Photos: Memories of Shah's Secret Service SAVAK at Tehran's Ebrat Museum
Peyvand News,Com / Armin Karami
12-Feb-2012 (one comment)

SAVAK was the secret police, domestic security and intelligence service established by Iran's Mohammad Reza Shah with the help of the United States' Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). SAVAK operated from 1957 to 1979, when the Pahlavi dynasty was overthrown. SAVAK has been described as Iran's "most hated and feared institution" prior to the revolution of 1979 because of its practice of torturing and executing opponents of the Pahlavi regime. At its peak, the organization had as many as 60,000 agents serving in its ranks according to one source, although Gholam Reza Afkhami, whose work on the Shah has been described as a "sympathetic biography", estimates SAVAK staffing at between 4,000 and 6,000.


There is no such thing as torture in the IR!

by Simorgh5555 on

Torture and terror was invented by Savak. The IR does not give condoms to prison wardens to rape female and male inmates following the 2009 demonstrations! Of course not: The IR Terrorists are more sophisticated. They purge their prisons and kill over 1,000 in one night and then dump them in a shallow ditch.

Soon the atrocities of the IR will be revealed and we will not be wax museum figures to depict how horrific events were. The images have been recorded on celluloid forever including the wife of one of their own murderers Said Emami:


