Catherine Bell

Talk show talk on being Persian

Iranian-American TV star Catherine Bell talks about her Persian background (her mother is Iranian) on ABC late night show, Jimmy Kimmel Live (8-8-2007).


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by persian (not verified) on




of course she is persian,

by areyoustupid? (not verified) on

of course she is persian, you cant ever change your ethnicity, even if you live outside of your counrty, yes she isnt Iranian, because she has lived in America, has an American citizenship, but to say she isnt persian, sounds like your really ignorant!


Reply to Her Grandfather worked for the Shah?

by Anonymous123 (not verified) on

Good for you and your f%$#ing ancestors, and then you WOKE UP! Who gives a shyte about Qajar? Susie-somewhere-so what?! With your posting you just showed all of us what kind of people you are...


Her Grandfather worked for the Shah?

by John Carpenter (not verified) on

Dude My ancestors were the Qajars.
If her grandfather worked for the Shah, her ancestors might have been my ancestors whores. Awesome. I love having sex with Iranian prostitutes. And the Pahlavis were losers. Bald Reza was uneducated and Mohammad Reza was kicked out by Khomeini



by Hesam (not verified) on

Catherine Bell is a sweet girl but she's not Persian, she's an American. To be a Persian one has to be born in Iran and raised to adult age of 18-20 in Iran, then one should continue the practice of Persian culture and lifestyle which includes not using your body to sell movies and boost your career. I've seen many American kids claiming to be Persian then go ahead and continue living a 100% American lifestyle. These 2 just don't mix. It's nice to want to be a Persian but you gotta practice what you preach. By the way we don't all kiss American men's cheeks or spit while we eat!



by Tonya (not verified) on

You're exactly right.  Youtube had a horrible version of the clip so I went to www.truveo and you could actually listen to the whole thing!  By no means was she trying to be critical.  God knows...I come from a big family and it's like a war zone!   It's been taken out of context (surprise surprise).  I watched JAG religiously and it was a huge shock the first time she spoke in Farsi.  My husband came running from the other room.... "who was that talking perfect Farsi???).  He was hooked after that.  Although I'm thinking that he kinda liked the way she looked as well.

By the way... what is Faribors talking about?  I am so lost!


She looks like a 300$ a pop

by Anonymous-today (not verified) on

She looks like a 300$ a pop call girl. Good for Ey-ranian-Americans. They've arrived.


just checking

by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

the matter is: if the food comes out of anybody`s mouth or not can not be the subject of critisem by strangers. the consequenz can only be: not to eat again with such people on the same SOFREH! but a chaterbox is not able to think logically. Less is she/he able to act logically. these devilish acts, i mean the "show" and likewise, are just to be ignored totally. Iranian nation must be of course aware not to fall into the gap of diversity these shows are aiming on. Greeting


it´s a figure................

by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

all the show has to be misregarded. all it wants to say is: see this is the iranian way of life and it is bad bad bad. the point is: the way iranians eat should not be strangers matter. and if they make it to their matter so they have devilish objects. we must be aware. the way the prepared chipsy is dressed had been never the way iranian women dress themselves. it is onother devilish subject of this kind of show to make sure: this is the way an iranian women dresses themselves and that is a big UNTRUTH. And: is Untruth repaetted offen enogh it can be taken as the truth. In 1978/79 iranians went on the streets and shauted: down with us-imperialism and it is dead dead dead. that is the effect of repeating what ever gets repeated.Just on sunday november 4th are 6 iranian women gone to germany to talk to foreign minister and other german VIPs. the way they are dressed had been always iranian kind of womendresses. The visitores of "Iranian" who are searching for TRUTH may lokk it up in appropriate sites. Greetings



by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

does it mean she is prepared? sure she is.that is the way the strangers decompose and produse gaps for whole nations. we can only hope, that iranians in iran never forget what they have learned about these criminal methods and do not fall in the snare.please see my comment on talk show. Greetings


talk show, talk on being persian

by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

which one of the actores is persian? i do not see any persian. either the chipsy girl nore the italian man are persian. well, when strangers prefer to talk about a third party - hier parsians - it is not forebiden. I think we must ask about the reason why these talks? the aim is to diversigate the iranians, to produce anxiety. the ones who send such programms are Alarmists. poeple of the world, spezially iranians in abroad be aware! the iranian women dress herselves else, speak else and are not abused by their sons. the real purpose hier is : iranians see hier this is the kind iranian women dress, this is the kind iranian women speak and so on and all that is far away from the truth.the psychological effect is: if these kind of unthruth is repeatted ofen enogh it could be taken by good hearted people as iranians as the truth.Greeting


It's a figure of speech

by Anon (not verified) on

I can picture what she is referring to. It's not a comment to be taken literally. Who are you kidding? After all, Iranians are NOT famous for having delicate eating manners and etiquette. Have you seen Arabs sit on the floor and eat rice with their bare hands? That's how Iranians were eating until the Shah brought table and silverware to Iran. She is trying to paint a picture where her family's warm and lively interactions are in drastic contrast with her in-law’s held back formal setting. She is right on! You completely missed the point. Hopefully you get it now.


Just checking

by lovely (not verified) on

Apparently in her family, "food comes out of their mouths" while they eat. Is that an Iranian thing? I know I'm an Iranian and food never comes out of my mouth or my family's mouth while we eat. How about you?



by ladan (not verified) on

she is barely acknowledging her IRANIAN background and then makes some horrendously stereotyped, ignorant, and erroneously lined statements... gross... it would have better if she said she were italian instead. she is no iranian in my eyes (other than her beautiful physical features).


ho ho haji looking for girl friend

by hajiagha on


sucks to the rich people they are going to have all this good looking women not haji


catherine bell ,beautiful,

by shamsi (not verified) on

catherine bell ,beautiful, sweet and typical iranian woman, good luck and have a wonderful life, you deserve it