Iran’s rope a dope
New York Post / Amir Taheri
20-Feb-2012 (10 comments)

The process suits Iran fine. It gives “hostile powers” something to chew on while Iran does what it wants. It also enables US and European leaders to tell their respective publics that they are “doing something” about the threat that Iran poses. And it helps Russia and China to claim that, because diplomacy is working, there is no need for tougher action. The blame-America-first chorus also uses the process to bash “neocons” who argue that the mullahs won’t stop unless someone else stops them.

But this year things are different. Tehran has declared at the outset that the nuclear issue — the only one that interests the 5+1 group (America, France, Britain, Germany, Russia and China) — shouldn’t even be on the agenda.

“The Islamic Republic has already become a member of the nuclear club,” President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared last week, as he unveiled the first nuclear-fuel rod manufactured in Iran. “Our nuclear program is not a subject for negotiations.”

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The Joooooooo-owned media

by AMIR1973 on

Is trying to make it appear as Assad and the IRI are murderous, terrorist dictatorships, but we will not fall for the tricks of the neocon-AIPAC-Mossad-MEK-CIA-MI6 criminals.


Amir1973, very funny

by IranFirst on

Interestingly, some basijis and their leftist Conspiracy therorists brothers & sisters  believe that :-)


I have also heard

by AMIR1973 on

That entire replicas of Syrian cities have been built by Hollywood studios to make it look like Assad Junior (aka Bashar, son to Hafez -- the one that killed tens of thousands of his own people in Hama in 1982) is using the Syrian military (the same one defeated by Israel in under six days) to slaughter his own people, when the reality is that Assad Junior's opponents and their neocon-Mossad-AIPAC-MEK-CIA-MI6 masters are the real aggressors here. 


They must have "cut and pasted" snow too? right

by IranFirst on

CNN must have "cut and pasted" snow too right?, the uprising in Libya heated up in Spring 2011 (no snow). Very funny though :-)


syrian Vidios

by iamfine on

I heard recently that the CNN & FOX are employing the cut and paste technique from the Libyan civil war to simulate and exaggerate on the current Syrian problem.


Thanks Vildemose, here a Syrian video

by IranFirst on


Thanks for the news. I hope the civilizwd world can help brave Syrian people vs Terrorist Assad . One just has to look at videos like this to see the depth of Syrian hatred for Assad



MP, so just attack the author, rather than counter his points?!

by IranFirst on

So that means you and your IR have no answer to what Mr. Taheri SAYs here, but can attack him personally. That shows the level of you, your PressTV,Kayhan and IRI's "arguments" 


Amir Taheri


The greatest non-journalist in existance. Supporter of Iran war. 


 UN arrives In Iran for

by vildemose on

 UN arrives In Iran for Tense Talks=More waste of time


A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.--Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.


Good News

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A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.--Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.