Iranian state goes offline to dodge cyber-attacks
The Telegraph / Robert Tait
09-Aug-2012 (3 comments)

Iran is to move key ministries and state bodies off the worldwide internet next month in an effort to shield them behind a secure computer wall from disruptive cyber attacks like the Stuxnet and Flame viruses.

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Dear First Amendment

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Just imagine for one minute that if it was not for your blogs/comments/news postings what would happen to IC? It will turn to a ghost site, for sure. Thanks for all your time spent for us.

First Amendment

Dear News Editor...

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بنده هم به سهم خودم از مراحم جنابعالی اگه مذّکر تشریف دارید، یا سرکار
اگه از طبقه اناث هستید، ممنونم........و چون حوصله‌ پر حرفی‌ ندارم خیلی‌
خیلی‌ خلاصه به عرضتون میرسونم: قابل قبول نیس، که هزار سال سیاه
نباشه......به اسفل السافلین......یه جورایی حرف میزنین انگاری بنده خبر
فروشم.........یا اینکه اصرار دارم این چیزا رو توی کلّه اون دوازده سیزده
نفری که میخوننشون زورچپون کنم......دل‌ خوش، سیری چند؟

News Editor

Dear First Amendment

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Thank you very much for your valuable contributions to the News Section.  Please make sure you include an excerpt from the news items you are recommending.  Putting "...." in the excerpt box is not acceptable and creates extra work to correct. Thank you again.