Israel is a second-rate, first-world country / Emmett Gilles
05-Jul-2011 (3 comments)

Look, for example, at the Tel Aviv subway system, which Prime Minister Golda Meir began in the early 1970s

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human being

by Simorgh5555 on

Please low me to imtroduce my compatriot Pendare Nik- a secret philo-semite and lover of all things Jewish including Amy Winehouse. Hell, even her therapist is Jewish. She simply feels at odds with her self because she obsesses over all things Jewish but dislikes Israel(her policy towards Palestinians anyway) This dichotomy is gnawing at her brain night and day as demonstrated by her many postings on this site. As an Israeli please can you recommend her some of the nicer parts of Israel so she can fulfil her life long ambition of travelling there. She is even writing in Hebrew sometimes which shows she is itching to come out and publicly declare her love for Zion.Personally, I think a nice spell in a Kabutz woild do her good.


there is a lot wrong with israel

by humanbeing on

but just read haaretz, and see if there is a newspaper which such a diversity of free speech and hetergeneity of opinion anywhere else in the middle east.
this article is hollow and onedimensional, talking about a subway system as if it were a sign of the fabric of culture.


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