Heritage Findings Reaffirmed: U.S. Not Ready for a Massive Oil Crisis
The Heritage Network
18-Jul-2011 (one comment)

The United States lacks effective energy policy responses in the event of a major oil crisis. This was the conclusion reached at a recent simulation by Securing America’s Future Energy. Little surprise here: We arrived at the same conclusion in three energy simulation exercises conducted at The Heritage Foundation in 2007, 2008, and 2010. These exercises, in which top current and former government officials, diplomats, and experts participated, demonstrated that there are significant security and diplomatic vulnerabilities to terrorist attacks. The dangers the Heritage energy game identified included domestic and global oil producing, processing, and transportation systems.

Terrorists and other violent non-state actors, as well as protracted turmoil in principal OPEC and non-... >>>


Compunding problems for the US

by IranMilitaryForum.net on

"So far, the Obama Administration’s efforts to stop Iran’s ballistic missile and nuclear weapons programs are failing. According to the most recent reports, Iran has been significantly advancing its ballistic missile capabilities and is preparing to triple its uranium enrichment output. The U.S. government must accompany sanctions with support of Iran’s civic movement as well as a credible threat of the use of force to disrupt Iran’s nuclear weapons program, should Iran come closer to achieving this capability."

