Bridge to Iran

Documentary from Linktv

Interesting, dark, and humorous look at life in Tehran


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Who was the commentator? Was

by Fatollah (not verified) on

Who was the commentator? Was he trying to be funny? Sarcastic perhaps? B. Jan, Agha X and Agha Mohandes-e layegh with a tasbih! And Borj sazi in North of Tehran is contributing to develope Afganistan and Kordestan! huh!!

David ET

"streets of my city"

by David ET on


Class differences!

by Payam s (not verified) on

Very interesting. It demonstrates the reality of social and economic inequality in Tehran and puts it in a somewhat sarcastic manner. I also enjoyed the information regarding the political economy of construction in Northern Tehran. Very talented and conscious.



This is great

by Abarmard on

I really enjoyed this. I don't see it dark. This kind of art brings awareness and I admire it.


Tehran Anar Nadard

by sbglobe on

This is part of a documentary called “Tehran has no more pomegranates”  – at some point (if not already) they will show it on Likntv. I saw it in Freer Gallery in Washington DC with the director Massoud Bakhshi as a guest speaker. Very talented and interesting young film maker. The documentary itself (68 minutes) is very well made and sure worth seeing – some very rare old clips from old Tehran from archives.



by Concerned Iranian (not verified) on

It's an interesting clip. It does have some intersting ponts. But this comparsion of rich and poor does nothing for me. This happens in every society in the world. The rich always has more space and bigger homes. Butso waht? That should not be the focal point. The focus should be on how to make the life of the poor better, not by blindly compare him to the rich. That serves no purpose and is so typical of those who just like to criticize for the sake of criticzing. It is best if we observe and take action to make the lives of the poor more tolerable.