
Pahlavi on Fox

Reza Pahlavi interview with Fox News>>>Watch


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Majority rule if opposed to

by Maziar Irani (not verified) on

Majority rule if opposed to human rights and freedom is not democracy. Looks like that simple fact is lost on someone who has spent more than 50 years in the US!! 1979 regressive revolution was certainly not democratic.


I wasn't there in 1978. What are you talking about?

by ShahRokh Niavarani (not verified) on

I was studing Medicine at Harvard University in 1978. And I was in the US since the 1950s. What are you talking about. I never in my life took part in any protests against or for the Pahlavi Regime. I never supported the Iranian Revolution in 1979. The Iranian Majority in Iran backed the revoltionary government in 1979. The Iranian majority overthrew the monarchy. Don't be upset with me. If you support democracy, you will agree that the majority kicked the Shah out. If the Shah did not flee in 1979 the Iranian masses would have hanged him. He was even given a death sentance by Sadegh KhalKhali. The Shah was lucky to die in 1980 in a comfortable manner in Egypt. I believe that is enough to be said about that matter.
Don't even dare to call me an IRI supporter or a 1979 revolutionary. I am more democratic than the people you support. Think of yourself as inferior to me. That is how things ought to be. Take care.
ShahRokh Niavarani



by amirkabear4u on

First of all if anyone dislikes or does not agree to monarchy in Iran does not mean he/she is a hezbolahee, and if you do not understand this simple concept you should not really be arguing.

Watching this video I am more convinced Pink Panter movie after 8 views is still more interesting and surprising than this person's interview. It is absolutly unbelievable even when he has such a rare opportunity to be on main channel news broadcasting, this low intelligent person, still has nothing to say. Is this so called prince educated at all, did he buy his qualification because his father was a rich dictator. How ignorant and stuppid one can be after over 20 years he still has nothing to offer, eventhough considering there are not any western governments that support IRI. Well maybe we should look at the bright side, he has one thing in common with mullahs' children. All of them are a bunch of opportunitist who care for nothing. I always wondered why this present goverment is as useless as the previous one, the answer is beyound words. Because there are no words to describe treason. This son of shah is a traitor like mollahs' children and there is no word to discribe it. This person who unashamedly calls himself a prince, without everyone's agreement, has not yet learned he has no royal blood what so ever from his father's side and do not force me to open my mouth about Farah. There is enough of bad language on this site as it is you do not need mine.

Shah's government brought us no gift except show off and a false sense of freedom. A freedom for both Iranian and foreigners to do anything they wanted to do. Freedom to abuse Iranian's right in particular muslems. Is this low intelligent son of shah is ever going to get some education. Even a geisha girl talks better than him who had best opportunities in his life. What on earth this person been doing all this time.For the last 15 years he been repeating the same promise that this IRI will collapse soon. Off course one day this government like many others will, but does that mean he been the cause of this. Why doesn't he get a proper job. I think he needs a job and he is probably gay as well.

There is a good reason why some Iranians hate this man. He is so useless as a politician they blush to see their hated son of shah has nothing to offer. Why can't he buy himself a PR to do his speech for him.

If you say he cares for Iran and us, If you say he deserves to be called a prince. Answer this then, When Ahmadinejad visited US, why is it that he does not bother to go and see Ahmadinejad face to face asking some hot qestions like a man (maybe he is gay after all). A lot of people both inside and outside Iran hate ahmadinejad, politically would be very beneficial for him. Would it cost this person much to ask questions about IRI politics or what ever. Do you know why he did not. The true answer is in his heart. Why should he exhaust himself. If he planned some good questions I am sure more Iranians would support him. This was another golden opportunity for him which he lost. But why should he care anyway his father did not care either. Ahmadinejat would be in big trouble if he refused to meet son of shah, because he used American democracy to visit IRI's hated USA but could not be man enough to face a sosoal. It would be an absolute show down for mullahs, better still son of shah would be a winner no matter if Ahmadenejat turned up or not. You see this is exactly why he is still begging to go back to Iran as a King he does not deserve to be our leader. He is ashamed of facing such degenerated person like ahmadinejat. Even a lap dancer or call girl tries to get more publicity than he does and this is a good indication how much he cares.

I tell you what if anyone so believe he is the rightful monarch then I invite him to an internet conference. He has no idea what politics in Iran is like. He will die in US as a retired and retarded exiled gay pahlavi, ensha-alah.


Mr class, please explain how

by mrclass on

well For those of you who don’t like him base of inferior complexity and ohdeh and so forth, there is nothing that  I can say to you....

But for the rest: you  guys are looking for charismatic leader  with guts to risk his life to liberate Iran. Well that, he is not!He is not like Dr. Bakhtiar or General oveisi (god bless his soul) who was constantly between Paris and Iranian border in Turkey.

Like I said at this juncture you need a kick ass guy to get rid of these cock roaches, then you need some one like reza pahlavi to act as a care taker. Kind of link Spain, transition from Franco to Juan carols. Perhaps reza pahlavi can do a bit more, so does every body else. What have you guys done yourself lately? At least he cain claim that he informs western media that there is another Iran beyond  the akhoonds and islamo facists...

FInaly it does not matter if he is believer in democracy or not. if the greater population genuinely believes in democracy , then given an opportunity even if wants to act dictatorial he will not be able to do so.



HEY COLONEL SANDERS......................

by NOT A RAG HEAD (not verified) on

You are One RUDE SON OF A BITCH. AND THIS COMES FROM A NON MUSLIM LIKE ME. You take aim at a young individual and her opinions and try to force yours onto hers. All you are doing is showing to the public how a hate monger acts. You are not proving anything other than that you are a filthy mouthed, unhappy, miserable, ass kisser. Maybe you should try to be nice. I don't think that is hard, but you are THE COLONEL SANDERS. OH by the way, as many F bombs you drop you must have watched all of the Sopronos. BUT MY FAVORITE IS STILL "SCARE FACE" YOU FUCKING PIECE OF CHIT COCKA ROACHA.


His last chance

by NorCal (not verified) on

It is good to see that Mr. Reza Pahlavi manages to stir such heated comments on either side of the divide. No doubt that such debates were common in the early years of Reza Shah about the Qajar heir to the throne. It has been written that when the British made Reza Shah abdicate the throne, they thought about brining son of Ahmad Shah Qajar back. They were sadly disappointed to find out he hardly spoke Farsi and was too accustomed to the good life in Farang. So the Qajar dynasty finally gave up the ghost and no one cheers for them anymore. In the history books.
Such is the faith of Mr. Reza Pahlavi and his advocates. With no support (or strong ties for that matter) from inside Iran, their only hope of re-establishing themselves is through a foreign intervention similar to his father and grandfather.
Mr. Pahlavi keeps some questionable company such as the US Neo-Conservative circles in Washington, specifically the likes of Michael Ledeen and the rest of American Enterprise Institute and policy think tanks similar to it. Mr. Pahlavi keeps stressing his opposition to a US military attack on Iran but goes to country clubs with those who are cheering for it the most. He needs to distance himself from the American establishment before he can be considered as a player by all Iranians whether inside or outside of Iran. The history of this dynasty being a tool of foreign intervention is well known and Mr. Pahlavi is doing himself no favors by keeping the company he does.


Reza Pahlavi has no credentials

by Nazanin Ghasemian on

The reason they attack people who challenge Reza Pahlavi is because it is easier to say "You're a stupid Muslim. Shut up." than to admit "Reza Pahlavi has no credentials".


why must colonel be so rude?

by Anono bitch (not verified) on

sir/madame or whatever you are, why do you attack this young lady the way that you do? It is sad to see you belittle and disparage a young lady, regardless of her opinions.

I wonder what kind of role model you must be for your daughters and granddaughters? Are you as verbally abusive with them as you are with this young lady?



colonel....of what?? kentucky fried chicken may be it?

by Anonymous312 (not verified) on

ok, first off "lmaooooo" means laughing my ass off. it's not italian from the soprano's, dearest colonel. secondly, your obsession with reza pahlavi is on the border of psychotic. when you finally decide to emerge from reza p's ass hole make sure to say hello! and no hon, i won't kiss it, that's your job. ;)

your delusional world must be a nice change compared to reality.


Presence on Fox is enough

by DoubleClick (not verified) on

As far as I am concerned, anyone who appears on Fox News to comment about Iran is an enemy of Iran. Sadly Fox News is not the only enemy of Iran that Mr. Pahlavi is rubbing elbows with. He is also chums with the American Enterprise Institute.
Sorry Reza Jaan, people see through you. You can not claim to have the best interest of Iran in mind yet rub elbows with those who have an agenda of destroying Iran.
Sadly, many Iranians in diaspora are so out of touch with realities and history of Iran and Iranians that they think Iran's best interest can be found in halls of power in the West. Either they are very naive and out of touch or simply desperate for power and think the only way they can get there is on the back of a US tank.


The Muslim whore still ranting!!!

by Colonel Hemayat (not verified) on

Nazanin, you stinking Muslim peice of shit, why don't become Ahmadinejad's "Siegheh"? You are so full hatred for Jews, you would be a perfect match for Dr.President. To answer your question, you stupid moron, what is the "Occupation" of evrey other oppisition leading figures? Do you find a lot of Engineers working on blue prints daytime and being freedom lovers nighttime?

Why don't you save this mind stretching wonders for your dates? Fucking rag-head.


Mr class, please explain how

by Anonymous3434343 (not verified) on

Mr class, please explain how Reza is a supportor of democracy beyond words which we all say. Go ask ahmadinejad, he will say he supports democracy too. words are words. So please explain to us in action what has reza done for democracy in iran lately. I really don't know I am asking for real.


Mr class, please explain how

by Anonymous3434343 (not verified) on

Mr class, please explain how Reza is a supportor of democracy beyond words which we all say. Go ask ahmadinejad, he will say he supports democracy too. words are words. So please explain to us in action what has reza done for democracy in iran lately. I really don't know I am asking for real.



by Dariyush (not verified) on

You have corrupted the poem of the Great Man and...
that's a horrible sin.
The correct words are :
Ze Irani-o, Tork-o, vaz Tazy-an,
Nejad-i padid ayad andar miyan.
Na Iran, na Tork-o, na Tazy bovad.
Sokhan-ha sarasar be-bazi bovad.

Have a nice time


What is Reza Pahlavi's Occupation?

by Nazanin Ghasemian on

I know his supporters consider him a full-time 'Freedom Lover' yadda yadda, but does he have a job? Is he a lawyer/doctor/engineer/teacher? He doesn't seem to have experience or education in any professional field outside the "biblical relationship between Jews and Persians".


The IRI is here because of

by Anonymous3434343 (not verified) on

The IRI is here because of these kesafats. I can't wait to see reza and his toolehs to dissapear into oblivion. They stole money just like mullas (don't argue about the amount, they robbed iran). Thanks "khoda biamorz" ...


Pahlavis are relics of the

by Anonymouse (not verified) on

Pahlavis are relics of the past, nothing more.


Re: Shahrokh

by jamshid on

You say that one day everyone will forget the Pahlavis. You are wrong. Even right now in Iran, they call him "khoda biamorz" and many common Iranians long for his days. As time pass, his stature and place in Iranian hearts will grow even larger. And the mullahs are not helping you with your fantasy either. They are just making the shah stand taller and taller with each passing day.


Contrary to your opinion, once the mullahs are gone, it will be YOU and YOUR like that, thankfully, will be placed in the dumpsters of Iranian history and be abandoned and forgotten by the common Iranian. And if remembered, you will be remembered as the idiots who once destroyed Iran in 1978.


So keep dreaming with your illusions because it is all you've got.



Ture freedom will come to

by Kurdboy (not verified) on

Ture freedom will come to Iran oly Damn Islam is made extinct among Iranians. Damn Allah is only a God Damn Myth. Damn Mohammad was a God damn liar and opportunist.


Reza Pahlavi is one ugly dude.

by ShahRokh Niavarani (not verified) on

Reza Pahlavi will never be a leader in Iran. He will probably live a long life and die in Maryland or Virginia. With his death everyone will forget the Pahlavis once and for all. Thank God for that. The Monarchy is dead to Real 100% Iranians.


Prince Reza is average looking

by Internets on

I don't know, may be I am too shallow (yeah that is it, I am too shallow), but Prince Reza is an average looking 47 years old Iranian guy. He does not seems to have taken his looks from his mother's stocks and as for his father, the Shah was much more distinguished looking that his son.

Poor Prince Reza, he is neither not cut from the right leadership fabric nor has that ever helpful handsome factor going for him. Although to his credit, he looks like Geroge Clooney next to a chimpanzee, if he is compared to Ahmadinejad. But then again, most people would, so even that is not much of a soleae.


What is the point of this post?. Not much, so please don't get your panties in a twist!.


Re: Kurdboy

by jamshid on

It is very interesting. Thanks for the info.


His wife

by Khalique (not verified) on

His wife is HOT!


problem with Reza Pahlavi

by mrclass on

the problem is: he is a nice guy, educated, articulate, open minded, progressive, and believer in democracy. he does not even have any aspiration for ruling as a king or president. In a nut shell he is too good for Iran right now! when a house is broken, you need a contractor to fix it, not an interior decorator to make it look good. The situation over there is a mess. you need some one like the great Reza shah, attaturk, or even general Franco to clean up the house first, put an order in the house, make things functional again, then he can pass a torch to

some one to rule as democrat. other wise you will go from Islamic sewer republic to chaos, may be even civil war and disintegration.



My friend..... Until this

by Kurdboy (not verified) on

My friend.....
Until this Islamic crap revolution took place in Iran, many Kurds were not even going to friday prayers. In my own village they were having trouble finding enough people for friday prayers that they would have to go door to door to get people. One day they come and asked my uncle. My uncle said ' for twenty years i have been asking Allah for one simple thing. He ha not helped him, today he needs me to pray to him, I will not pray to him.' True.. Kurds are traditionally sunni Muslims, but we are very liberal and Islam is loosing its influence on our people. in South "Iraqi" Kurdistan Many Kurds ar econverting to Zoroastrianism and Iran most kurds are nationalists and not Islamist. We dont care for Islam or any other cults.


To Anonymous312

by Colonel Hemayat (not verified) on

LOL, what an idiot!!!  "Imaooooo"????? have you been watching the sopranos again!?? I offer ,my Muslim,friend  nothing more than my ass and Prince Reza's to KISS!!! Sorry to break it to you, I got no Karma coming at me , got no predicament in my life, you sure you what these words mean? LOL.


Re: Kurdboy

by jamshid on

Kurdboy you are saying that kurds are leaving Islam in the millions? Could you elaborate, I am interested to know how come I have not heard of it? I know generally in Iran people are leaving Islam, but you sound like this is more common among Kurds. Kurds are sunnis so in a way your religion is more shielded from the crap that the shi'a mullahs are offering.



by Anonymous312 (not verified) on

are u kidding me? haha "prince reza's hunger strike" lmaooooooo. he supposedly did that for two to three days. give me a fucking break.

and who the fuck are u to say that any iranians who have any regards to islam are pretentious fucks? i have no respect for u, take ur lame fake ass title and shove it up ur ass and reza's too (ur prince in shining armor). it seems like u spend enough time up there to know where it is.

karma is a bitch, and u are a miserable person and u probably deserve to be in the predicament u are in.

get a life and move on!


regarding nazanin

by Anonymous413 (not verified) on

i agree with you, don't let any backward idiots on this lame website change ur opinion or let them get to you. they have nothing better to do with their lives then come on here, and talk shit.

it's refreshing to see an intelligent post!


Damn Islam is surely Evil. I

by Kurdboy (not verified) on

Damn Islam is surely Evil. I am so happy Kurds are leaving this cult by the millions.