Iran leaders hint at missile attacks against US bases, call for end to nuclear negotiations
The Daily Caller / Reza Kahlili
28-May-2012 (3 comments)

With the May 23 negotiations in Iraq failing to persuade Iran to give up its illicit nuclear program, Iranian leaders have returned to threats of war — including the provocative statement that their missiles can reach every U.S. military base in the Middle East, and a call to halt all nuclear negotiations with the West.

On Saturday, Iranian Brig. Gen. Hossein Salami threatened that all “enemy” bases in the region are vulnerable to Iranian attack.

“Wherever you imagine these bases are, they are within the reach of Iranian missiles,” he said, according to Fars News Agency, the media outlet run by the powerful Revolutionary Guard Corps.

The news report said half of Iran’s missile capability is still unknown to the West.

Also on Saturday, the editor-in-chief of Iran’s conservative Keyhan newspaper — which generally reflects the Iranian regime’s point of view – penned an editorial calling for a full halt to negotiations on the Iranian nuclear program.


Islamic Republic threatens to strike at the west!

by Sassan1 on

When are we going to start to take the threats of these madmen seriously? Have we learned nothing of the perils of history??



bring it on ayatoola joon, bring it on:)

by mousa67 on

that's exactly what we'd like you shia terrorist boneheads to do.




by vildemose on

Very disturbing.


All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir