حزب توده ایران در ج. اسلامی از یورش اول تا یورش دوم
17-Feb-2012 (7 comments)

بقیه همه در قتل عام
1367 در شوفاژ خانه زندان اوین به دار آویخته شدند و در گورهای دسته جمعی
در خاوران خاک شدند.

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Kiomars Zarshenas,, .. Downd w IRI for killing him & others

by IranFirst on



Anahid Hojjati

Better known

by Anahid Hojjati on

i hear that zarshenas was known as rafigh q and was one tall good looking guy in charge of sazman javanan.

Mash Ghasem

The very informative historical document below actually cites

by Mash Ghasem on

Tudeh memebers (Rafaat Mohamadzadeh, Kiomars Zarshenas,...pages 30&31) who stood their ground, and did not give in to IR thugs inside the jail, and were thus executed because of their principaled, courageous stance.

It's a shame that such principal and courage could not be observed amongst Tudeh supporters in here.

maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

On a personal note .........

All I can say is a 23 yrs old medical student (boorsiyeh AArtesh) was put in Evin by fact finding of Mardoom, kaar papers, books and books of Russian Intellectuals in farsi ........

And after almost 5 yrs of enduring prison was executed.........

And he was my cousin .

F*** the regim.

yes the followers were not traitors just curious.



اون تودهی‌هایی‌ که به دار یا جوخه اعدام شاه و شیخ جان دادند...


همیشه در قلب ما و اکثریت  ملت ایران هستند و خواهند بود و اصلا هیچ ربطی‌ به این دلقکان اینترنتی که ادای تودهی بودن در میارن، یا اون توابیون لندن نشین ندارند.


Ja'liat hezb tudeh ro bavar nakonid

by Souri on

to zendan faghat beh ouna shir o shokolat midadan :)

ye moghe fekr nakonid ouna ham shekanjeh shodan ha......................

Mash Ghasem

جعلیات حزب توده را باور نکنید " کتابچه حقیقت - پرویز دوانی"

Mash Ghasem

کتابچه حقيقت از پرويز دواني
