Iran is for (Polish) lovers

Hitchhiking beautiful days

This is great! Two Polish hitchhikers, Kasia and Przemo stay in Iran for a month. Different and uplifting. There is one thing which is quite evident in this clip as is in many others--love happens in Iran.


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Warsaw is joyfull

by kathyz (not verified) on

"Immortal guard" what do you have against Warsaw? At least some Poles have been to Iran, on the other hand you haven't been to Poland, so don't talk about things you don't know.

Anonymous Observer

At Least They Didn't Have This Experience

by Anonymous Observer on

It's nice to see them snjoying themselves, unlike this poor Dutch reporter who was sexually harassed (and assaulted) in plain embarassing for our culture as a whole.... Watch:


Persia is Eternal.


This is simply marvelous!

by farrad02 on

Keep it up you beautiful souls!


How cute are these two? U2

by desi on

How cute are these two?

U2 should scrap their video and use this one. 


Ice cream

by shirazie (not verified) on

interesting Ice Cream eating technique. very suggestive. Love U2


Warsaw is so bleak, gloomy

by Immortal Guard (not verified) on



by Hajminator on


I really enjoyed the images both with the U2 song.


Thanks a lot for sharing.

Kouroush Sassanian

Love Happens

by Kouroush Sassanian on

Love Happens

A sudden wind from the East beckoned
Eyes fixed
Hands gripped with anticipation
A journey of love in an ancient land
Hold me, inhale a thousand breaths of lovers embraced in eternity.

Take those steps and roads where love carved eternal bows and bends in life
Take my hand back and place it on the map
Close your eyes, this is where love happens


Nice :-).

by choghok on

I liked it. Such a nice girl always happy. That is a good travel companion.

It was well edited. I hope they put more movies online  :)

/Bidar bash ke ma bekhabim


loved this

by americanwife (not verified) on

Very sweet. Favorite song by U2!!!!

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on
