Drunk woman

Gets undressed in public


American Wife


by American Wife on

If you consider this getting "undressed", then you are a PRUDE...LOL

Was this in Iran?   What about her head cover?  Wouldn't she be getting in trouble for all this?

Lastly... thank god those are not MY friends.  MY friends would grab my ass and throw it in the car and take me home!  They would never let me make a fool out of myself in public...:-)


farrad02 for President!

by Reza K. (not verified) on

Jana sokhan az zabaneh ma migooi...



only bad people are like this video

by hajiagha on

my new editorials cartoons at:


this Iranian is not free are so wild like this?

If they became free what they do in publics?

God help us and long live government of Iran to Iranian have safe place for living, like what I saw in canada so many drugs and crime in Iranian community in Vancouver, and almost in any culture , is worst, is not safe is cost large money by government to keep are street clean or try ..safe , why some people can not respect to the law and they try be wild ?


This is the pitiful state of things in our country.

by Concerned Iranian (not verified) on

So what? A woman simply gets drunk (if she is) and says a few things. She is NOT getting "Undressed" as the title suggests. She is not even being provocative. We in Iran live in such a base and primitive soeciety that a woman saying "someobody dance with me" gets our attention.
In 99% of the other countries this will never make it on the Internet. Pity our people!


This is too old

by ghasemi (not verified) on

Thanks ebi for this old clip.


This happens....

by farrad02 on

When your proverbial fuse snaps!



This is....

by GOTTI (not verified) on

So sad....


> you cracked me up

by Another Lost Iranian in Paris (not verified) on

''are to mahshari...kasi ba man berakhse''

haha , damesh garm