Africa Lies Naked to Euro-American Military Offensive
Information Clearing House / Glen Ford

The US and its Allies are Positioned to "Take" Much of the Continent

"Black Agenda Report" --  As the U.S. and its NATO allies move southward to further consolidate their grip on Africa, following the seizure of Libya and its vast oil fields, most of the continent’s leadership seems to welcome re-absorption into empire. “Africa is the most vulnerable region in America’s warpath, a continent ripe for the plucking due to the multitudinous entanglements of Africa’s political and military classes with imperialism.” AFRICOM is already in the cat-bird seat, placed there by Africans, themselves.

The United States and its allies, principally the French, are positioned to ‘take’ much of the continent with the collaboration of most of its governments.”    >>>
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