George W. Bush: The Arab Spring and American Ideal
20-May-2012 (2 comments)

These are extraordinary times in the history of freedom. In the Arab Spring, we have seen the broadest challenge to authoritarian rule since the collapse of Soviet communism. The idea that Arab peoples are somehow content with oppression has been discredited forever.

Yet we have also seen instability, uncertainty and the revenge of brutal rulers. The collapse of an old order can unleash resentments and power struggles that a new order is not yet prepared to handle.

Some in both parties in Washington look at the risks inherent in democratic change—particularly in the Middle East and North Africa—and find the dangers too great. America, they argue, should be content with supporting the flawed leaders they know in the name of stability.

Darius Kadivar

Good Ol' Georgie is Back ;0))

by Darius Kadivar on

We do not get to choose if a freedom revolution should begin or end in the Middle East or elsewhere. We only get to choose what side we are on.


Darius Kadivar

Hmm ... So Now Fareed Zakaria agrees with Bush ? ...

by Darius Kadivar on

What were the Saudis thinking? (cnn) by Fareed Zakaria 


I couldn't help but notice a speech this week by a man who has all but disappeared from many of our radars.

In a rare public speech, former President George W. Bush said: "America does not get to choose if a freedom revolution should begin or end in the Middle East. It only gets to choose what side it is on ... America's message should ring clear and strong: We stand for freedom."

... ... ... 

Arab democracies will be messy, complex and even nasty at times. But they will have the legitimacy that comes with public participation, which is inevitable in today's world.

And that's why in the long run, Netanyahu is wrong ... and George Bush will probably be proven right.