Centrifuge, santinifooj...

... same difference

Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad talks about "santinifooj"s used for uranium enrichment. From www.bia2clip.com.



dream on! to malice

by pessimist (not verified) on

yah,yah,yah, whatever!
Apparently you people are relatives of sleeping beauty, or extremly naive!
You don't believe in what you saying, do you?
Could you also predict a date for the extintion??



by 1234 (not verified) on

Death to Khomeini (oops he is dead already)

Death to Khamenei.

Death to Ahmadinejad.

Death to SHITlam!


AMEN! to 1234

by malice (not verified) on

Mullah dinosaurs had their chance and blew it!
Their scams aren't selling anymore! They're on
their way to the boneyard, and they know it!
They have been declared dead and extinct by the
Iranian people, and will be shortly buried by the
overwhelming massive force of their own evil vileness and degeneracy!