آقای فرهادی! به اسرائیل این دروغ بزرگ بپرداز/ امیدوارم سیمین گلشیفته نشود
Fars News
20-Jan-2012 (4 comments)

آقای فرهادی سلام!

بگذار همین ابتدا صمیمانه به شما تبریک بگویم، باور بفرمائید ما یعنی خودمان شاید از سرناچاری مثل همه انسان‌های این کره خاکی ناچار باشیم گاهی ناراست باشیم که آن هم مذموم است دقیقا مثل همین سه اثر شما که از قضا هر سه را دیده‌ام؛ الحق تلخی دروغگویی را به جان می‌چشانی و بیننده مشمئز از دروغ و دروغگویی و کمی دلخور از شما سینما را ترک می‌کند.

Anonymous Observer

Asghar Farhadi Already on IR's Shit List

by Anonymous Observer on

He shouldn't return to Iran.  He already has a target painted on his forehead.  The backward IR has no tolerance for anyone who shakes hand with women, wears a tie and doesn't attack and take white people hostage or suicide bombs them.  He should seek asylum in the U.S.  Otherwise, he will suffer the same fate as Panahi.


Esfand Aashena

AO i.com expats want him 2 talk about IRI and IRI wants Israel!

by Esfand Aashena on

It's the same thing.  It's the entitlement mentality of many Iranians.  It is his movie, talent and vision that have brought him accolades yet others want to take the credit FOR him for speaking about their causes!

Everything is sacred


You think this is bad? wait till he gets an Oscar!!!

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

He knows better than all of us the kind of Fascist Scums who are already after him, the same shiat-taliban anti culture vermins who just shut down Iran's Film industry associations venues in Tehran. When questioned by a BBC reporter about his success, he was at pains to say he is not "making any political statements" and that "he was not supporting any groups".

The way this respected, talented compatriot of ours is being /goint to be treated by the shiat-taliban regime, is just so painfully predictable.... 

I wish Farhadi best of luck in his oscar nomination. That would be  a nice "slap in the face"(borrowing their own words!!) of the Fascist, anti culture, anti Iranian VF regime.

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

Maryam Hojjat

AO, You are RIGHT about

by Maryam Hojjat on

Farhadi's return back to IRAN.