Iranian National Anthem

Not kidding


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"pull my finger"

by ancient uncle (not verified) on

It reminds me of thre old "pull my finger" prank/joke that old uncles play on kids...
Now if this guy is not singing the National Anthem (which he is not... I think!) whats wrong with him and the kids whose voices you can hear, having some fun?!
I think it's just a "band-tombooni" sher accompanied with a lot of flatulency(!) sounds.


LA music watch out

by Daryush on

I can just see Shahram Shapareh trying to get this guy in to the "Black Cats" music Group.


Development and Up grading...

by Professor Abel Danesh (not verified) on

Ladies and Gentlemen,

With the birth of this new star accompnaied by his own self improvised wind instument music , Shajarian and his musical team has no choice now but to become a second class citizen of the world of Iranian music...

Please welcome Karim the Lion to the scene with your standing ovation before he starts his glittering performance in splindor and in shine...



What is he singing about?

by worth while (not verified) on

What is he singing about? Please someone tell me.
Thank you kindly sir/madam!


Germ: Upgrading

by Professor danesh (not verified) on

well...his voice is good and the rhythem is very orginial ... there are few quick sharp light radiating from this this long dark diamond tunnel that he is wrapped around in serveral layers...

Therefore, put him in a nice attire... keep him clean and neve know when he goes before the public for performance he may be received in an standing ovation at the end of his recital...

Of course the music must be added and upgraded with more notes for expansion so it could be transformed into a twenty minutes long repetoire ... and I expect this performance will sell huge with two strings attached:

1. Quit the opium habit
2. make the air sound to come out simultaneously from both of his arm pit

Folowing these recommendation you will see him shining in great performance before the large throng..


wasted talent

by BeeDeen (not verified) on

This aged man(not old) is another example of millions of wasted life in Iran. Iran under IRI the land of wasting talent. I notice the man has a great sense of rhythm and he sing in tune. Imagine he could have been a great rap artist.


ENJOY - Soroda Bastan

by Shahriar " (not verified) on


What's he saying/singing?

by khormaloo (not verified) on

What's he saying/singing??
I can't understand hardly anything but a word or two here and there!
Is he saying nasty things or is it his gestures that bother everyone... I thought it was very funny!


Love your people...

by xerxes (not verified) on

I am glad that this old man is having fun. I know so many young and highly educated iranians in US that suffer everyday and have a miserable life.
So those with low self-confidence look at this old man and envy his lighthearted fun.
Not every body supposed to be Cyrus the great and conquer half the world so you can keep your head up!


Fine arts!

by Ajam (not verified) on

As the poet famously said: "honar nazd-e Iranian ast-o bas!!!"


Islamic Republic NOT Iran

by Iranboy on

Yes this is exactly IRI Antheme not IRAN.


This was for Mullas!They don't deserve anything better than this!!!!


Art for art's sake.

by Joojeh (not verified) on

Pretty cool and creative!!



by A.nonymous (not verified) on

Very bad taste!


in ham az farhang

by Anonymous56 (not verified) on

in ham az farhang Irani?
this guy must be Mullahs again?
with this kind people are you thinks Iranian need better regime as mullahs/


To Davood,

by Tell it like it is (not verified) on

I give you a D for performance, and an F for hygeine. By the way, get a life.