarchy, voting is a new phenomena that we have got to learn a lot in the process.
2- In American style election candidates count on voters of different ethnicity. If and when people with Iranian background participate in elections in masses, then we will become a voice that politicians can not ignore and they also will think twice before singing bomb bomb Iran....
I know what I have mentioned will sound like bullshit to some and I will be criticized without an alternative to be introduced....


You were singing the same song for Kerry :)

by Free Thinker (not verified) on

Four years ago the same singers were cheering another savior and what was the result? A humiliating defeat. Obviously, the Iranian dream company is still in business.

Well then, dream on .... :)


Is Iran still a red state?

by iroonizadeh (not verified) on

I'm definitly with the intelligent crowd supporting Obama. But I just got off the phone with my Parents in Tehran. They told me most people they know want McCain. They don't know much about the issues. It's mostly a racial thing. Very sad.


Go Obama

by XerXes (not verified) on

Down with old fart and the bimbo


we're all living in America

by Cheezaki2 (not verified) on



by ali1 (not verified) on

it's pretty sad that I am one of the few who thinks this guys would be a disaster for iran and its captive population.
why would anyone in their right mind try to appease and legitimize these brutal butchers that have pillaged our homeland for 30 years??!
what exactly is obama, biden, brezinski(sp?), and the rest of carter's 2nd cabinet planning to talk about?? oh, I know, it should go something like this: dear akhoonds, we know that you have murdered tens of thousands of innocent iranians, stealing/wasting iran's vast natural resources, stoning women,selling boy/girls as slaves to arabs, assasinating dissidents, blowing up marines in lebanon, creating and arming huge terrorist groups, trying to destory persian historical site and traditions,and......BUT, would you please stopping doing all this and stop calling us the GREAT SATAN????! pretty please???
give me a break!....this so called diplomacy should be reserved for our next government which will be truly democratic and not attempting to keep iran in the 700's.
carter and his goons called the shah every name in the book and a monster who completely neglected human rights....but somehow, they haven't said anything about the mullahs' wonderful record of human rights!!!!
no one wants war, BUT, that doesn't mean you have the right to prolong the suffering of 70 million people either.
may god keep carter's pupil away from the white house


Re: McCain Website

by Heshmat-ol-Doleh (not verified) on

JJ, I think that the Iranians have wisened up, and know that a McCain Presidency is nothing but another catstrophe for America.

Can you believe the gimmick of having this Sarah Palin as the Vice President of U.S. You thought Dan Quayle was bad?

Sarah Palin = Total 'Stunt'; John McCain being a Maverick? My foot - Totally


Perhaps it's not what the

by Free as Free can be (not verified) on

Perhaps it's not what the candidates can do for you. Perhaps it is which candidate reminds you of what you can do for yourself.

An election is not a search for a new set of parents.
Take five deep breaths and vote your conscious. Let go of what you think you can get from it--you lack nothing.

The soul has no use for practicality.

Vote with your heart.


Can I ask a couple of stupid questios?

by Shadooneh (not verified) on

I agree with the view that Obama's presidency will be a huge "improvement" over the current administration for every kind of relations with any country in the world, except maybe Israel, and I'm not very sure about that either. My first question is who are "The leftists who believe that Obama is going to follow more or less the same war-mongering policies as Bush & Co"? I'm having trouble thinking of even a few names of prominent "leftists", anywhere in the world, who advocate or favor war with Iran. If you know where I can get that info, please post the link(s).
My second stupid question is what do you mean you have "grave misgivings about much of what Obama says"? I'd really appreciate a sample of Obama's quotes that cause you to have grave misgivings. After all we all know US-Iranian relations have taken on a new direction due to some "necessities" such as moving THE ECONOMY from a stubborn stagflation towards recovery and then stability. So any good example of leftist-for-war-against-Iran books and articles are welcome. And why not share samples of what Obama has said that concern you. If there's anything serious, I'd like to know. After all I AM sure I won't vote for McCain/Bush. So here I am one of those sought-after independents and undecided who keeps an open mind and doesn't get too excited about smartly done campaign buttons. Obama has shown he has much better "judgment" than MaCain/Bush, but he HAS said things that are very similar to the kind of statements a warmonger would make. That concerns me too.



by Khar on

We are indeed with him! Thanks IranWrites/Iranian4Obama. 

PS. Very informative site, perhaps second only to Iranian.com!


Curious jon

by Anonymous1.1 (not verified) on

F... off mullahs, who talks about them? I mean that no one wants we iranians get an epsilon of legitimacy. And in the hypothesis that Obama becomes the most powerful man in the world, our enemies in general (call them as you like, let call them Inghilissa as Daei jan likes to designate them) won't let him be on our side (we sons of Kourosh).

ça fait long temps qu'on nous a retiré la carte blanche des mains ... voyez-vous?


Oo baa Maa fresh off the boat

by Anonymous08 (not verified) on

Oo baa Maa fresh off the boat!

This guy does not have much roots in this country, and he has been raised in places hostile to US. Any feeling left also may have been petrified by that crazy pastor. Is this the end of the Star Spangled Banner, and return of the flag that always is sunlit?
Of all the contestants, McCain is the most American. God bless America.


او با اما-م ما با او.... باراک-الله



Ou ba emam  ma dar Honolooloo........lol




by bikar (not verified) on

could some one please explain to in layman's term (i am bikar )why should i as an Iranian American vote for obama?
i mean what is my Iranian heritage has to do with it?
i should not consider economic , political and directional


I'll pick Hossein over John any time

by Anonymous Iranian (not verified) on

At least Hossein is talking about having a dialogue with so called rogue states like Iran,but John is already singing Barbara ann song which sounds like bomb bomb bomb Iran and does not mind if American made cigarettes kills Iranians.