Bas ast (enough is enough)

Woman's rap song following sexual harassment scandal

The song is used as background music for this widely viewed video apparently showing a senior official at Zanjan University caught as he is about to sexually harass a female student.



Hameen bood, hameen hast

by Milan (not verified) on

As a young male growing up in Tehran's glorious 70's, we were big into Matalaks (humorous one-liners to the passing girls our own age), which often resulted in a smile or an equally funny verbal response. But I remember Majid,one of our friends (not for long!) whose family had just moved to Tehran. He would throw Matalaks laced with anger and once even grabbed this girl wanting to kiss her by force. We stopped hanging out with him. Interestingly, he never wanted us in his house because, I guess, he wanted to "protect" his uni-brow, black-chador sisters. It seems to me that the more we separate males and females from early ages (Hijabs, segregated schools, restricted roles, super religious families)the more blatant the sexism is manifested by the males, and the more taboo it becomes.


Count Down -- Day 2

by Amir Nasiri (not verified) on

The IRI regime compare to other Dictators regime has evolved as Mafia type system where each member of the family forming oligopoly controls an infrastructures or Iranian natural resource.

Crimes against women is much more frequent and done openly in Iran in the name of Islam and the Islamic regime. Therefore, these crimes are more politically justified and is even written in the Iranian constititution. Thus, the IRI regime crimes against women is a crime against the Iranian nation and the Iranian people.

Iranian women will prevail and will take justice in her own hand. Iranian men the Iranian lion will follow the lionesses and fight the criminals and the destroyers and haters of the Iranian nation.

Zendeh bad Iran, Irabnian women and Iranian men

Count Down -- Day 2


Ignorant argument

by Iva (not verified) on

Horrible acts are committed by people all around the world; however, none of them, regardless of how demeaning and horrible they are does justify yet another horrible act.

So, I read someone say that rape attempts do happen every where so it is OK for it to take place in Iran against young Iranian girls. I wonder if maker of that ignorant comment would say the same thing if that young girl was his daughter, sister or mother!



by IRANdokht on

So you're saying that justifies everything?  eveybody else has problems so let IRI harrass, torture and kill? and everyone should keep quiet?

Is that your argument?




by Anonymous555 (not verified) on

These thing only happen in our country! Other countries are clean from these acts arent they!!


Count Down

by Amir Nasiri (not verified) on

It is common action and practices by IRI supporters and the regime officials to do evil act and heinous crime against Iranian people.

The regime has done so much damage to the infrastructure, economy, cultural system and organization, education institutions and system and etc.

They have humiliated, harassed, victimized, oppressed, raped and discriminated the lionesses of Iran.

The regime is on a count down on the verge of collapse and self destruction.

Today is DAY 1.



by IRANdokht on

That's a brave woman

She was arrested for revealing this guy's actions! How is she not the victim of that broken system?

This is the generation that will change Iran!  They're the hope and the future of the nation.



Oh come on! Enough of that

by givemeabreak (not verified) on

Oh come on!

Enough of that victimization.



by zan-e digar (not verified) on

Love you.