American pastor Terry Jones to burn Qurans again -unless Iranian Pastor Nadarkhani is released
Christian Today / Katherine Weber
27-Apr-2012 (one comment)

Pastor Terry Jones has once again threatened to burn Qurans, this time in protest of Iran's continued imprisonment of Christian pastor Youcef Nadarkhani. The Florida minister, whose previous protests attracted violent reaction, tells CP why he is once more taking such a controversial stance.

Jones and his organization are calling for supporters worldwide to burn copies of the Islamic holy book and images of the faith's founder the prophet Muhammad. The controversial pastor plans to carry out his own torching this Saturday, April 28 at 5 p.m. ET in front of his church, Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Fla.

Jones told The Christian Post Wednesday that the service will be roughly an hour long, during which he will speak on "the last 1,400 years of Islamic persecution of Christians, believers, nonbelievers, homosexuals, and women."

"We'll be dealing with the injustice that has gone on, and continues to go on, under Islam," he told CP, calling the faith a "bully."

Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, who has been imprisoned in Iran for his Christian faith since Oct. 2009, represents "all of the death and destruction caused by Islam, and the apathy and the lack of us really doing anything. Of course if our government would put pressure on Iran, we could do more, [as well as] with the help of the United Nations," the minister said.



Bravo Pastor Jones!

by Simorgh5555 on

While I strongly dissaprove of burning any books, I congratulate Pastor Jones's defiant spirit againat the Terrorist Islamic Republic and Islam itself. My only advice to Pastor Jones would be to give free copies of the Koran to his congregation and let them read for themselves the vile verses which incite hatred to others. The more peole read the Koran the better informed they will be. DEATH TO THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC. CONDEMN IT. FIGHT IT. DESTROY IT. FREE IRAN.
