Dizin "Sweetspot"

Freeriding in the mountains of Dizin in Iran

An Austrian woman, Eva Walker, has made a very well-edited short documentary of her trip to Iran to ski, only to find out that there was no more snow. She then finds her "sweetspot" for freeriding in Dizin. It's in German with English subtitles, but really fun to watch.


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Iranian Reader

Samalayk Ajam jan!

by Iranian Reader on

We meet on the slopes again...! (Good thing I came back here to check comments!)

That's hilarious about getting off the lift left or right. I suppose some would hope we would get off the lift the side of the big vertical drop! Or, we could say, we don't get off at all. We turn right around and go back -- see, we love to regress, as proved by our revolution!


... and no chopper..., bold!

by Ajam (not verified) on

Dear IR, good to hear from you again. Sometimes when skiing outside Iran, while riding the lift uphill, when people find out I'm from Iran, they ask me the same thing (as you mentioned) "really?"!

Followed up by: "which way are you getting off the lift, left or right?"!!!


there are women sports club all over

by soccer dude (not verified) on

I know for fact there are many sports club for women all over the country. From swiming clubs to tennis, and even soccer clubs. And women like them more because they are all women so they feel more comfortable there.

Iranian Reader


by Iranian Reader on

There's mountains and snow in Iran and the people don't bite.