Ali Khamenei & elections

On the importance of March 4 Majles elections


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Free Election for Iran

by fozool (not verified) on

Remove your dirty hands from Iran.
UN needs to get involved in this brutal regime's fake
elections. Down with dictatorship.
Step down you fundamentalists.
Free Iran. Free Iran. Free Iran.


Madineh Faazeleh Dar Dastres

by Hashan Danesh (not verified) on

...khoab mesl-e inkeh haajaaghaa khoab kayfoor shodand... neshastand tekkeyeh daaadand be mokhaddeh daaran moshaaferat haayee kahkashaanee anjaam medand...

Khoab haalaa bacheh bego bebeenam cheraa az sar mammeh gaav ke mesl ye nookhod teryak senaatoree meemoneh bejaayee doood sheeer meeyaad.....

Bacheh meedonestee ke to zaboon englisee behesh megand "neepel" ... cheraa nemeeedonam hanooz...



This guy is so powerless!

by farrad02 on

This guy is so powerless!  The pasdar generals took over the regime in a coup the night before Ahmadi Nejad was announced as the new president 3 years ago!  They told Khamenei you can stay in place as a figurehead, receive a salary and give speeches once in a while, as long as the speeches are in our favor! So, he accepted and the rest is history! 


Madineh Faazeleh Dar Dastres

by Hashan Danesh (not verified) on

...Bacheh bodo vaaseh hajaghaa manghalo ro beraa koon... hazrat khashteh shodand az enhammeh shohbat kardan jelooyee een hammeh hozzaar... yaddet narreh bejaayee ye nokhood ye nokhoodo neem vaashashoon az no-e senaatoree marghobesh bebor-reen...Shamaavaram raa bendaaz ghol ghol konneh ke hajaghaa bayn pokaash chaa-ye bokhorreh khastegeesh az een hammeh sohbat tolaanee dar beeyad...Eendaffeh oon anbor noghreh-ee ro vaashashoon kenaar manghal bezaareen...

Haalaa bacheh bego bebeenam paadeshah jangal sheer-eh yaa babr....



Last trace of sun light

by Tahirih (not verified) on

“O heedless one! Rely not on thy glory, and thy power. Thou art even as the last trace of sunlight upon the mountain-top. Soon will it fade away as decreed by God, the All-Possessing, the Most High. Thy glory and the glory of such as are like thee have been taken away, and this verily is what hath been ordained by the One with Whom is the Mother Tablet."