Insider accuses ayatollahs

Judicial investigator Abbas Palizdar accuses senior ayatollahs and officials of corruption


دبیر کمیته تحقیق و تفحص قوه قضائیه "عباس پالیزار" روز شنبه 14/2/87 در جمع دانشجویان همدانی دست به افشاگری پشت پرده های مفاسد اقتصادی کشور زد. این افشاگری ها که من از روی متن فیلم سخنرانی او استخراج کرده ام به این شرح است:>>>FULL TEXT


more from samsam1111


by Anonymous zadeh (not verified) on

you probably consider the late shah a "real iranian", yet he created SAVAK that brutalized the whole nation and put thousands upon thousands of our people in his dungeons and prisons.

Exaggerated vastly...

"brutalized the whole nation"?

the whole nation was 35 million, he only imprisoned those who openly opposed him, mostly armed, and all but some 370 (ref. baghi) of them survived (unfortunately) to become IRI leaders and revolutionaries. That does not seem to be quite the definition of "brutalized the whole nation".

"put thousands upon thousands of our people in his dungeons and prisons"?

The largest number of political prisoners in shah's regime according to IRI documents were just over 3000 at any one time. That does not seem to be "thousands upon thousands of our people". Again almost all survived to become IRI or majahedin leaders or be executed by IRI. That is about one tenth of what IRI had in prisons at any one time.

Evin cells accommodated up to 3 persons per cell during shah's regime. The same cell (according to prisoner memoirs) had upward of 30 to 35 prisoners crowded in in IRI during khomeini days. (See drawings of prison by soudabeh ardaven.)

All data show that as bad as shah was, he was at least an order of magnitude better than mullas. That is a fact, not a claim, but nonetheless hard to swallow for the hardcore islamists who still cling on to the criminal regime in tehran.


he is angry

by MRX1 (not verified) on

cause they did not give him his share of looting!


Why they are called foreigner?

by samsam1111 on

""so how come the shah did it and it was okay, but these people do it and you claim they aren't iranian?""


Because they are the occupation Khalifate force whose primary agenda is , promoting "Ommatism" & "Pan-Arabism" and supressing & cleansing Iran,s historic heritage


to amir nasiri---

by to amir nasiri (not verified) on

you claim a true iranian would never hurt his nation and people.

you probably consider the late shah a "real iranian", yet he created SAVAK that brutalized the whole nation and put thousands upon thousands of our people in his dungeons and prisons.

he also removed all political parties and only made one political party the only acceptable one. did you forget these things?

so how come the shah did it and it was okay, but these people do it and you claim they aren't iranian?


Corruption, Embezzlement, Drugs, terrorism etc....

by Amir Nasiri (not verified) on

This is nothing new. We are already familiar with IRI crimes. It is just a matter of time they are brought to justice. Just patience. Nothing unjust will go unpunished, may be another 10, 30 or 50 years but eventually these murderers will be punished for the crimes against my country and my people.

They are foreigners invade a sovereign nation.

A true Iranian will never hurt his own people and his own country. We are proud people with a proud tradition.


Don't get coned

by Miz Abdol Azim Khaneh Shahvat Panah and his long cheese (not verified) on

his an escape artist himself and "avval dozd"!


IRI Regime bartar baraaye Irani aabaad

by XerXes (not verified) on

Jomhuriyeh Eslaami khaili haaleh. Maa keh raazi hastim.


nothing shocking and new here

by azadi55 (not verified) on

This might be news to some of you, but this type of corruption has been going on since the early days of this pathetic regime. It's just interesting to see someone publicly speak about it. I bet you if this guy doesn't escape Iran soon, he will vanish soon, and you know what I mean.


There is one more video on affiliated shiraz university anjoman

by samsam1111 on

eslami web site but was removed only a few hours ago...Hamadan anjoman eslami is suspended..


Khamenei ,ahmadinejad & Sepah are testing the waters here to see the opponents reaction and to see although if they can purge now or should they back off a bit for now and resume later.


بنده خدا زیرک

مش قاسم (not verified)

صلوات بفرستید

اشتباه شده زیرک آدم بسیار باهوش و باسواد است !!!!!!حرف‌های بسیار منطقی میزند!!!!!!!!!!!


Zirak you say that there are

by Ha Ha Ha (not verified) on

Zirak you say that there are a lot of mofsed groups that are ready to suck our blood for 75 million $, what about IRI and shipisho mulla's that suck our blood and also take our money?
at least USA is giving them money from their money?
It is time for a name change zirak!


IRI ,corruption!!!

by Ha Ha Ha (not verified) on

No kidding!!!


God bless Khomeini!

by fozool (not verified) on

what a regime!
what a religion!
what a nation!
what a God!


50.31 "

by maziar 58 (not verified) on

Mr jj or whomever posted this clip ;
as I opened it in the first 3 sec. have noticed
50.31 min ????
why should we brain wash ourselves with methodical conspiracy ? thanks


Wake Up Call!!

by Beedar (not verified) on

Great doubt with the video authenticity as its source is from (Open Source Video):
What is unbelievable about this video is that there is no news of such investigative group anywhere inside & outside of Iran.
Reminding all that calling any of the Satan Associates mentioned on the tape without the due respect in IRI means a Sunshine Treatment While Crane Hung Publicly!!!
These kinds of fake videos could even have been made by Ahmadinejad's agents themselves and it helps him more than threatening IRI as they later are going to prove themselves! that opposition groups are basing their efforts on the pack of lies!!!
Besides their known corruption what the real crime of IRI (“classified info.”) and their Big Satan Associates like Rafsanjani is their involvement with the occupation of Iraq scheme to get rid of their real enemy Sadam after dragging Iran-Iraq and after large numbers of young had been killed on both sides. IRI lost the war after Khomeini's drinking of poison and after Sadam paying Zilch dollars damages to Iran.
Now going around with IRI financial corruption tales would only serve the regime to use it as a decoy to evade their answering for their dragging of the war & would only help them for lining up with the corrupt governments of Iraq & Afghanistan quietly for more plundering of the 3 countries’ vast resources. Do not you think??


Eliminating Political Opponents Is the name of this game

by Idiocracy (not verified) on

This guy is a big supporter of Ahmadinejad. It looks to me as if his agents are merely trying to make it easier for an Ahmadinejad re-election.

Welcome to the new Iran. Sepah's take over of Iran is nearly complete.


Pilot: Very interesting

by DF (not verified) on

Pilot: Very interesting link.

Please go to Pilot's link. It has a very interesting audio of Khomeini speaking of Free, water, electricity, bus, etc. He also says we will give you Manaviat, " Maa azemat mideem be roohiyate shoma"...hahahaha



RE: Conspiracy theorist

by ToofanZeGreat on

interesting theory, but I doubt it, if you have been in sepah offices or recruitment camps, they teach pure Mullah worship propaganda constantly, Khomeini and Khamenis picture are always everywhere and they have several oaths to serve the the islamic revolution, that includes serving the supreme ruler at all time. There wont be no coup is my opinion, I doubt it will happen. To be completly honest, I dont think change will come until the supreme ruler seat one day gets a Gorbachov kind of leader, and the theocracy just falls down in shambles.. but who knows..


An official coup on its way in Iran

by Conspiracy Theorist (not verified) on

Fellas, I can see something really interesting on the horizon in Iran.

What is the likelihood of such a disclosure not having been cleared with Mr. Khamenei? Those guys are his best friends and his supporters, the ones who made him the Leader and who have kept him there in Khobregan council.

I think a few things are being done at the same time and we will see the results emerge as an official coup by the Sepaah very shortly. As we know, the Sepaah has been quietly assuming all positions of power in Iran, replacing the same mullahs who have been ruling Iran for the past 30 years. You can see ex-Sepaahi's in all position now, including President, Speaker of parliament, Mayor of Tehran, head of IRIB, etc. This has been a plan in progress for a few years now.

People's growing unhappiness with Ahmadinejad, who was supposed to get rid of poverty and "expose" corrupt authorities in Iran, but instead went on to give them the worst economic conditions Iran has seen since the Revolution, has led the gentlemen to rally and think of something new. This announcement will distract people from Ahmadinejad and encourage people to hold contempt for their economic problems for others in the regime, but not Ahmadinejad, a Sepaahi.

Next, and after people can start talking in public about those corrupt mullahs, something that has not been possible so far, the clergy will be moved aside and Sepaah would step in full-force.

This tape reminds me of Sharif Emami and all those Iranian authorities who all of a sudden were allowed to voice their opposing opinions about the Shah toward the end of his reign.

I think an official coup is on its way in Iran.


list of traitors,

by pilot (not verified) on

This is a list of criminals and traitors,who destroyed our country as well as Iranian heritage ,may god some day see them all hanged on every single tree in Iran.(need sound)


No Mr Zirak, I,m not offering my family for a night!

by samsam1111 on

I was a teenager who moved out to overseas on my own after revolution and before the war.I have no affiliation to any of these groups you mentioned. No 75 mil club is supporting me and on the contrary I,ve been supporting family members & couple of "Orphans" for many years now.My buss is not doing well now but I still draw from credit cards to send back home...So at this time I may realy need to find out about that 75mil club..give me a link as where I can apply.


ps*this video was linked from an student site within Iran


You really expect ....

by zirak on

I am not saying you or the web site you have quoted are lying. But given the enticment of "$75M Club" membership, you really expect anyone to believe this? There are plenty of people with no other job than sucking the iranian peoples' blood; from Zio_Nazis to MKO members, to Monarchists, and you name them. They are all in with the piece of "$75M Club" money donated by the US government. They will do anything to grab a piece, including offering their own families for a night !!!


Thanks for your post anyways.


List of some of mullahs & Gangs charged in this video

by samsam1111 on

محمد امامي كاشاني (عضو شوراي ‏نگهبان و امام‌جمعه تهران)، محمد يزدي (عضو شوراي نگهبان و مجلس خبرگان، دبير جامعه مدرسين حوزه ‏علميه قم و رئيس سابق قوه قضاييه)، ابوالقاسم خزعلي (عضو جامعه مدرسين و عضو سابق فقهاي شوراي ‏نگهبان)، علي‌اكبر ناطق نوري (رييس بازرسي ويژه دفتر آيت الله خامنه اي و عضو مجمع تشخيص مصلحت ‏نظام)، معزي (معاون رئيس دفتر رهبري)، محسن رفيق‌دوست (رئيس سابق بنياد مستضعفان)، حبيب‌الله ‏عسگراولادي (دبيركل سابق مؤتلفه)


As well ..Ayatollahs.Makarem Shirazi, waeze Tabassi, Fallahian, and a few more..

Funny thing is this guy is trying to say that "rahbar" is an innocent bystander yet He is the one who gives all these permits "Mojavez" ...fool me once...yah right!!


این تازه از نتایج سحر است


پس از آزادی ایران چشمهای خیلیها از حرص و آز و قساوت حضرات صد البته مسلمان ناب محمدی گرد خواهد شد



by ToofanZeGreat on

Corruption is rampant in Iran like in many countries, but there are ways to avoid it simply by raising the life quality of state workers. The more dry a police mans pocket is, the more easier its to bribe him, especially when he serves a government he does not believe in him-self and which spearheads the corruption.. So its a nationalistic issue, and an economical one.

I dont believe iranians are corrupt, I think any people or culture can be sucumbed to corruption if the economical and national conditions are right for it.


Very sad

by ImtheKing on


Mordeh shor all these croakroach criminal thieves.


Corrupt society

by Hooshyar (not verified) on

Anybody else come in the future will do the same if not worse because Iranians are corrupt to bones. Nothing will stop them even God. I hate my association to that culture and that people.