Ultra-Orthodox teens accost U.S. immigrant boy in Beit Shemesh
Haaretz / Oz Rosenberg
18-Jan-2012 (2 comments)

On Monday, just two weeks after a big demonstration sparked by an incident in which an ultra-Orthodox man spat at a local 8-year-old girl dressed "immodestly," another student at Beit Shemesh's Orot state religious school was targeted by Haredi teens on the short walk home from school.

The victim this time was a third-grader, whose parents asked to identify him only as A. He was surrounded by a group of boys who shouted and spit at him and then threw a large rock in his direction that hit him in the back.


Jewish Orthodox Hezbollahis?

by Simorgh5555 on

If there is any lesson Iranians can give to the world, it is to avoid religious extremism of all kind. Separate streets for men and women? As much as I hate to say this but this does not even happen in Occupied Iran. 



I agree with you

by eshghvamohabat on

religious extremism has devastated iranian society

but in israel, the problem isn't just religious extremists but secular extreme nationalists. israel was created largely by racist secular zionists